

In a world ravaged by the apocalypse, Lu Zhi is reborn, gifted with the elusive power of [Ancient Insight]. However, her second chance at life also brings forth [Space Manipulation], allowing her to harness the secrets of the cosmos. With her newfound strength, she embarks on a mission to safeguard her family and navigate the treacherous path of survival. As she meets familiar faces from her past life, hope and salvation become tangible, but so does the ever-looming darkness. credits to the original owner of the photo

redragon03 · Sci-fi
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29 Chs

Chapter 28: Lu Zinzin's Dream

"Let me," Shen Lian smiled and held her hand. "But I'll send you to your bedroom first. Let your other brother prepare the hot bath for Lu Zinzin." He led her outside with him without caring about the the black faces of the father and brothers.

As they walked to the door, Shen Lian lifted Lu Zhi off the ground and gently carried her to her room.

Lu Zhi looked at him and asked, "Do you need help?"

Shen Lian glanced at her while walking. "Do you think I'm weak?"

"Huh? No. I know you're strong, but now that we're back at the beginning, our powers are…"

Lu Zhi suddenly stopped talking as he placed her gently on the bed and moved closer, holding her cheeks.

"And I know you're strong too, but how come you look like this?" he asked, leaning his forehead against hers while looking at her eyes. "I don't know where you've put all that original power of yours, but I know that if you pour it all out, your body may not be able to handle it… So tell me, how can I let you?"

He rested his head on her shoulder and pleaded silently. "Please rest and trust me, alright?"

Lu Zhi felt a pang of bitterness. He knew.

"Alright. But you have to be careful. If I see you looking like me, I'll never talk to you again," she teased, a mix of concern and affection in her voice that made Shen Lian chuckle.

Lu Zinzin, who had been the center of everyone's concern, was now caught up in a desperate situation as he ran for his life. A horde of creatures, similar to the ones that had attacked him earlier, was pursuing him relentlessly. He wasn't alone in this perilous escape; several actors and actresses from his agency were also fleeing alongside him.

Amidst the chaos, something peculiar began to happen to Lu Zinzin's body. A sensation of unease washed over him as he realized he had lost control of his own movements. His hands emitted a radiant, dazzling light, casting an otherworldly glow around him. He appeared almost divine, a celestial being traversing the chaotic scene, evoking a mix of envy and resentment from those who witnessed his inexplicable transformation.

In the midst of his frenzied escape, the scenery around Lu Zinzin suddenly shifted. He found himself positioned behind a door, shrouded in an oppressive darkness. Hidden from view, he overheard a conversation among the very people he had encountered earlier. Their discussion centered around the decision to abandon him, a realization that sent a shiver down his spine.

Despite his urge to confront them, Lu Zinzin's body seemed to move on its own, walking away from the shadowy scene and exiting the building. Unbeknownst to him, a sinister presence—a dark shadow with numerous elongated arms—materialized precisely where he had stood just moments ago.

As he continued to flee and the light illuminated his surroundings, the horror became clear: the building he and his companions had sought refuge in was now encircled by mutant spiders, their menacing forms a haunting testament to the dire predicament they were trapped in.

Its once humble form has evolved into a monstrous amalgamation of horror and adaptability. Its body, massive and sinewy, boasts a glistening exoskeleton that shimmers with an iridescent hue, reflecting the eerie glow of a moon that now seems to cast a perpetual gloom. The spider's size is beyond comprehension, its legs extending in all directions like the arms of an otherworldly deity, granting it a nightmarish reach.

Yet, it's not just the spider's size that unnerves those who encounter it. Its eight multifaceted eyes gleam with an unsettling intelligence as if it has absorbed the knowledge of the world's downfall into its very being. It moves with a calculated grace, each step a dance of predatory precision, its massive fangs glinting in the dim light as it leap into Lu Zinzin.


Father Lu and the other brothers, who had been standing by the bathroom wall, were startled by Lu Zinzin's sudden shout, and they immediately rushed to pull him out of the bathtub, his distressed coughs filling the air. "Cough! Cough! What?! Cough!" Lu Zinzin sputtered, struggling to catch his breath. In the midst of his distress, he couldn't help but feel a pang of bitterness—these people claiming to be his family were like enemies to him.

"Stop pulling! Are you going to pull my arms off?!" He yelled in irritation, his voice hoarse. "Yes," deadpanned Lu Zian, his expression unchanged, causing Lu Zinzin to choke on his words once again.

Amidst the commotion, Lu Zhi, having heard her brother's shout from the first floor, dashed into the room, leaving Shen Lian momentarily dazed as she rushed past him to run upstairs to her brother. "Third brother!" She enveloped Lu Zinzin in a tight embrace, relieved beyond words.