
Essence of Templates: A SI Harry Potter x MCU fic

(DROPPED)(DROPPED)(DROPPED)(DROPPED)(DROPPED) - A Man dies and finds himself in the void. He wanders through the black abyss until suddenly finding himself inside a shop. A Unique Magical Shop. In there, he meets an Old Man that gives him an Essence all the while waving the influence of the Great Writer away from abusing them. And, after his eyes open in this new World, he'll grab at his chance at a new life and abuse it. - Hey, Author here. This story will be semi-serious/comedy, as I tend to write while I am in high emotions. So, expect either neutral chaps or chaps filled with anger or sadness. I also have ADHD, meaning I'll probably be juggling this fic with others that I'll be writing. First time posting here on Webnovel, btw. You can find more of my stuff on FF.net under the name of Leffyet. Also, also, the MC is bisexual but only into Femboys. He'll bang girls & femboys only. I don't do muscly men. - Cover Art was done and edited by MegaMacho (Go check out his fics, great author) Elf Man was done by Marcela Freira Tintagel Castle background was done by Karine Villette I own nothing except my OCs and Ideas. All credit goes to their respective owners. -

Ludwig_The_Mad · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 7


1991, August 27th.

Maxi's morning came when he had to be physically awakened by Maja, as he simply wouldn't get out of bed due to how divinely comfortable the mattress was. So, in a way to get him to wake up, and start his morning routine, she dumped a bucket full of, thankfully hot water, directly at his face.

Suffice it to say, that he woke up quite grumpy and needing to take a bath. But besides that, his routine didn't change much, though during dinner he took a few hours to explore and memorize every nook and cranny in Le Fay Castle. He also, with the help of a few House Elves, including Maja, designed an entrance to the Leyline Crystal buried deep under the castle. They also spent a few hours just putting any, and all, kinds of spells to prevent anyone from discovering, or even being able to see the Leyline Crystal.

Maxi might've gone overboard, as by the end of it, the entire cavern that housed said crystal, was entirely carved out with runes, ritual lines, wards, and glowed like a disco ball. An extremely deadly disco, but still a disco ball. It was kind of hauntingly beautiful, seeing so many spells concentrated, glowing in various colors of which some could not be seen by the human eye.

After hiding the Leyline Crystal and installing a shit ton of wards and protective measures, Maxi found himself in one of the offices in the castle writing a few letters. Three letters each addressed to different people or a place.

He first started with his letter to the Hex Girls, updating them about his acceptance at Hogwarts, and notifying them about his new home. He warned them to not send any owls, or at least to be aware to write their letters with a few days to weeks delay between them. They were still in Europe, though they were doing Muggle events as a normal band, differently from their Magical Tour across Magical Europe, there were struggling through getting to various countries. Mostly because of the instability of the ''Iron Curtain'' countries, so mostly Eastern Europe.

Soon enough, the USSR would collapse, on December 26. And that would cause a lot of turmoil on the magical and muggle side. Though the Magical side will probably be the one suffering much less, as various Wizards and Witches could see the cracks forming in the so-called ''Iron Curtain''.

His second letter, though, was not to a friend or anyone that he cared about. It was to both the British and German Gringott's locations, which contained a list of dates that he saw as the best dates to announce that he was the Heir to the various Houses he's a descendant of.

He set up that so that on the 30th day of August, Gringotts would proudly announce that, Maxi Heikecrux Raubvogel, was the Heir to Ravenclaw, and Le Fay. He slightly regretted the fact that his name was becoming longer, and longer, as he added the names of his houses, but he was also happy he wouldn't have to go outside without wearing the Heir rings to his houses.

He developed a deep respect for Morgana Le Fay after he saw how she somehow poisoned a Leyline of all things to spew dark magic. He knew she was a great Witch, but actually seeing her work made him actually believe in those legends. Though he wanted to announce he was also the Heir to Pendragon, he hasn't found a way to be accepted by the ring yet in a way that didn't risk him potentially losing his memories or suffering an intense personality shift. So he would've to leave the announcement to the end of December as he had no clue how soon he might be able to even wield the ring, and if he could even pass the test set up by the ring.

Talking about tests, a thing that he still is suspicious about, is the fact he hasn't received a single test from the Le Fay ring. In fact, after a lot of hours spent analyzing the ring, he has found that it resonated deeply with his Wizardry Source, which since he has found out he was a Wizard from the School of Necromancy, made a lot of sense. Morgana Le Fay was quite renowned for being a powerful Dark Arts Witch, which could be roughly translated to a Necromancer.

Even if the two things were completely different and had a lot of different uses.

Funnily enough, besides his findings about the Le Fay ring, he has been firmly stuck on the test given to him by Rowena Ravenclaw. Thankfully, for some reason, she has been more than willing on letting him retake the test as many times as he needs. He also found it to be weirdly fun doing her tests, as she changed them every time. Though at this point he has softly given up on passing her tests, as he doubts he will have time to divide his attention to pass her test.

Thankfully, Rowena was understanding and even said she didn't expect him to pass until he was at least 16 years old. He might've become as white as a sheet, but she only laughed at his face. She has also allowed him to bear, and announce the name proudly. Though it was kind of forced, as otherwise, the Goblins would've announced it randomly, and that could end badly.

For example, if the goblins announced he was the Heir of Slytherin as the events of the Chamber of Secrets were ongoing, he might be accused of killing and petrifying people. And that would stain his reputation, something that couldn't happen, as he had plans that would depend on his public image. Granted, most of those plans involved a lot of luck and timing, but a stain like that might hinder his plan in unforeseen ways.

So he had, after a lot of thinking, decided to announce that there was a Heir of Slytherin. Though he wrote quite heavily to not announce who was the Heir of Slytherin, and only say that there were more than one in the world. This way, whenever the events of the Chamber of Secrets were done, he could happily announce who actually was the person behind the title. It would be announced on the 31st of October of this year.

And for his final, and third letter, he actually wrote for the one, and only, Harry Potter. It was just a simple letter, introducing himself, with his full name except with the Slytherin and Pendragon names. In the letter, he only softly and kindly warned about his reputation, and for him to not trust Dumbledore too much. He didn't say why but softly hinted that he ought to not follow the man blindly or to at least think through his actions. He also hinted that he would be a great Gryffindor, and he would be surprised if he wasn't one considering who his parents were. This was a slight manipulation to make sure he would get to be a Gryffindor, or at least increase his chances of being chosen for Gryffindor. He also warned him to either never speak Parseltongue, as it was considered something only Dark Wizards and Witches do, or to make it clear from the beginning of his year that he does speak it.

He happily wrote he would be glad to speak to another human in Parseltongue, as he was quite tired of talking to snakes. Not the most creative, or interesting folk, in his personal opinion. And so after ending the letter with a slight jab at snakes, he called Týr and tied the letters for him to carry to their destination. He did give him a deadpan look at the fact that he had to fly to Germany and find the Hex Girls to deliver his letter, and a random boy in England, but after praising that only Týr The God of War could deliver his letters, he happily cawed and flew away.

Maxi sighed after he saw Týr fly away, and after stretching, groaned as he felt all of his joints pop pleasantly.

''Alright. That's the letter's done with… Now, what should I do?'' Maxi hummed as he stroked his chin in thought before shrugging.

''Eh, I'll go to the Library. I'll have to remember to send the House Elves to collect all the books at my German properties… I hope Le Fay's Library has at least a few books about magical animal breeding.'' Maxi said out loud and walked happily towards the library on the castle.


1991, September 1st.


''We have arrived, Master Le Fay!'' Lögi, one of his new male House Elves said as they apparated onto King's Cross Station. Coincidentally enough, he was also the dumbest House Elf he has.

With a twitch of his left eye and a loud sigh, he could only shake his head and thank his House Elf for apparating him.

''Thank you, Lögi. Though, next time, use my first name. I don't need any more attention than what I am already bringing to myself.'' He said in a neutral tone, and the Elf only nodded happily before apparating away.

Taking a look at the station, Maxi appreciated the sight before quickly boarding the train. He might've arrived early, mostly to avoid the constant stares he is receiving from people, not that it helped as a lot still stared and even pointed at him. If it was due to his appearance, which was his Winter State, or the fact that he was apparated by a House Elf, which called him Master Le Fay, was something he wasn't sure. And he honestly didn't care.

After Gringotts had announced that there was a Heir to both Ravenclaw and Le Fay, the Wizarding World of Britain has been in a bustle of action. Many people couldn't wait to get a look at him, as his fame just skyrocket by simply being a descendant of one of the founding members of Hogwarts. Though, surprisingly enough, it didn't even reach the same height as Harry Potter's fame.

The Wizarding World of Britain basically worshipped him as much as Jesus, for a level of comparison of his fame. In comparison, he was like one of the famous angels of ''God''. Heard of, but not as popular as the Big J man. Or even worshipped as much. Or at all.

Though he also brought a lot of Infamy to himself, as they also announced he was a Le Fay. Which caused another wave to go through the Wizarding World of Britain. Opinions about him were mixed, and that was all he knew before the news of Harry Potter attending Hogwarts came about. And if he had to admit, he was a little bit excited about meeting The Boy-Who-Lived, or whatever his title was.

That was more of his inner fanboy, but that excitement is pretty bare bones. He wants the meet the lad, but besides that, he doesn't really wanna bother him.

