
Escapism Of The Lunatics

An extract from the forbidden fantasy that test's an adolescent's morality, sexuality and strength: Peter watched my reaction. Eyeing every contortion and breath I made. I shyly looked down at his intimidating gaze, tangling my fingers in my tousled hair. Parts of me want to explore and be fine with this. With what he does. The way he treats me. Parts of me feign for how far I'm willing with his predatory side. Submit to his will. Parts of me willing to be his prey. But there's limits to me. There's limits to all of us mortals. And although he is capable of grief, I'm uncertain he's capable of sentiment. He's limitless. There isn't a number on how much Peter can stretch out your bones. Or shovel you so deep into the ground that you feel as though you belong with the dirt. He can tug your veins until they're wrapped around the Earth a thousand times. Still, no limit. He can show me greatest horrors in the mere palm of his weirdly uncalloused hand. I've seen him manipulate, abuse and bring terror first hand. I think off all the times he placed himself on me and it was more than 'I want to hurt you.', but it wasn't 'I want to please you.' either. It was, "I want you to satisfy me in the strangest ways." I don't satisfy his romantic desires, because, clearly, he obtains none. I might've satisfied his...dare I say...sexual desires when we kissed. I let him touch me all he wants. I know I shouldn't, but he is intoxicating. A shot of liquid gold. I loose control, I've always been in control. Although he is a monster, there is still a human amongst the remnants of what's left of Peter Pan.

Sadistic_sail0r · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

12 | Punishment

Unfortunately, he was rendered unsuccessful.

We parted and his hand wrapped around my throat. His voice was soaked in vexation, "I will never leave Neverland. Neverland is my home and you will understand how much this island means to me. So don't play dumb, my little robin. Was this your plan all along? Because no one can change me. If you think you can make me leave this island, than you have no idea how ludicrous you sound. You have no power over me and not even a simple kiss could change that. I'm not a fool." he whispered then tugged slightly on my offending throat.

I whimpered, not because he's hurting me, but because the grip around my neck made me struggle it breath slightly.

"I'll scream, the lost boys will hear me." I breath out, hoping that my dry throat will be even capable of that task.

"They would never hear you from here. And if you even think about opening those pretty pink lips, you'll be punished." His threat sends chills down my spine.

I say nothing in response hoping he'll say his peace and leave. It was probably just another scare tactic, something to keep me in line. I see his eyes, appraise me from head to toe, drinking in the sight of me exposed and vulnerable. I hated it.

He licked his lips, slowly leaning forward, "All you had to do was not temper me again and you wouldn't have gotten yourself in trouble. How could you be so stupid enough to think I would let the lost boys leave Neverland. You keep breaking the rules. Even earlier I saw you, you were going to tell Tom about our arrangement." My blood freezes at the thought of a punishment. Peter couldn't hurt me, could he? He has before. I gulp at the thought.

"Leave Thomas out of this, I kept my promise. I never told him." I keep my voice strong, hoping to cover my fear. His grip gets tighter; his eyes only darken.

His hand moves from my throat to my hair. I take a gasp of air and he watches. A sadistic smiles arises as he speaks, "You were going to break your promise, now I'm gonna break you," He spat back, his hand tugged on my hair.

I start to panic, his hold on the back of my head becomes harder and harder, "You're going to do exactly what I say. You lost your chance of freedom. I own you now. I own every thought, every action, every scream, and every tear." His eyes grow intenser with each word. The grip on my hair loosen just a fraction as he leans in to my ear. His voice low as he whispers, "You are mine, my little robin."

This couldn't be happening. I couldn't let it. I scream at my brain to do something, but atlas I just sit there quaking in fear. My heart beats heavy in my chest, as I pant for every breath. Don't give up, I mentally scream. Rumple will find a way out for us soon. I hold for dear life on to the last shred of hope I own.

"Please, don't say that." I whisper but the plea just falls on deaf ears as he continues to give me that blank stare.

