

A boy witnesses the murder of his family. The culprit? A paranormal being. When he tries to confront it, he believes that the ghoul possessed him. Now he has supernatural abilities that normal humans don't have. -- The protagonist of this story, Murakami Kouta, quickly realizes that everything in his life isn't in black and white. At Iwasaki High School, he has two friends, Sato Kasumi and Miyazaki Yumi, both girls in his grade. It doesn't take long for them to get entangled in the dark jungle that is Kouta's life, but when they do, it just might be too late for their feelings to reach him in the end. There is a power struggle in the city of Tokyo, Japan. Our main character becomes deeply rooted in the depths of the shady group of criminals called the Underground. He struggles with the mystery surrounding his parents' deaths, and the even bigger mystery relating to his grandfather. In the grand scheme of things, what is Kouta's true purpose as the last of his bloodline?

officialknight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs


Miyazaki Taro woke up in the back of an armored truck on his way to prison. He tried moving but he was shackled from head to toe. He started laughing obnoxiously loud. Even the drivers in the front could hear him.

"Interesting. I underestimated that kid." Taro sat up against the wall of the truck. He easily snapped out of the handcuffs behind his back along with the restraints holding his arms in place. He then ripped off the rest. He proceeded to kick open the back doors and jump out. In the midst of this motion, Taro grabbed the top of the truck with his hand and tossed it onto the side of the street. Afterwards Taro casually went about his business.


Inouye Kozan was in his training room doing standing one-armed push-ups.

A secretary walked into the room. She held a clipboard in her hands. "Commander...may I ask...what are you doing?"

Kozan paused in the middle of his push-up to look at her. "Ah, Yoshiko. Good morning. I'm doing my morning routine. For some reason I've been feeling thousands of times stronger than I was before."

Yoshiko adjusted her glasses. "Was it because of your defeat fighting Murakami Kouta?"

Kozan continued working out. "That's what I'm thinking it was. The last hit that knocked me out. I think whatever power he put into his fist acted as a catalyst for my own awakening."

"What happened to your rage? I thought you would be furious for me bringing it up."

"Not at all. I lost that fight fair and square. A man must be able to admit his own defeats."

Yoshiko adjusted her glasses again. "Commander...is that really you?!"

"Of course it's me who else would I be?!"

The secretary took a deep breath. "You had me worried there Commander. But I am here to report some urgent news."

Kozan stopped his workout and sat on the floor. "Go ahead." He gulped down some water from a flask.

"Right." Yoshiko flipped through her clipboard. "In light of the recent attack that happened in Tokyo, the national leaders have voted to make the TPD a nationwide force to counter the espers. This action will introduce all of Japan's military forces as TPD soldiers. The general to lead these forces has been chosen to be Commander Inouye Kozan of the SAT."

Kozan frowned. "Me? Why me?"

Yoshiko adjusted her glasses once again. "Well sir, you were the one who was most successful in fighting the espers, and because of your newfound abilities, it only made sense that you should be the one to lead the others."

Kozan took a deep breath. "I've gotta say, I'm up for the challenge. A man doesn't back down from a challenge."

Yoshiko smiled. "I'm glad you feel that way sir. I should also tell you that I will remain by the new Commander's side whoever he may be, and your new assistant will be here shortly."

Kozan stood up. "Who's the new assistant?"

"I do not know sir."

"When you see them, tell her that she's being demoted. You'll remain my assistant." Kozan patted her on the head and walked out of the room. "Who do those half-wits think they are, choosing my personnel? I'd give them an earful..."

Yoshiko blushed at Kozan's words. She hit her face to snap out of it and chased after Kozan.


It was a cloudy day. Kouta walked up to his hideout and slid open the door. Saki was sitting on top of a stack of crates with her laptop. "Oh! You're back! It's been forever!"

Kouta closed the door behind him. "It's only been four days."

Saki jumped down from the crates. "Doesn't matter, you're back, and that's all I need to know."

"What's the situation?" Kouta asked.

Saki continued typing things on her computer with one hand. "Well, Mandarin's doing better, he still can't walk, but he can feel his legs again, so that's that."

Kouta smiled to himself. "That's good. How did you manage it?"

Saki looked at him. "Well apparently Mandarin had a hold of some healing potions he stole from Shinya. That's what those are." Saki pointed to the stack of crates. "I used a good few for his therapy. He should be up and about within a month's time."

"What about Akane?"

"Akane is perfectly fine. She had major blood loss, so I had to run to the lab to grab a few things, but she's fine too." Saki said.

"Good. Thank you for looking after the place while I was gone. I never took you as the responsible type."

"Trust me, neither did I."

Kouta stared at the crates. "Hey Saki."


"How did those crates get in here? Last I checked you weren't that strong."

"Oh, well I ran into this guy on the street. He knocked Miyazaki Taro out in one hit so I brought him back with me. This way."

Saki led Kouta to one of the spare bedrooms. She opened the door.

Ryoto was sitting on the bed thinking to himself when Saki came into the room.

