
Essence of Templates: A SI Harry Potter x MCU fic

(DROPPED)(DROPPED)(DROPPED)(DROPPED)(DROPPED) - A Man dies and finds himself in the void. He wanders through the black abyss until suddenly finding himself inside a shop. A Unique Magical Shop. In there, he meets an Old Man that gives him an Essence all the while waving the influence of the Great Writer away from abusing them. And, after his eyes open in this new World, he'll grab at his chance at a new life and abuse it. - Hey, Author here. This story will be semi-serious/comedy, as I tend to write while I am in high emotions. So, expect either neutral chaps or chaps filled with anger or sadness. I also have ADHD, meaning I'll probably be juggling this fic with others that I'll be writing. First time posting here on Webnovel, btw. You can find more of my stuff on FF.net under the name of Leffyet. Also, also, the MC is bisexual but only into Femboys. He'll bang girls & femboys only. I don't do muscly men. - Cover Art was done and edited by MegaMacho (Go check out his fics, great author) Elf Man was done by Marcela Freira Tintagel Castle background was done by Karine Villette I own nothing except my OCs and Ideas. All credit goes to their respective owners. -

Ludwig_The_Mad · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 4



'Apparating is truly a weird feeling.' Maxi mentally remarked to himself as their surroundings wrapped and twisted before de-twisting and becoming normal.

Looking around, he was pleasantly surprised as he observed his surroundings. It was isolated, and the gigantic manor was beautiful, if quite old but he didn't care about that, that much. Though using the word gigantic might've been the wrong word, as it was only three stories high.

The entire manor had a brick wall surrounding it, preventing anyone from seeing the inside. But he didn't need to see the inside to see it was absolutely overgrown with nature, though surprisingly he spotted a lot of flowers, and plants he didn't recognize. Though he guessed it wasn't that surprising, even if he started studying herbology, he hadn't had the time to completely read the entire book.

But he couldn't discard the idea that those unrecognized plants might be magical ones. After all, it is best to be cautious than reckless and go touching the plants. Cautiousness tended to make you live longer in the wizarding world, or he so assumed.

''This place is really overgrown, huh?'' He said out loud as they walked to the front gate.

The front gate had the same vulture skull as the one in his Raubvogel ring, so he didn't doubt he was in the correct place. As they neared the house, he suddenly felt a wave of magic impact them, but after it passed, he felt a sense of welcoming and even longing coming from the magic.

'Welcoming an old friend? I doubt this mansion is sentient. Hogwarts is one of a kind in that department, I think, so it's most likely just the magic of the wards being happy to welcome their master back. Or one of their masters? Curious, so very curious.' Maxi thought as the gate opened by itself, and true to his thoughts, the entire front entrance had become a small little forest.

Though with a flex of his druidic magic, the plants slowly made way for him as he walked towards the front door. Arriving at the said door, it opened by itself, just like the gate, though he had to stop himself from going him as he saw how dusty the insides were. But, with another look at the insides, it only seemed to be dusty, as he couldn't spot anything broken, or eaten by insects.

'I'm so glad my allergies didn't carry over. I would be sneezing to death right now.' Maxi thought before he made a go-on gesture to Maja, who had accompanied him.

Throughout their walk, she was muttering how it was unacceptable for her master to live in such conditions, so when he waved his wand, she practically turned into a small tornado as she started cleaning the entire house.

''Clean the bedrooms, the kitchen, dining room, and bathrooms first, Maja! I want to sleep in a clean bed tonight!'' He shouted as he saw her small form disappear inside the mansion, and he only felt a sense of agreement from his connection to her.

Leaving her to do all the housekeeping, Maxi started exploring and trying to locate the ward stone, or whatever it was that powered the wards protecting his mansion. He could feel that the entire mansion was radiating magic, so he didn't doubt there was some source of magic here to power the wards. Though, whether it was some type of magic stone or some type of item remains to be seen.

But as he explores the mansion and its corridors, he notices the weird, and obvious markings of missing portraits, and paintings. It kind of saddened him, as he was quite interested in how someone could make an animated portrait, especially since he always considered if Wizards had hentai or porn made out of that type of magic.