Instead of replying he pulls my quivering, soaked body closer, are noses practically touching. I feel his warm breath skate across my already heated, wet cheeks. There is nowhere for me to go, even if I make a run for it, where would I go? I'm stuck on this island; he's bound to catch me.

I turn my head trying not to let him get any closer than he already has. I squeeze my eyes shut, pretending to be anywhere else. A single tear fall down my cheek, but it renders unnoticeable through the torrent. I feel Peter pushing my body down; the back of my head touches the sand.

Okay, what is the first thing they tell you do in these situations. I wrack my brain for an answer, any answer, that's when I remember that shit like this isn't supposed to happen in real life. Don't panic. Funny enough the more I say that to myself the more panicked I feel.

I take a dare and open my eyes. Peter continues to hover over on top of me except for this time instead of his usual blank look, it is one of concern. Droplets of water drip down from his hair from the rain.

I try to talk but no words come out just a loud gasp for air. Each gasp I take the less oxygen I manage to get. Is this a panic attack? I haven't had one of them in a while...

Calm down, I internally scream but it does nothing to soothe me. I could feel myself go purple, while panicked tears skate down my face. I didn't know what he was going to do. He is capable of anything and that's what's scaring me the most. I didn't want to die, not like this anyway. Not by my own doing. Just breath Aurora. Breath.

"Jesus fucking Christ, A.J, fuckin' breath," Peter yells, looking almost as panicked as I feel. Just as the words are spoken, my lungs expand with air and slowly I exhale.

I try not think about Peter's control over my body, but instead the sweet feeling of breathing. The air is addicting, it sends endorphins to flow through me. I've never felt so delirious before, having the fear of death then the reward of life, all within seconds. It's enough to send my world spinning. The moment is over, when I see the reason for my panic attack right above me.

"Don't fuck'n do that again," Peter whispers over me, still looking pained. I've just realised this is the first time I've heard Peter curse. I don't have time to process Peter's look seeing as I am in the middle of his wrath. And I refuse to believe that there is a part of Peter that cares for me. That's just inconceivable. None the less, I need to get out of this position. I need a plan.

"Peter." As soon as his name leaves my mouth, his penetrating gaze lands on my lips. Watching with invested interest.

"Yes, love." I choose to ignore that particular term of endearment given the situation.

"Can you get off me, please?" I ask. Trying my best to act normal about my current predicament. Like this was a normal Friday night not being held down by a killer.

"Not until you understand the consequences of you actions." He said in a soft lusty voice, "You remember why this wedding is happening?"

I nodded quickly in panic; wanting this whole predicament to be over with.

"At first, I though it would be a great convenience to use you to defy the prophecy. But I've made the revelation that when I first saw you, I knew that I need to make you mine, forever. And I get what I want. You're mine, my little robin. Understand?"

I quickly whispered in a low and weak voice, "Understood." I was scared by the way he trapped me.

My response made a smile spread across his face. His gaze on my lips and he licked his bottom lip. Both of our breathing was uneven. I looked at how his pink tongue wetted his bottom lip. My heart beating like crazy. My anxiety levels slowly getting on the highest point. I hated being scared of him, but what could I do? I had to do what he said or he will kill me...

I stuttered,"P-P-Peter?"

He leaned closer and rubbed the tip of his nose against my own. Intimidating me.

He slowly and lightly kissed on my cheek and I squirmed. I closed my eyes not wanting to look him in the eye again as he whispered: "You.", then kissed below my jawline and again whispered in my ear, "Are." He looked at me as my eyes were still closed. His touch sends an electric shiver to my body. He took my hand and lightly kissed on my palms. I sighed and he whispered, "Mine."

And suddenly, he bit the soft base of my thumb hard that caused me to hiss loud and pull away. My throat dry and fully scared of him now. He gave me his signature smirk. But it wasn't genuine. It was taunting.

His tone was threatening, "There are rules. If you follow them, you'll live a happy and peaceful life with the lost boys. If you don't, I'll make your life a living hell. The choice is yours."

I stuttered again, "W-what rules?"

He smirked, "Patience, love. Everything will be disclosed in a matter of time."

