
Essence of Templates: A SI Harry Potter x MCU fic

(DROPPED)(DROPPED)(DROPPED)(DROPPED)(DROPPED) - A Man dies and finds himself in the void. He wanders through the black abyss until suddenly finding himself inside a shop. A Unique Magical Shop. In there, he meets an Old Man that gives him an Essence all the while waving the influence of the Great Writer away from abusing them. And, after his eyes open in this new World, he'll grab at his chance at a new life and abuse it. - Hey, Author here. This story will be semi-serious/comedy, as I tend to write while I am in high emotions. So, expect either neutral chaps or chaps filled with anger or sadness. I also have ADHD, meaning I'll probably be juggling this fic with others that I'll be writing. First time posting here on Webnovel, btw. You can find more of my stuff on FF.net under the name of Leffyet. Also, also, the MC is bisexual but only into Femboys. He'll bang girls & femboys only. I don't do muscly men. - Cover Art was done and edited by MegaMacho (Go check out his fics, great author) Elf Man was done by Marcela Freira Tintagel Castle background was done by Karine Villette I own nothing except my OCs and Ideas. All credit goes to their respective owners. -

Ludwig_The_Mad · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 5


(AN: This is a time skip chapter explaining what Maxi has done until he turned 11.)


1987, August 21st. ( 7 Years Old)

Maxi had just made a big breakthrough in his Sorceror class. He discovered the ''Ancestry'' of his Sorcerous powers, that being a Black Dragon. And with this discovery, came a new set of memories that he dubbed ''Blood Memories'', which taught him how to speak, write, and read Draconic, amongst other things like common Dragon Etiquette, behavior, and what you should do as a dragon.

His Draconic Ancestor being a Black Dragon, of all dragons, was a great surprise for Maxi. And with it, it made it clear that their description of being the cruelest, and most vile-tempered of all dragons ring true through his mind. Ways to torture your prey, from physical torture to psychological all learned through these blood memories. All of them showed the best way to inflict pain, how to live in desolate places, hunt your own food, and various other useful information to have. If he was a dragon, that is. Though he couldn't dismiss the idea that he might be able to polymorph or transform himself into one.

Though amusingly enough he found one of the memories warning him to not piss off the little two-legged creatures, as many of them could, and many have killed dragons. Many of the dragons that shared their memories agreed and insisted heavily for him to do as those ''wise'' words said.

Talking about that, it seemed he had gained a few new ''mind friends'' in his inner world. He now had actual dragons from various colors inside his mind, though they weren't fully themselves, but vestiges formed by their memories. He did, very early on, when he discovered this lay down the rules, as even if they are vestiges, they could still act out, and potentially hurt him or even try to take over him.

Though after imitating Tiamat, the mother of all dragons, and telling all of them to behave and not bother, or try to take over him they all obediently obeyed. A few of the Green Dragons even tried to curry favor with him and taught him quite a lot about the material realm and the land of Faerun.

A few other dragons also shared some of their stories and memories with him, though none of them taught him any magic. Saying that he had to earn the right, or whatever bullshit they could come up with. And to be honest, he was fine with that. As long as he made progress in his magic, he could ignore these annoyingly passive-aggressive dragons.

Another interesting thing that he found in his mind, was when he noticed he had draconic vestiges inside of it, which consist of a variety of draconic monsters and races. Most of them were kobolds, dragonborns (not the Skyrim type), behirs, drakes, wyverns, and a lot of other draconic species that he didn't know the name of. Though different from the Dragon Vestiges, they were quite literally braindead as they had no ability to think, or even act inside his realm.

So after collecting all of them up, and locking them in a separate new bunker inside his mind, he left them in his mind's ''storage''.

Draconic proved to be a good type of language to use for him to cast spells. Though he noticed how some certain spells were actually better incanted with Elvish, instead of Draconic. Those are the spells that required more finesse, like Disguise Self, Minor Illusion, Prestidigitation, and various other kinds of spells that weren't meant to be used offensively.

Though when he used Draconic to chant any damaging spell, like Fire Bolt, Burning Hands, Chill Touch, Frostbite, or any other spell. It proved, although small, a noticeable boost to the strength of the damage that he caused.