'Damn, the Rule 34 and E621 artists would kill to learn how to make magically animated paintings. It would save so much effort in animating, and even hiring voice actors… That's actually a good idea. Just like the magic-made movies, I could enter the porn industry with this. It isn't like the Muggles would be able to tell it wasn't animated. I could even take on commissions… *Shivers*, maybe not. I don't want to draw some fat abomination voring something.' Maxi thinks and shivers as he walks through the corridors.

The mansion's insides were beautiful, especially the furniture. Made out of some type of black wood, with golden accents, it looked magnificent, if a little bit old. Though to be honest, that could be said about everything in the manor. Thankfully, it had electricity, even if it was from the 40s just having a connection to the power grid would help in a few of his plans.


It took a few hours of searching the entire manor, mostly because Maxi was creating a mental map of the entire place so he would know where everything was. But he eventually found the Wardstone, it was in the basement hidden behind a vault door, and it was indeed a stone, though it was set on top of a pedestal and looked like a magical sapphire orb.

Not really sure how to work the thing, he only touched it and directed his magic toward it. It glowed for a moment before he suddenly understood how it worked, the status of all the wards, inside or outside the manor, the permissions, and he could even tell if there was somebody in his manor. He quickly added Maja to the wards, as although she hasn't gone to any area that would trigger them, it would be best to prevent any accidents.

Done with what he came to do, Maxi left as he walked towards the manor's library. During his exploration of the manor, he had found quite a big library, though he had to restrain himself from pouring his attention on the books as he still hadn't found the Wardstone. But now that he has finished with the Wardstone, he could go back and start devouring the books inside the library.

Of course, he hasn't forgotten the books he bought, so he'll start with them first. Only after he has learned everything inside them, will he move onto the books inside his library.

He started his binge-reading with the laws, and etiquette books. He might not care that much about the blood status, but he was always a snob in his past life, and he quite enjoyed playing the role of a noble. Now that he is actually a noble, and maybe even royalty considering his Pendragon blood, he ought to know how to act like one. Even if he dreads having to act with stuck-up snobbish kids, and their parents but it's a small price to pay in his opinion.


Time passed like a lightning strike. He quickly devoured all the books he bought, and as he learned about what his last living descendent did could only shake his head at his stupidity.

'Why restrict yourself with such a stupid ideology? Nazism is so flawed, and that mix of Pureblood Ideals and Nazism even more. I am so glad I'm a Transhumanist… Or is it Transelvish now, since I am not human anymore?' Maxi thought in curiosity before he started exploring the library.

It was truly gigantic, and although some shelves were quite empty, many of them were filled with books. A few of them he could even detect were quite dark in nature, and a few ones were probably meant for when he was older. Who would've known that there are so many bedroom spells?

Though his search for books was quite boring. Especially since he was after potions, transfiguration, and magical beast books. He was quite interested in trying to make a new race, and if he was to restore the House-Elves to actually deserve to be called one, he had to start from somewhere, no?

So after a few hours of browsing through the books in the library, he finally found the books he was looking for. He carried about five of them, two of which were about potions, while the other three were about magical animal breeding, transfiguration, and a book of rituals.

He picked the last book out of interest, and because he remembers how many characters in fanfiction used rituals to gain a lot of abilities, or to just improve their bodies. And he knew from his memories that Basilisks were created through a ritual, or through hatching a chicken egg beneath a toad. Though, to be completely honest, he doubts he could hatch a basilisk that easily.

'Though… It wouldn't hurt if I tried, right? In the best-case scenario, I get a loyal Basilisk. Worst case, I get a new pet chicken to raise.' Maxi thought before he filed the idea to be tested later.

Starting with the books about potion brewery, and potion ingredients it didn't take long for him to be completely immersed as he became focused on the books. At some point, he had asked Maja to get him a notebook to note down his ideas, and the more he read the more he wrote down in his notebook or rewrote things. It would only be when the sun was down, and he noticed it became ''darker'' that he stopped reading the books. Looking at one of the windows in the library, he saw the moon, and he sighed before he closed the book.