He nuzzled his nose in my neck one last time inhaling my scent and said: "Now go to the others and behave, my robin."

He stood up and detached himself from my body, "If you tell anybody about our little chat, then I'll banish them."

In an attempt to gain the upper hand, I spoke with my head held high, "You can't banish a lost boy without reason, if you do then they all will go against you. I'm certain of it."

I could tell he found my attempt amusing, "Then I'll banish them for false accusations against me. Who would they believe, a stupid girl or their leader?"

I stayed silent; there was no upper hand for me. I could use my powers, but where would that get me? It's raining, I can barely make a ball of fire and I know for a fact he can do much more without a sweat. I have to do what he says. At least until I get Rumplestiltkin's message. I need Peter to think I have no chance against him.

He gave a dark chuckle, "I wouldn't try anything like that again, unless you want to be punished."

I stayed silent. I was better off not tempting him. He huffed and left.

They sky was now dark and the rain was starting to settle. I briefly considered going back to camp, but decided to go to Thomas at the cage. I remembered the note he left for me and I needed to check on him since he would have been soaked from the rain by now.

Peter's words haunted me as I made my way to Thomas. It was clear now that I had no choice, but to do as he says. If I want to get out of here alive and well, then I have to play by his rules. When I finally made it to the cage, I was relieved to see him unharmed by Adrik and Maison. However, he didn't seem too happy to see me.

I asked gently, "Thomas, what happened? Why were you going through Pan's stuff?"

He refused to answer me and turned his head away.

I got closer to him, "Thomas please talk to me. I don't want us to fight."

"Did Pan punish you?" He said with disgust.

I leaned my head against the bamboo bars, "Thomas... he didn't sleep with me if that's what you think. I really meant what I said. You matter more to me than Peter."

My explanation only angered him, "Why were your clothes in Pan's tent? I saw my jumper in there, but everything else was yours."

Oh no. He's gotten the wrong idea. I can't have him believe that I slept with Peter, "Thomas, I promise you that it's not what you think."

"Let me guess, there will be some legitimate reasoning as to why I found your clothes on Pan's bed." Sarcasm lacing his voice.

I ignored his sarcastic remark, "Yes, Peter wanted me to wear a dress when I met the Natives. I dressed in his tent while he was outside."

There was an ounce of relief in his face and he inched closer to me, "Promise me that's the truth."

"I promise... now tell me, what were you doing in Pan's tent?"

He faced me and whispered, "I was looking for spells that you could cast."

"Did you find anything?" I asked eagerly.

"Sort of. Do you want the good news or the bad news?"

I thought about it briefly and decided to get the bad part out the way, "Bad news."

"Unfortunately, the books were in a different language.."

"Then what possibly could be the good news?"

"Peter put tabs of paper with notes written in English on certain pages in his spell books. Some of them still didn't make sense, but some did..."

I was on edge for him to give me answers to defeat Pan, "What did you find?"

He looked both ways before telling me, "Apparently squid ink can harvested by the Giant Squids that reside here, but because only mermaids can survive in Neverland's waters, it can only be obtained by them. It has the ability to magically freeze anyone who comes into contact with it for a while. It can also be used to disintegrate things as strong as metal."

"Do you think it can work on Peter?"

"It said that it works on anyone. But you don't really intend on using it on him, do you?"

I lied, "Of course not, i was just asking to see how powerful the ink is."

He didn't seem too convinced by my lie so I changed the subject, "Did you find anything else in the spell book?"

"Yes, do you remember how you made those fire balls?"

I shrugged, "I don't really know. I was in a desperate situation and it sort of happened."

"It's called Pyrokinesis and the caster can create, control, or manipulate fire. And apparently it's easier to absorb the heat onto your palm from a fire, rather than trying to generate it yourself."

I took a moment to consider, "Okay... that makes sense. Should I try it out?" A part of me didn't want to do it, but I tried to stay brave.

"Definitely, grab those old logs from over there, they look dry enough to make a fire and look for a flint." He gestured towards a few logs from the left whilst in the cage.