This year, different from the others, had him celebrate his birthday with his bearded vulture, Týr, and Sattra, his Basilisk daughter alongside his house-elf Maja. It was a small celebration, but the effort put into it warmed his cold little heart, and he might've spoiled both Týr and Sattra that day a little bit too much. For Maja, he simply ordered her to organize his library, which she was ecstatic at the order as he hadn't had his library organized since he arrived in Raubvogel Manor, which was the name of his new home.


1988, April 10th. ( 8 Years Old )

Maxi has officially learned, what he would call a 3rd Level Spell.

And it happened after he learned the spell, Find Familiar. Or well, not after he learned said spell, but after he tried modifying the spell. It happened after a few months of experimenting with the spell.

From what he could gather, he could do exactly the same thing as the spell's description said. So after using Find Familiar to pet, and see a lot of cool animals that he could've never seen before, he started playing with the spell. After all, it called ''spirits'' that would take a physical form of his choosing.

So he thought, if he could call spirits, why can't he call Fey Spirits? And, well, that caused a saber-toothed tiger to appear in front of him. He almost panicked at his summon, but after he felt the same connection he did with his familiars, and the fact it was laying on the side with its belly out. Let's just say that he might've spent a few hours just petting the big cat.

He could also summon a lot of different creatures, and from what his memories told him none of the creatures he summoned went above a CR rating of 2. That is a Challenge Rating. Though to be completely honest, he feels he could break that limit… Though, how to do it he is unsure.

But after that breakthrough with Conjure Animals, he started learning a lot of new spells. Either from experimenting or just suddenly casting them. And let's just say, that it became clear that he was a Necromancer Wizard, a Draconic Sorceror, and a… Druid. He can't tell what circle he has yet, but he feels he'll learn of it soon enough.

So after a few months passed, and winter came, he finally discovered his Druidic Circle. The Arctic.

What it meant is that he was a Druid of the Circle of the Land, that land being the Arctic. And to be completely honest, he was happy, yet annoyed at his circle land's choice. Though after he got said circle he hasn't experienced any cold. So maybe it isn't that bad.

An important thing he also noticed, after checking his ''System'', that is his Essence of Templates, he realized that his theory of him becoming a High Eladrin when he turns 11, might be quite true as it currently sits at 72.49%. He doesn't doubt that when New years arrive, it will tilt to 80%.


1989, October 31st. ( 9 Years Old )

This year, Maxi spent quite a lot of time in the library. Not that he hadn't spent any of the other years anywhere else, but this time, he focused on his Witcher Magic. Or Harry Potter magic. He might've realized it was maybe a bad idea to name it Witcher Magic, but at the time, he thought it sounded good. And after three years of having it labeled like that, he just can't seem to call it anything else.

So, he spent this entire year practicing whatever spells he could with his Witcher Magic. Though this time, he focused on developing it, and not just emptying it out like he used to do. Reading through the Durmstrang 1st year books, was enlightening, yet confusing.

The first thing he noticed when he compared all of his Sources of Magic inside of him, is that three of them felt similar but different. But his Witcher Magic felt completely foreign compared to the other three sources of magic in his body.

So it didn't come as a surprise when he noticed that his Harry Potter magic was much more easier and versatile to cast than any of his spells. Though, in his opinion, the spells he could cast lacked power, and the ''versatility'' was… Strange. Many things he noticed could be ''cast'' with his HP magic to do simple things, like lift an object, push, levitate slightly, or things similar to that.

Compared to his other spells, like Levitate, and Fly, which were both a blast and extremely frustrating to learn. He couldn't get a single cup to lift more than a few inches off the ground, or even lift himself. The books themselves didn't help either in helping him figure it out, as they only seemed to teach about the spell and not any spell/magic theory.

Though thankfully, the books in his library helped him in understanding why. And from reading the ancient books, which were either in dead languages or written in code, he figured out that this type of magic, that is, Harry Potter magic, works like a muscle.

The more you work it out, the more developed it will become. And apparently, his developed ''magic muscles'' were the only thing that even allowed him to levitate the cup. Many of the books said that a children's magic wouldn't become strong enough to be used until their 10th, or 11th birthday.