''Maja!'' He said outloud, and with a *Clop!* Maja appeared in front of him.

''How can I be of help, master?'' She asked with a smile and he nodded at her.

''I trust that at this point you cleaned the entire house, correct? Lead me to the master bedroom.'' He said and she nodded happily as she lead him through the corridors.

Arriving at the master bedroom, he took a moment to appreciate the sheer size of the room and the king-sized bed in the middle of it. Laying on the bed, he groaned at the soft mattress before he remembered that he still had to visit the other shops in the magical world.

''Maja, wake me up at 6 AM. I plan to go back and visit some of the magic stores in… Huh, I never asked what the place was named did I?'' He ordered and asked in the end.

''It will be done, Master. And the place we were on is called Zaubererstraße, Master.'' Maja happily replied and he could only shake his head at the unoriginal name.

''Wizard Street, really?'' He said to no one before sighing.

Dismissing Maja with an order for her to clean out the front garden, he also told her to go to sleep at a reasonable hour.

He did make sure she wouldn't work to death, or go without sleep, so he said she could work until midnight and then go to sleep. She didn't seem to mind and even seemed to be awkward at his generosity but he was too tired, and the mattress was divine so he ignored her in favor of sleeping.

'I really should sleep more instead of using the Trance to sleep.' Maxi thought as he slept comfortably in his new manor and bed.


Maja kept true to her word and woke him up at 6 AM sharp. He did his usual morning routine before he walked towards the kitchen and asked if Maja knew how to cook, and thankfully, she did as her parents thought her before they died. So he just relaid his strict dietary requirements, which were to build up muscle, and height, and just hope that he grows up to be more masculine instead of ''androgynously feminine''.

After quite a large hearty breakfast, he spent two hours in the library finishing reading the book about potions, and the ingredients book. And as the clock striked 8 AM, he assumed the shops in Wizard Street ought to open now.

'Hmph… Now that I remember. I ought to buy new clothes, both Wizarding and Muggle Clothes. I'll visit a tailor at the end of my shopping.' Maxi thought before he took a bath, and wore a clean pair of clothes.

Casting a Disguise Self on himself, he once again looked older, and this time he changed his clothes to be like those of a traditional wizard. It was a simple black robe with golden accents, nothing fancy, but made out of good materials. Or it would be if it wasn't a simple illusion, but he didn't care that much.

''Maja!'' Maxi called out, and with a *Clop!* she appeared in front of him.

''Yes, Master?'' She asked as she looked at him.

''I'll need you to take me to Wizard Street again. I need to do some shopping.'' He simply said and she nodded before grabbing his hand.

''I'll Apparate you then, Master! Have you got everything you need, or do you need anything else?'' She asked happily, and he nodded at her.

''Just my Galleon Pouch. Though if you could let me try a little bit of magic? I haven't trained my magic that much lately.'' Maxi said and thought as he truly hasn't been using his Witcher magic.

That is his Harry Potter magic. Though he hasn't neglected it, he hasn't used it in days as he spent quite a lot of time practicing his Sorceror, Druid, and Wizard cantrips and spells. Though now that he lives in a quite isolated mansion, he doesn't doubt he could train to his heart content's.

''Are you sure you don't wish for Maja to fetch it for you, Master?'' She asked, and he shook his head before he raised his hand.

''Accio Galleon Pouch!'' He said and after a few seconds of nothing happening, a flying pouch came towards his hands and landed softly on his open hand.

Opening it, and counting the money inside of it. He was satisfied with the 500 Galleons inside. He considered putting more money inside of it, but to be completely honest he doesn't know how valuable this money actually is. That is mostly because he never paid attention when prices were mentioned in the movies… If mentioned at all.

''Alright, we can go now.'' Maxi said after checking the amount inside the pouch, and Maja only nodded before they both apparated to Wizard Street.




Appearing in an alleyway, it took a second for Maxi to reorient himself. Looking around, it appeared to be the same alleyway he apparated to the first time with Maja. Checking his Disguise, which didn't pop or disappear, he left the alleyway after dismissing Maja.