'Though considering I sent him a letter with my entire name on it, I might just have bothered him… Eh, I'm sure it's fine. I sent it to help him a little bit, after all. Now, if he decides to find out who the hell I am, that's entirely up to him. I'll avoid him like the plague until then, can't risk Dumbledore wanting me to be a part of the Golden Trio and make it the ''Golden Quartet'', can I?' Maxi thought to himself.

After giving his ticket to the ticket man, who stared at him a little bit before actually doing his damned job, he finally moved inside the train. He quickly moved and tried to find an empty compartment for him to sit in, and taking advantage of the fact that he arrived early he walked until he was at the very end of the available compartments. And after finding one, he simply closed the door before pulling out a small book on Transfiguration from a pouch on his belt and sitting on the comfortable seat.

Soon enough, he became engrossed in his book and time passed. It took a few hours, but soon enough someone knocked on the door before opening it, he was only going to glance at whoever it was before telling them to find another compartment to sit in, but as he saw the round glasses and the famous scar he could only curse inwardly.

''Excuse me, can I sit in this compartment? All the others are kind of full…'' Harry said awkwardly as he stared into his eyes, and he had to give the young lad a little bit of respect.

Not many men, or women, can look at him in his eyes. Mostly because he had quite a developed build, and his enchanting Eladrin beauty would make people's eyes roam over his body.

''Feel free. It isn't like I own them.'' Maxi said with some humor in his voice as he waved his hand at the seats.

Harry only nodded before closing the door and sitting, though he soon spoke as he introduced himself. Not that it was needed, but the boy couldn't possibly know.

''I'm Harry James Potter, thanks for letting me share the compartment with you.'' He said and he only shook his head.

''Don't thank me, Mr. Potter. And you needn't introduce yourself, you are quite famous, y'know? After all, my letter was quite clear about how popular you are in the Wizarding World.'' He said, and his eyes widened in surprise.

''So you are the one who wrote me that letter? Why?'' He asked, and he only shrugged his shoulders in reply.

''I felt like it. And as you presumably guessed, I am indeed Maxi Heikecrux Raubvogel Ravenclaw Le Fay… Though my friends call me either Maxi or Max. Since we aren't really friends you can call me Le Fay.'' Maxi introduced himself and Harry could only shake his head at the long name and at his response.

Soon enough, the compartment became silent. One for Harry was clearly thinking about something, and the other was due to Maxi not wanting to socialize.

''So, what are you?'' Harry suddenly asked, and Maxi could only sigh at having his reading interrupted.

''A High Eladrin, Fey Lord. And before you ask, I don't mean Le Fay, but Fey. I am apparently one of the Fey Lords of the Feywilds, though from what I can gather I am the only one in the material plane. Perhaps there are others like me in the Feywilds, but I doubt that.'' Maxi said and explained, and given the curious look in the boy's eyes, he decided to entertain him as he started talking about the Feywild.


''The eternal rivalry of Blink Dogs and Displacer Beasts is something that no Zoologist, be it Elvish or not, has found the actual cause of such thing. Many young elves, and even a few older ones believe they were made by an ancient race to serve as war animals, and in their genes, coded to hate each other. Though such a thing has never been proven to be the case, there have been theories that their rivalry is more of a spiritual thing than a physical one. But, once again, no one truly knows the why, how, and what might've caused such a rivalry to bloom between the two species.'' Maxi explained to the captivated Harry, at some point, he had started using illusions to showcase various animals, and beings that you could find in the Feywild.

He currently had two illusions on the palms of his hand, one depicting a Blink Dog, while the other depicted a Displacer Beast, of which were large panther-like felines with three tentacled tails. His illusion showed them fighting each other, and demonstrating their abilities, and illusions. Harry paid much attention to the fight, especially since he didn't bother not making it unrealistic, so both the Blink Dog and Displacer Beast were bloodied and had parts bitten off of each other.

Most of these explanations were actually something he made up, or based on, D&D's bestiary descriptions and fan theories. He quite enjoyed coming up with them, as he was, what most uncultured people would describe as, an Elf Simp. Though if you asked him if he was, he would not deny it, but correct you, as he was actually a Simp for Scalies and Elves.

''I personally believe that someone just wanted to have the rivalry that cats and dogs had, but on a bigger, magical scale. Though, thankfully, no Wizard or Witch knows how to contact spirits to summon them. Many have tried, but I have found that no one actually summons spirits, but more like magical constructs that mimic such beings. It's actually what the Patronus Charm is, a magical positive feeling-powered construct that serves to protect the user against Dementors, and various other Dark Creatures.'' Maxi explained and Harry had a thoughtful look before he asked a question.

''How do you know any of this, Le Fay? This seems like really complicated stuff for people our age.'' Harry asked, and he nodded in agreement.