During his time spent in the library, he'll admit that he might've been extremely bored out of his mind decoding, or translating the books. So he might've spent a few hours playing with Sattra, and Týr.

Sattra has been growing in size at an alarming rate, and from what he could see, she might've set a record for the world's biggest snake. That is if she was a normal snake and not a Basilisk, as she was as big as the biggest Green Anaconda ever recorded.

( AN: I have no clue how big it is, I just googled it and wrote about it, lol. I didn't check the size of the thing. Just google it, or think of her as a few meters long idk. )

Her scales have become darker in color as well. Before you could only see hints of it being a gray-blueish color, but now it is very clear it's a gray-dark blue color. She also became very playful as she grew, and quite attention-seeking. Though that was his fault as he spent most of his time either reading, training, or sleeping. Though, since he noticed her behavior, he has quickly organized his day-to-day, and made himself a schedule to follow.

After that, she became a little bit less attention-seeking and instead became an impatient young lady. As she couldn't wait for when he had free time to play with her, and he might've skipped a few of his reading and training sessions to spoil her.

Týr was also, if not as much, attention-seeking. Though he was very subtle about it, as he only made his presence known, and puffed his chest expecting praises. Of which he showered the big vulture a lot.

Maja, funnily enough, was the one he didn't have to pay that much attention or spend time with. He attributed that to her being a House-Elf and a servant. Though she seemed to be happier whenever he ordered her to do anything. Cleaning the garden, planting plants, or something along those lines made her happier for an entire week.

This year, he also remembered about the Muggle world. And after visiting Gringotts, of which he got a lot of glances, as a lot of the wizards saw his signet ring of the House Raubvogel, he invested roughly a million German Marks into all the corporations and brands he knows will become world renown and rich. He also exchange some of his Wizard Currency into Muggle Currency while he was at it.

And after changing his disguise, he visited a lot of Muggle stores and brought a lot of cool paraphernalia in those stores. And he will admit with pride that he might've wasted a lot of his cash in buying cool toys, cards, shiny things, comics, and manga. Figurines amongst other things as well.

He also spent a lot of cash buying cool pieces of art. Most of it ranged from landscape art, cat paintings, or other animals or castles. And after he found a skilled street artist, made him draw a portrait of him, and Týr on his arm. He might've paid double the price of the portrait when he saw it, as it was of magnificent quality, and the man was more than happy in accepting it even giving him one of the paintings he already did for free. It was that of a unicorn, and he almost laughed at that, as they were quite real.

After his day buying a lot of muggle things, he remembered his favorite bands. Though, sadly, many of them either didn't exist or haven't released the albums he knows them for. But that didn't stop him from buying albums, upon albums, from his favorite bands. He might've gone a step above and bought a lot of their merch as well, but could you blame a young Metal fan?

He never had any merch in his previous life. Be it from bands, artists, YouTubers, or anyone. So since he can buy it in this life, he might've gone a little bit overboard. So much so, he had to empty out an entire room in his manor to accommodate all the things he bought from the bands.

On his shopping spree, he also bought a lot of musical instruments. Though those were mostly guitars, drum sets, and pianos. As they were the only ones he had a slight idea of how to play. Drums more than guitars or pianos, as his brother used to own one so he knew what to hit to make specific noises. Funnily enough, he felt his progress in assimilating Venti raise slightly faster when he started playing with the instruments.

It sat at a whopping 79%. Different from his High Eladrin percentage, which sat at currently 85.75% percent. Talking about his Venti Template, he hasn't truly used it in these years. Mostly due to him being preoccupied with his training, and spending his time either reading books, comics, mangas, or spending time with his Basilisk daughter or Týr.

Though he isn't worried about not practicing with his Venti Template. His skills in a bow were already superhuman, mostly due to him being a High Eladrin as his hand-to-eye coordination was absurd. Venti's memories only complimented his skill in learning how to use said bow. And besides his elemental magic of wind, he wasn't that useful for things. Don't get him wrong, he doesn't doubt Venti could absolutely destroy and decimate even the strongest of wizards, but he doesn't want to be dependent on his cheat.