He spent a few minutes just walking around, and observing. Both the shops and the people around the busy street. Different from Diagon Alley, which seemed like quite a small street, Wizard Street was quite wide and housed many more shops than he remembers seeing in Diagon Alley in the movies.

He didn't spend too much time observing as he quickly moved toward the magical creature shop. Funnily enough, just right next to it housed a normal pet shop for normal non-magical creatures. Though considering it had the same name as the magical creature's shop he didn't think it was a coincidence.

'Bestien & Mörder's Mélange? Such a weird name, though I guess that'll be normal in the Wizarding World.' Maxi thought before he walked through the door.

The inside made honor of it being called a Mélange, as it was an unorganized mess. Though thankfully, it wasn't of animal cages, animal feed, and various other items for said animals. He didn't spare more than a second glance at the unorganized mess, as he moved towards the sounds of various animals and creatures he could hear further in the shop.

Maxi spent quite a lot of time just observing, and sometimes noting down in his notebook the various creatures he saw. Though he wasn't interested in many of them, as he was after an owl. Even if he didn't like the birds that much, it was necessary as a form of communication in the Wizarding World.

'Such an Inefficient method. Why haven't wizards and witches invented a magical phone or something along those lines?' Maxi thought as he arrived at a section apparently reserved for various birds.

Though he wished to see a phoenix or a thunderbird, he was disappointed in not finding any. Not that he expected to, but it would've been nice either way. Looking at the owls, he could immediately tell that most of them didn't seem willing to become his.

''Looking for an Owl, lad?'' A voice suddenly called out from behind him, and he almost jumped at it.

Turning around he was met with a young man, probably not older than 25. And the thing he immediately noted in his appearance was that he was French. He swallowed his inner hatred for the French before he kindly asked about the owls.

''Yes, I am. Though to be honest, I doubt any of these owls would be willing to become mine. Tell me, are owls truly the only form of communication? Why can't other birds be used to carry letters?'' Maxi said and asked, and the man nodded at him.

''Aye, lad. Owls are the only form of communication we have, though if you want another bird you'll have to sign quite a lot of paperwork. And pay quite a hefty price for it, a hundred galleons for every bird you wish to get.'' He said and explained and his eyes widened in surprise.

''So if we can use other birds, why do we use Owls?'' He asked and the man smiled at him.

''That is because the advantages of owls as messengers are bigger than other birds. Even if some are better suited for the task, Muggles have a lot of superstitions about Owls. This gives them a little bit of leeway if they are caught doing weird things, and it helps quite a lot that most Muggles see them as quite the smart birds. Of course, they aren't perfectly suited, and many people voiced out that many other species would fit the bill better, but at the end of the day, it is the Magical Ministry of Germany's responsibility to allow such things.'' The man happily explained to him, and Maxi could only nod in reply.

''I see. Though I think I'll bother with the paperwork. I dislike owls.'' Maxi said before he became thoughtful as he thought about a better avian to be his letter fetcher and deliver.

''Do you have any Ravens, Crows, or Vultures?'' He asked, and the man nodded before he made a follow-me motion.

Following the man, they went further through the avian section of the shop before they arrived in a corner. And as they did, his eyes immediately settled upon a beautiful red-feathered Bearded Vulture. The vulture's eyes also settled upon his, and as if they had a conversation with a single look, both he and the vulture knew that he was the chosen one.

''I'll take that Vulture over there!'' Maxi said with a smile, and although the man seemed slightly surprised at his reaction just shrugged as he went toward the vulture's cage.

''Now this is a red Bearded Vulture, also known as either Lammergeier or Ossifrage. They are quite large birds of prey and the only member of the genus Gypaetus. They can be found all over Europe, the Caucasus, and even some parts of Asia. You'd find them in the Alps here in Europe, though there aren't that many of them nowadays.'' The man started stating fact after fact, but he barely paid attention to what the man was saying as he opened the cage.

As the cage opened, he didn't hesitate and immediately petted the vulture. The vulture whistled happily at the petting and giving a look at the man he didn't even need to say anything as he pulled out a cage out of nowhere.