After twenty minutes of Thomas nagging me about how I suck at making fires since he couldn't really help make one, I finally completed the task. The small pit was between the cage Thomas was in and I. The amber flames painting our faces a subtle and flickering yellow.

"What do I do now?" I spoke with unease.

"I don't know."

I groaned, "What do you mean? I thought you knew how to cast the bloody spell!"

"It's not my fault the crappy book wasn't in English! And it's your magic, surely you will figure out what to do. You did it once so you can do it again."

The consequences of my capabilities struck fear within my soul, "I can't-"

"Just try at least. Do you have anything in mind?"

"I don't fucking know."

He lifted his arms up in a surrender motion, "Fine. But just remember I risked my life so you could be a fucking coward about using your powers."

I stayed silent for a moment. Unsure what I could say back to that statement. However I realised he was right. I looked down at my fiddling fingers, "I'm sorry. I'm just scared."

"Why? Imagine how cool it would be if you can make fire whenever you like."

"It's not 'cool' in the slightest. It's the worst possible thing a person could be capable."

"How? You can protect yourself if you're in danger-"

"Exactly! I'll be hurting people. I don't want to be a murderer! Can't you see that? Taking a person's life is unimaginable. You might be fine with it since I know you have killed..."

He stayed silent. Looking down in shame. So I continued, "When I asked if you had killed Pirates in the past and you refused to answer. In that second, my heart broke because that was the day I found out you were a murderer."

"I was defending myself." He pleaded.

"It doesn't matter. I don't think I could live with myself if I took another person's life even if I was defending myself. It's wrong."

"What do you suppose I should have done? Let them kill me? Kill Frankie?"

I covered my mouth, "Frankie... please don't tell me he has k-killed.."

"No, I never allowed that. I may have blood on my hands, but it was worth it for his innocence." He gripped the bamboo bars of the cage. "Please try and cast the spell. I know it's wrong, but think about what you're fighting for: The people you care about."

I took deep breaths. The crackling of the fire filling the silence between us. I still don't agree with him, but if it ever came to protecting Frankie, or even any other lost boy, I'd always put their life first. Even if that meant putting blood on my hands. So I whispered, "You're right."

He looked me in the eyes, a glimmer of guilt still stirring in the turquoise lagoon of his eyes. I wasn't the only one who hated to kill, but I think he never realised what damage he had done until now. What murdering actually meant, he saw it as a game just how Peter wanted him to. His tone was low, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I get it now. This is the price you pay to protect the ones you love." I lifted my palm and faced it to the fire. The heat radiating off and warming me. The irony that this feeling of warmth might turn my blood cold. I closed my eyes and focused. Focused of absorbing the fire beneath my palm. Focused on gravitating the fire closer and closer. Focused on why I was doing it. Focused on protecting the poor souls stuck on this island. Focused on burning Peter alive.

"Aurora, look!" He gasped exasperated.

I opened my weary eye lids and realised a small ball of fire on my palm. My mouth agape and brows up to the top of my forehead. This wasn't possible. The longer I gazed at the miniature blaze on my palm, the more panicked I became.

"How do I get rid of it? It's not going away Thomas."

"Does it burn?" He asked, still sounding astounded.

"No. But I can almost feel the magic running through the tips of my fingers. Like it's lingering in my blood- if that makes any sense."

I attempted to imagine the fire to extinguish, but it didn't work. "Thomas, how do I get rid of it?"

He took out his water bottle and squirted the content out onto the fire pit from the cage he was in. The fire pit on the ground was now just a trail of smoke, I was a little confused by this move and still worried about the ball of fire in my palm. He pointed towards the pit, "Throw the fire into the pit to ignite it again."

I nodded and threw the ball of fire as if it was an ordinary ball. I gasped as the charcoaled pit ignited back to its old self.

"It worked!" Thomas cheered.

"You didn't know?"

He grinned, "Not really."