''That is indeed the case. That is if I was a Human. For me, it is quite easy to understand such a thing, and that is mostly because we develop differently biologically. Elves tend to be smarter than the average human, be they a Witch, Wizard, or Muggles. High Eladrins are especially smarter than an Elf. Though don't let that fool you, it doesn't mean we can't be quite stupid, or be know-it-alls. We just are more likely to be so.'' Maxi explained and Harry nodded in understanding, though inwardly Maxi was laughing at him.

'Although true that Elves are smarter than humans, it doesn't take into account that I am a Reincarnee. I doubt Elvish children are really that smarter than any other sapient race. Maybe smarter, as we tend to actually age differently than normal human children, but I am clearly out of that question.' Maxi thought amusedly before they were interrupted by the sound of knocking and their compartment door opening.

Maxi was about to tell whoever it was to fuck off, but seeing the young face of Ron Weasley, he could only sigh internally, and outwardly, raise an eyebrow at the young lad.

''Sorry for bothering ya, but could I take a seat here? Everywhere else is full!'' Ron said as he looked at the both of us, though he looked at Harry first, of which made him widen his eyes.

''Hey, you're Harry Potter, right?'' Ron says excitedly, and Harry can only awkwardly smile at his reaction.

''Uh, yeah. That's me. And you are?'' Harry asked, and before both of them continued talking, he caught both of their attention by speaking.

''You are more than welcome to take a seat. And I am guessing by your hair color, that you must be a Weasley, right?'' He said to the boys, and both turned to look at him, and by the look on Ron's face he seemed doubly surprised, that is by his clearly inhuman appearance, and by the fact he apparently knew he was a Weasley.

''Before you ask, I am not human. I am a High Eladrin, the last of my kind, or I presume to be. And I know your family due to your father, who I haven't met, but it is quite required for me.'' He explained and the boy finally took a seat during his explanation, before he asked why it would be required of him to know who his father was, and he shrugged in explanation.

''I'm planning some things that'll need me to know who's who in the Ministry of Magic. But that's grown-up talk. So, which house do you boys think you'll land on?'' Maxi said before he shifted the topic of the conversation, and soon enough they began to talk like young children.

For Ron, and Harry who were actually eleven-year-old children was quite easy. But for Maxi, who was technically 29 years old if you counted his other life, was quite a fun exercise in acting. He still came out as mature, but he could be quite childish in their talks. Especially when they began discussing which was the coolest Wizard or Witch in history.

''I'm telling you! Morgana Le Fay was a total badass! She clearly knew what she was doing with her study of the Dark Arts! Different from that pervert and womanizer Merlin! That fool is only so famous because he made a few accurate predictions!'' Maxi argued quite heatedly, and Ron replied just as heatedly.

''His predictions saved countless lives, and he advocated for Muggle rights! And he's super good at Charms! A-And he defeats Morgana in a duel of epic proportions, so he's clearly the better Wizard!'' Ron replied confidently, and he only rolled his eyes at his reply.

Harry, on the other hand, was watching the two of them discuss with an amused expression. Though their discussion was interrupted as the door to their compartment was opened, and a girl, who Maxi quickly recognized as Hermione, haughtily asked about some boy's toad.

''Has anyone seen a toad? Neville's lost one?'' She said and asked to the two boys, who were seated on the right side of the compartment, and as she turned to look at the left side, and saw him she was clearly surprised at his appearance.

''A toad, you say? I can find it for you if you want. I'll just need to cast a spell to find it.'' Maxi replied, and as he saw her about to open her mouth, he spoke before she could.

''I am a High Eladrin, not human or half-breed. I'm the last of my kind, or at least I think I am the only one. Now, about that toad?'' He said, and she only nodded before taking a seat next to him.

Not wanting his wandless magic to be found, he pulled out his wand, from his wand holster before perfectly incanting the Accio spell.

''Accio Neville's Toad!'' He spoke smoothly, and soon enough, a toad came flying from the still-open compartment door and landed softly on his lap. It looked surprised and scared, though after talking to it, it soon calmed down before he handed it to Neville, who was standing outside the compartment door as he had followed Hermione, but since she took the only seat left he had to stand up.

After profusely thanking him, Neville disappeared as he closed the compartment door with his toad in hand. The trio gave him weird looks at having seen him talking to a toad of all things, of which he looked offended by their reactions.

''What's with those looks? I'll have you know, I am a great Druid!'' He spoke haughtily, and both Harry and Ron snorted at him, while Hermione seemed curious about him proclaiming to be a druid.

Soon enough, the four of them started talking about a lot of things. And as they started talking, Maxi changed slowly into his spring state as he enjoyed the warm atmosphere and the fact that everyone was clearly having some type of fun in discussing all types of things. It didn't take long for the four of them to lose their sense of time, and as the sun set, they would soon arrive at Hogwarts.


( AN: I know Accio doesn't work on living beings. But I changed it a little to work on small living beings, so you still can't use it on people, but small critters and animals can be used. )