He'll pull out the Venti card when he's surrounded, or in an emergency.

Though a good thing about him turning into a High Eladrin, was that his appearance morphed to look only similar to Venti. Meaning that he finally passed from that line of ''feminine androgynous'' to ''neutral androgynous''. Meaning that he wouldn't be confused as a girl, and people would be unsure of his gender. Though to be honest he is praying he doesn't need to do anything to become more masculine.

He might not care about gender, but being confused as a girl, or seen as girly, is where he draws the line and shouts to the world he's a man.

Another thing to note about his ''transition'' to being a High Eladrin, was that his magic became more potent. And the seasons influenced him much more. It wasn't a big influence, but it surely affected him depending on his mood. And funnily enough, or sadly enough depending on who you ask, he discovered his ''permanent'' season was that of Winter.

He wasn't that surprised by that discovery, but it was weird for him. He could still change to the other seasons, which made him more empathetic, confrontative, or more willing to help people. But his Winter season just made him much more… him? He felt complete while he was in the season of winter, so it didn't come out as a surprise for him to be a ''Winter Eladrin''.

A major thing of note that happened in the muggle world, and he got to experience it, was the Fall of the Berlin Wall. And on the Wizarding side, the unification of the communist Wizarding Ministry of East Germany, and the Wizarding Ministry of West Germany.

Everyone on the German side of the Wizarding world got invited to a huge party to commemorate. Though when he got an owl inviting him to attend the party, he respectfully declined with a random excuse that would make sense. Like he was brewing a random potion that needed him to be near at all times. He kind of wished to go, just to experience it, but he didn't want his first appearance in the Wizarding World to be as the Heir of Raubvogel.

He wanted his first appearance to be the Heir of Le Fay or any of his other Houses. He wanted his appearance to be impactful, like an heir of a king entering his court after the king died type of impactful.


1990, March 22nd. ( 10 Years Old )

This year Maxi started learning and going to a lot of Wizarding events. Those of which the public participated, and not the ones from the noble houses. Of which, weirdly enough, he hasn't gotten any invitation to any of the parties he heard would be hosted by the various German houses. He was glad, yet annoyed he hasn't gotten any. But considering no one knows who the actual Heir of the House of Raubvogel is, and how old he is, it was understandable. After all, these events usually had friends, or people of power invited to them.

And sadly, House Raubvogel was neither of those. For now.

Though besides not getting any invites to the noble parties, he quite enjoyed the time he spent in the half-bloods, and muggle-born parties and festivals. Especially the musical festivals, he made himself quite a fool trying to play the instruments, but he had tons of fun. It might've had something to do with the fact he went as a Spring Eladrin, instead of his usual Winter state, but he honestly did not care. He had tons of fun and met a lot of weird, and fun people.

He might've also tried to woo a lot of the lasses, and ladies in those events, with no success. But he enjoyed his time in those events. Especially when he met many of the magical bands, hosting events and concerts.

Though he was shocked at one of the bands that appeared in these events, a band with the name of ''Hex Girls''.

And they were indeed the one and only Hex Girls from that Scooby Doo movie. He might've become ecstatic at this discovery and might've cheered just as loud as the girls in the crowd. But he wouldn't admit that to anyone if asked.

There weren't that many bands with female vocals that he actually liked to listen to, so having one of his favorite ''fictional'' bands turn out to be real, he couldn't really contain his excitement. Him being in his Spring state, also didn't help. Especially since they were singing ''I'm a Hex Girl''.

So after the show was over, he might've Fey Stepped to be the first in line to talk to them.

He bombarded them with a lot of questions and asked for a lot of autographs, and although they were obviously embarrassed and quite awkward they didn't mind him.

He was surprised that they were doing a tour all over Magical Europe. Apparently, they started from the USA, and the South American Wizarding Communities before starting in Europe. They apparently were from Oakhaven, Massachusetts. He also learned a lot about them, as he asked a lot of questions about the band, and themselves.

Though when he asked if they ever met a group of kids with a talking dog, they seemed surprised and asked for him to come with them after the festival was over. He of course agreed as he didn't fear them, mostly due to them being muggle-born witches, and him being confident in his spells and ability to get away if anything did happen.

