
Escapism Of The Lunatics

An extract from the forbidden fantasy that test's an adolescent's morality, sexuality and strength: Peter watched my reaction. Eyeing every contortion and breath I made. I shyly looked down at his intimidating gaze, tangling my fingers in my tousled hair. Parts of me want to explore and be fine with this. With what he does. The way he treats me. Parts of me feign for how far I'm willing with his predatory side. Submit to his will. Parts of me willing to be his prey. But there's limits to me. There's limits to all of us mortals. And although he is capable of grief, I'm uncertain he's capable of sentiment. He's limitless. There isn't a number on how much Peter can stretch out your bones. Or shovel you so deep into the ground that you feel as though you belong with the dirt. He can tug your veins until they're wrapped around the Earth a thousand times. Still, no limit. He can show me greatest horrors in the mere palm of his weirdly uncalloused hand. I've seen him manipulate, abuse and bring terror first hand. I think off all the times he placed himself on me and it was more than 'I want to hurt you.', but it wasn't 'I want to please you.' either. It was, "I want you to satisfy me in the strangest ways." I don't satisfy his romantic desires, because, clearly, he obtains none. I might've satisfied his...dare I say...sexual desires when we kissed. I let him touch me all he wants. I know I shouldn't, but he is intoxicating. A shot of liquid gold. I loose control, I've always been in control. Although he is a monster, there is still a human amongst the remnants of what's left of Peter Pan.

Sadistic_sail0r · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

10 | Hooked

"Do you love Peter?"

My eyes went down from the others and to Frankie, my shoulders tensed, "Wh-what?"

"When you marry someone it's because you love them."

I gulped and looked to the others. They didn't say anything and expected me to explain myself. I crouched down to Frankie, "Yes, we have feeling towards one another, so we decided to get engaged."

Deep down lying didn't feel so good, but I knew what was best if I wanted my plan to work.

Frankie tilted his head, "What's that?"

I mustered a forced smile, "We both intend on getting married very soon..." I almost whispered, "in a week."

I heard Thomas scoff and I furrowed my brows at him, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Thomas spoke with an annoyed tone, "A wedding? Really? You're a child."

Although I planned to tell him the truth; I expected him to think better of me, "A child? I'm completely old enough to make my own decisions and-"

He stormed up to me and interrupted, "No you're not. I know you have this picture perfect idea of getting married and having a happily ever after, but this is bullshit. I know you're naive, but you can't possibly be this dumb."

How dare he call me naive! I looked at him with full on rage, "I am not naive and you are not my parent to be judging my choices. Don't be an dick, I'll do whatever I want and you can't stop me."

He lifted a brow, "I'm the dick? Say's the dumb slut that married a guy he just met."

I pointed my finger, "You don't know anything." I was referring to my plan, but Thomas took it the wrong way.

"I don't know anything? Fine. I hope you're happy with him. But when he hurts you, don't expect me to pick up the pieces like I always do."

I scowled, "Fuck you." And stormed off.

I heard Thomas shout, "Well fuck you too."

So I flipped him off as I left the clearing. I needed to clear my head. I followed the path, down to the nearest stream and once I reached it, I took a deep breath. A lot had happened today.

I can't believe he called me that! Did he really think I was so dumb to marry Peter without second thought? Even if I did, he isn't in charge of me, I can make my own choices. I don't need his opinions. I can do this by myself. He was so sweet to me this morning and I can understand that it was a shock to him to found out I was getting married. But if he knew me well enough, then he would've realised I had a plan behind this. Maybe Thomas and I shouldn't be together.

After putting my hair down from a pony tail, I kneeled down and washed my face. Suddenly a trig snapped behind me. Without question, I knew who it was. So I didn't even bother to turn around as I spoke, "Peter, I'm not in the mood to talk right now."

"That's a shame." My body tensed at the unfamiliar voice and I immediately turned around.

Hook was looking directly at me and I spoke, "What are you doing here?"

"Just... strolling, its been a while since I've been on land... and I needed a drink alone." He pulled out a small flask. "Care to join?"

"I don't drink." I gazed at the mysterious bottle.

"It's rum, not poison. But some say the two are the same thing." He walked closer enough so that we were two feet apart.

"Like I said, I don't drink." I insisted, although another side was tempted to try.

He punctured the cork with the tip of his hook, then took a sip. Well, more like chug. All the while looking at me intently. Once he seemed satisfied, he passed the bottle to me, "What's stopping you?"

I sighed and quickly yanked the bottle off him to chug. The bitter burning down my throat remained unbothered to me as I was quite upset and intended on drinking away a little of my sorrows.

"It seems you have the stomach of a pirate. Are you certain it's your first time drinking?"

I stopped drinking and wiped my lips with my sleeve whilst breathing heavily, "No. I lied."

He tilted his head, "Why?"

"I don't know." I really didn't. I've drank plenty of times in the past with Thomas and our friends. But it felt strange to tell Hook something so personal, I guess.

He seemed a little disappointed, "I didn't know you were a married women."

I remembered what Peter had said to him, "Peter and I are not married... we're engaged. The wedding is in a week."

Funny enough, there was awkwardness in the air.

He spoke, "How'd you end up here?" Clearly trying to get rid of the awkward silence. He took the flask and had another sip.

I shrugged the question off because I was unsure what Peter would've wanted me to say, "It's a long story. How did you become a Captain?" I took the flask back and had another sip.

He chuckled, "Long story." I smiled back, "Why are you not in the mood to talk to Peter? And I never actually caught your full name by the way."

My body froze and I came up with a half truth, "You don't go by your name, so why should I? And I was looking for the best time to tell my friends about the wedding, but Peter couldn't keep it a secret when he promised he would."

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault."

"This all wouldn't of happened if I hadn't asked for a duel." He took the flask and emptied it. Then put it away.

"Don't blame yourself, