

In a world ravaged by the apocalypse, Lu Zhi is reborn, gifted with the elusive power of [Ancient Insight]. However, her second chance at life also brings forth [Space Manipulation], allowing her to harness the secrets of the cosmos. With her newfound strength, she embarks on a mission to safeguard her family and navigate the treacherous path of survival. As she meets familiar faces from her past life, hope and salvation become tangible, but so does the ever-looming darkness. credits to the original owner of the photo

redragon03 · Sci-fi
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29 Chs

Chapter 13: Thank you

"Mom, dad, brothers, I'm fine now." Lu Zhi smiled earnestly, her eyes shining with gratitude and love for her family. 'Because you're all fine, that's why,' she thought, feeling overwhelmed with emotion.

Her smile dazzled everyone, especially Shen Lian. He had never seen her smile so earnestly before. In the past, she would only put on a fake smile to deceive and manipulate people during their time together, and the last time he saw her smile was in the laboratory, but it was nothing like this one. This smile was genuine, a true reflection of her feelings, and it brought him both relief and pain. He looked down at his shoes, not daring to meet her gaze, feeling a mix of happiness and sorrow in his heart.

Suddenly, a shadow enveloped him along with her milky scent, and he heard her sweet voice. "I want to thank Brother Lian for bringing me back. Thank you so much." She bowed in gratitude, and in that moment, she established a telepathic connection with him, using [COSMIC CHRONOMANCY], a powerful form of psychic communication. '{Thank you for freeing me and bringing me back to my family.}'

Shen Lian was startled by the unexpected telepathic communication, but he quickly realized the significance of it. 'So from now on, I can communicate with Zhizhi wherever I go?' He bit his lip to suppress his smile and excitement. This new development brought a frown to the brothers' faces. 'Our sister is thanking him, yet he's frowning?' They found it strange, but they couldn't deny that he played a crucial role in bringing their sister back.

"Shen Lian, I thank you too for bringing my sister back to us," Lu Ziyi spoke with genuine appreciation, and the rest of the family followed suit.

"Lian, thank you," Shen An said with heartfelt gratitude. He knew Shen Lian well and understood that he wouldn't have taken any action if it didn't concern him. Shen An had considered adopting Shen Lian when his parents passed away when he was just 10 years old. However, he chose to study abroad to distance himself from the hungry wolves eyeing his family's company. He felt a pang of sadness at the thought of Shen Lian growing up without his parents, who could have been there for him.

Father Lu also stood up and bow, showing his gratitude for the young man. Even though he seem to see a different light in his eyes while looking his daughter, he still need to thank him because despite having almost searching the whole City, they can't find anything. Only he, was able to find her.

'Hmph. I only need to protect my daughter from a wolf eyeing her!' He added in his mind.

"You don't have to thank me. We are family," Shen Lian replied with a warm smile, though in his mind, he couldn't help but think, 'After all, you will be my in-laws.' He decided not to voice that thought aloud, fearing another punch from the brothers. He didn't want to embarrass himself in front of Lu Zhi.

As everyone began to relax, Lu Zhi suddenly stood up with a serious expression on her face, a sharp contrast to her usually playful demeanor. She looked around the living room, meeting each family member's gaze with determination.

"Mom, Dad, brothers, I have something important I want to share with you all," she began, her voice steady. Shen Lian instinctively tried to stop her in worry, but a powerful voice, tingling with warmth and authority, resonated from the stairs.

"Let my granddaughter speak, Lian," Grandfather Shen said calmly, his presence commanding respect and attention.

"Grandpa, Grandma!" Lu Zhi greeted them with affection, feeling comforted by their presence. She took a deep breath and prepared to reveal the secret that had been weighing on her heart. The family gathered around, their eyes fixed on her, ready to listen and support her.

"If you're afraid of hurting her by sharing her experience, you don't have to be, as sharing it with her might actually lessen her burden... Am I right, Zhizhi?" GuNing added with a warm smile, her eyes full of understanding and empathy.

Lu Zhi returned the smile, feeling grateful for the presence of this loving couple. Despite not being her biological grandparents, they had raised her with immense love and care, treating her as their own. She had always admired their resilience and hard work on their farm, which kept them looking much younger than their age. However, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness as she thought about how they had chosen to stay in the countryside while Shen Lian studied abroad.

As Lu Zhi looked at him, her heart skipped a beat. His presence always made her feel both comforted and flustered. She mustered a reassuring smile for him, but when Shen Lian caught it, his face turned blank, and a faint blush appeared on his ears, eliciting glares from her father and brothers. The situation amused her grandparents, and they couldn't help but chuckle.