"What if it had exploded? What if it killed you?" I walked up to the cage, handling the bars. "Thomas, you can never do something like that again. You've seen what Peter can do; magic is a dangerous thing that shouldn't be messed with unless you know what you are doing."

His face was inches from mines, "I'm sorry, I just knew you wouldn't do it if I was at risk. It was already a hard enough task to just convince you to do it."

"It's alright, just don't do it again. If anything had happened to you, I don't think I could have ever forgive myself."

He held my hand, "Don't say that. I'm fine anyway. We're fine."

We gazed into each others eyes and before I could even comprehend it, Tom pecked my lips lightly. I didn't even register the kiss before he backed away in embarrassment. I stood there dumbstruck; I guess he took it the wrong way since he began to apologise.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I thought it was the right-"

I grabbed the fabric on his collar and pulled him close: kissing his lip to shut him up. I moved to the side to face him better, our faces pushed against the cage just so our mouths could fit between the bars. He went first, reaching outside it so he could lace his fingers through strands of my hair, until we were kissing forcibly and his hand was massaging through my scalp with the motions. We couldn't kiss wildly, as the bars separated us from much head turning, but we did our best and kissed as well passionately, as repetitively as we could. Thomas was always there for me, even before coming to Neverland. He had my back and I owed him this much. I'd like to think he genuinely cares about me, but I'd never keep my hopes that high.

"What about Peter?" Thomas gasped, turning my head to the side with his hand so he could plant a few wet kisses on my cheek. I nervously brushed a finger down his neck as he did so. I looked up at him through my lashes, letting him kiss my forehead too, until his fingers were no longer snagged into my hair.

"Peter and I don't feel anything towards each other. This whole thing is an act, to avoid a prophecy." I confessed. I couldn't lie to him anymore. I knew I was risking his life, but all logical reasoning left the window the second out lips met.

"You don't love him?" Thomas whispered.

"I don't love him." I whispered back. Our breaths tickling our faces. I had to prove myself Peter had no control over me.

That I am not his.

Pressing his forehead against the cage and smirking until his lips were to the side, "Why did you lie? I wouldn't have told anyone."

"Peter told me he would banish whoever knows. I couldn't risk your life. I still think it isn't safe for you to know, but I can't lie to you anymore. I can't have you hate me anymore. You can't tell anyone, Peter will kill whoever knows."

"I promise I won't. And I could never hate you." He reaches out and pulls a strand of hair behind my ear.

I whispered, swallowing my choice of words, "what's happening? What's happening between us? I don't want Pan to kill you because of me."

"Sweet pea" Thomas said stroking my hair, "I'm okay. I'll be fine. I mean..." he looked down at his arms, his bottom lip trembling. "Clearly, we won't be allowed to be around each other much after this since we can't have Pan suspect anything."

"No," I said, "we can work around it." I rest my arms on the cage, where the bamboo was thicker.

"No princess," Thomas cut me off, "we can't. We can't risk it. I might have to act like a hate you when I don't, though, I promise."

"Thomas stop," I begged, wiggling my hand out from between Tom's grasp and putting it between my hands, "we can. How much can Pan do anyway?"

He blinked slowly, "a lot."

"The two of us can beat him, Tom," I said, "we can. He's only one boy and I have magic."

"Yes, I know," he said, his voice already straining, "but he has magic too, and you know for a fact you can't defeat him... yet. And Aurora, if we're so powerful, how come I'm beat up and sitting in a cage with a patch of dreamshade behind us?"


He was surprised At my response, "Didn't Frankie explain?"

I shook my head.

He sighed, "Once a person is infected with its poison, they experience a slow and agonizing death. The bushes behind us are dreamshade. It's a nasty poison," he said, "buried in the sap of the plant. It can take you out in weeks. It's the deadliest on the island. You should take a look."

He gestured behind me. I looked behind his cage and found a thorned bush, each thorn had a dense black liquid oozing out. I took a step closer.

"Don't get any closer. I don't want you getting hurt. Now you should go before they others get suspicious."

We kissed goodbye and I headed back to the camp. Already regretting the actions I've taken today.