So after the entire show, and festival was over they brought him over to their magical tent to talk privately.

''So, spill the beans, kid. How do you know about 'em?'' Dusk demanded impatiently, she was the one with blond hair in the band with pigtails. She was also quite pretty in real life, and slightly taller than average. Being 5'6'' feet tall.

''Calm down, Dusk. The kid seems more than willing to tell us, right?'' Luna said to her impatient friend, and he nodded in reply. Luna was the one with dark red hair, black eyes, and a dark complexion, so basically brown. She was the same height as Dusk, though half an inch taller.

Thorn, of which was the tallest of the three, being 5'8'' feet tall was standing on the entrance of the tent with an indifferent look. She was the one with long black hair, though her hair seemed to have a very, very dark crimson color as well. Though it was only perceptible in bright light, or if you had eyes different than humans.

''Yes, I'm more than willing to tell you. It's quite simple, actually.'' Maxi replied, and Dusk replied impatiently.

''Well, then what are you waiting for? Spill it!'' She said loudly, and he only rolled his eyes, which was mimicked by Luna doing the same thing. Thorn just sighed at Dusk's actions.

''I'm a Seer. I saw a few of your friend's misadventures in my visions. Though I can't tell you about them, all of them are different from each other and it ranged from your friends being children to adults. So I am unsure if they are accurate at all. I mean, in one of my visions they went to space!'' He said and ended with a little bit of humor in his voice.

Thorn, chuckled a little at his ending. All of the girls seemed surprised and slightly worried about him being a Seer, but after that whole event, they were much more accommodating. Especially after he flexed that he was the Heir of Raubvogel and promised to sponsor them for their entire trip through Magical Europe. Though he only promised monetary help, as he had no idea what they would need to set up shows, or festivals.

They tried to convince him to not do so, but he practically bitch slapped them by saying he is so filthy rich he couldn't run out of Galleons if he tried. So they reluctantly accepted. He also got them to carry the symbol of Raubvogel from then on, which was just a black vulture. Since it didn't stand out from their normal vibe and theme they accepted it.

He also extracted a promise from them for a personal show. He might also give them a few song ideas for that promise, which they were more than happy to keep.

So this year, the Hex Girls toured Magical Europe playing and singing a lot of songs. All the while a black vulture stood ominously above them. Many people didn't recognize the black vulture for what it was, that is a House Symbol, but the old wizards that went to the shows with their children recognized the symbol and were quite shocked.

Though Maxi wouldn't know about this any time soon.

After that whole chain of events and his participation in a lot of the half-blood and muggle-born events. Maxi could confidently say, that he knew what made a party, or festival a good one, and he damn well learned how to dance. He was proudest of being able to do the Kazotsky Kick from one of his favorite games, amongst other taunts from said game. He also kept contact with the Hex Girls, they were good fun and were surprisingly tolerant of his weird behavior depending on the seasons. Though he hasn't yet shown them his true appearance, every time they would met he would put a Disguise Self on himself, so they don't know he isn't exactly human.

Though to be honest, they probably expected, or at least thought he wasn't human. He didn't exactly behave as a caring individual, and he didn't make an effort to hide he wasn't human. But they still kept contact, though he hated the fact he had to wait for their owls while with Týr he delivered the letters on the same day he wrote the reply to them. Talking about Týr, the Hex Girls were absolutely spoiling his vulture, he swears every time he comes back from them he gains a few pounds.

And he always comes back happy as a puppy. Sattra was very annoyed at his behavior, but she ignored him as she got the chance of going to a lot of the half-blood and muggle-born events. It was mostly due to him learning the Enlarge/Reduce spell, which allowed him to reduce her size to be comfortable enough to carry her around with him. She also caused a lot of mischief in a few of those festivals, mostly by scaring the shit out of everyone with her presence and making him have to teleport her away or use an illusion to hide her.

Thankfully, all of those times people just thought it was someone playing a prank on them. Basilisks being basically extinct, also helped in selling the idea it was a prank done in poor taste. He was also thankful that her death gaze wasn't strong enough to kill anyone besides petrifying them. A few mice and mouses that tried to make a home in his manor found that out the hard way.