After thirty minutes of signing papers, witnessing quite an interesting bit of magic, and paying about 100 galleons to have said magic applied to his vulture, both Maxi and the newly named Týr the Vulture left the shop with happy smiles on their faces, or in the case of Týr happy whistling. He found him to be quite fascinating, as apparently, bearded vultures had a ''rich'' diet of bones of dead animals. And he was gigantic, like a whole 5'0 feet of height, so much so that the man, of which was the owner, called Bestien even remarked he was quite tall for his species.

Though he would love to spend some time with his new companion, he still had shopping to do and he couldn't do it while carrying a big ass cage. So after calling Maja, introducing her to Týr, and then giving her the books and the feed required to take care of him they apparated away to his manor.

Not having to worry about his new companion, Maxi could now shop around freely. And he didn't waste time as he went immediately towards the local Apothecary. Mostly to buy ingredients and the necessary required equipment for brewing potions.

It took quite a lot of haggling, and fine talking with the owner as he wasn't willing to let a kid buy all those things without supervision, but he eventually relented and he left the store with two new bags, both of which were filled with either potion ingredients or the equipment necessary to make them. After calling Maja and having her take the pouches away, and also telling her to set up a room to become his personal lab, he left the Apothecary and walked towards a tailoring shop he saw while walking through the streets.

The tailor shop was quite small, but after walking in, and talking to the young lass that apparently owned the place, it didn't take long for him to get his measurements, and an entire new wardrobe. Curiously enough, this tailor shop also had Muggle clothing, and he didn't spare a single galleon in buying them either.

Done with his shopping for the day, he called Maja again and then had the both of them apparate back to the mansion. The rest of his day has been spent either reading, organizing potion ingredients, or playing with Týr as he let him out of his cage. Though he had to be quite strict and lay a few ground rules.

Like not flying too far off the mansion, and not dirtying the inside of the manor. Having to sleep in his cage at night, and just a few common rules that he said for him to follow. Being able to actually talk with him with Speak with Animals, made it quite easy for the young vulture to understand the rules.

Maxi also remembered about testing the whole, Basilisk hatching from a chicken egg idea, and sent Maja to buy a toad and a chicken egg that would be hatching soon. After talking with the frog and having it stand perfectly still under the egg, he left it alone until the egg hatched as he went to sleep.


''Master! Master! Wake up, the egg is hatching!'' The excited voice of Maja called him out as he slowly woke up.

''What is it, Maja? Can't you see I was sleeping?'' He asked slightly annoyed, and she just repeated her words which served as more than sufficient fuel to wake him up completely as he quickly jumped from the bed.

Getting quickly dressed up, he b-lined towards the room where he kept the chicken egg and toad. And just as he made it into the room, he could hear the sounds of a shaking egg, while the toad tried its best to stay in place on top of the egg. It was succeeding, so he didn't spare a moment before rushing and picking up the egg carefully as he helped the toad stay in place.

''Please be a Basilisk, please be a Basilisk, please!'' He muttered repeatedly under his breath, and he was so nervous that he didn't realize he was speaking in parseltongue.

After a few anxiety-filled minutes, he finally saw the first cracks form. And he watched the hatchling break out of its shell attentively, after all, he didn't want the little snake or chicken to die because it didn't have enough strength to break out of its shell. It was nerve-wracking, but it didn't take long for it to break free, and he almost squealed in delight as he saw the little snake.

''Yesss! It worked! I can't believe it!'' Maxi giggled madly before he cast prestidigitation on the little snake to clean it.

The little snake was a beautiful one with gray-blueish scales and vibrant yellow eyes.

''Mommy?'' The little snake spoke in a curious voice, and he almost squealed at how cute the little danger noodle was being.

''Aw, I'm happy you think I am your mommy. But I'm your daddy, not mommy. You don't have one, though you don't have to worry about it I'll take care of you just like she would!'' He happily explained in parseltongue, and after petting the little snake she hissed happily.

How does he know it's a she, and not he, he isn't sure. But he has this feeling he's right.