Kouta and Ryoto stared directly at each other for a long while.

Ryoto jumped out of bed. "You?!! What are you doing here?!!"

Kouta stared at him blankly. "I'm their boss. What are you doing here muscle-brain?"

"Shut up!! You owe me big time, you know that?!!"

"For what? Your medical bills?"

"No!! You left Kasumi out on the street all by herself! You could've at least made sure she had a place to stay, not to mention I come here to see your dead cousin sitting in the room over there with broken legs and you're nowhere to be found!! I should put you six feet under for all this!! What kind of boss are you?!"

"Dead cousin?" Saki said.

Ryoto took deep breaths. "Yeah, Kamimura Taku. He's a part of Kouta's branch family. All of them disappeared a while back. I remember Kouta was closest to Taku out of everyone."

Kouta smiled sadly. "I know I'm a lousy boss. I never said I was a good one. I made a lot of mistakes in a short amount of time. But thanks, Hashimoto. You're right. I owe you. What do you want?"

Saki knocked on Kouta's head. "Hello? Are you seriously being the bigger man right now? Never thought I'd see the day."

Kouta laughed sarcastically. "Saki sit."

Saki was forced to sit down because of her mark. "Hey that was dirty!"

Ryoto crossed his arms. "Let me work here."

Kouta's eyebrows went up. "Seriously?"

Ryoto scratched his head. "You need manpower don't you? I won't sit here and act like I know what you all were going through, but Shinya's still alive isn't he? And Saki said she'd teach me how to use this Zen stuff. We can put our past behind us. This isn't Iwasaki High. It's the real world."

Kouta nodded. "Deal."

The two shook on it as men.

Kouta walked to Yumi's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in." she said.

Kouta walked in. "What's going on with you? Everything alright?"

Yumi nodded. "I was just thinking about some things. Ryoto fought my dad not too long ago, I'm sure he's looking for me."

"Yumi, don't worry, I-"

"Don't say you'll protect me! I want to be able to protect myself. I've been too scared to use my own powers ever since I was a little girl. I heard Saki say she'd teach Ryoto how to use his powers, so I was thinking I'd do the same. I want to be useful."

Kouta chuckled. "Trust me, I want to be useful too to you guys. Hasegawa took me to a village of monks who were all espers. They showed me just how weak I really was. So I have to get stronger too. I can't keep relying on my Guardians every time I'm in trouble."


Kouta left the rooms. Saki was still in the hall. Kouta was about to enter Taku's room.

"Wait! Kouta, he's sleep right now, it's best not to wake him. Besides, I have something to tell you." Saki said.

"What's up?"

"The TPD merged with the military, so they plan on locking down the entire country. And Red Factor is the major opposing force."

Kouta walked back to the storage room. "We won't worry about them for the time being. For now we're going to make a profit by selling these potions."

"What if we run out?"

"Can't you reverse engineer the formula?"

Saki had a glint in her eye. "Can I?!"

Kouta nodded. "Nerd away if you can."

Saki squealed with excitement.



Kouta awakened inside of his Gate. "Kidomaru? Why'd you call me all of a sudden?"

Kidomaru sat in the air with his legs and arms crossed, a fierce expression on his face as usual. "I didn't want to interrupt your joyful reunion, but I want you to keep an eye on that new guy."

"Who, Hashimoto? What for?"

"I don't know if it is his Guardian, but I could sense one of the Yokai he holds within him. It is no doubt a Yokai King."

"What? For real?" Kouta said.

Takireiou appeared to his right. "Yes. I felt it too. I know exactly who it is as well. He is the reason that I myself am not a Yokai King despite my power. His name is Otakemaru. Express extreme caution with that one."

"Otakemaru?!!" Kidomaru exclaimed. "I had no idea...! Well that only makes this ten times worse!"

Kouta scratched his head. "I don't get it. What's so insane here? It's a Yokai King, so what?"

Kidomaru leaned forward. "I will have you know that I am the lowest rank of all the Yokai Kings. Otakemaru is top three."

"Wha...?" Kouta said dumbfoundedly.

Takireiou nodded. "He has the power to destroy the world. It would mean trouble for all of us if your new recruit were to walk down the wrong path."

Kouta crossed his arms in thought. "Don't worry you two. I plan on forming contracts with every single person that works under me. That way nothing can go wrong. I've got this under control."

"If you say so." Takireiou said.


Shinya walked into what appeared to be a shrine. He looked up at a gigantic wall with notches in it for various parts.

A man in a hood came from behind him. "Isn't it beautiful?"

"What's it for?" Shinya asked.

"Oh, if only you knew the potential. Nine hundred and sixty-nine pieces. We're still missing a large number of them. And then the forty-two shards. What you see here is the most powerful item in the universe. Little by little, each step we take is towards a larger goal than you could ever imagine."

Shinya stared at the stone artwork of an old man with his name engraved in the stone beneath his feet. "Methuselah."

- Season 1 End -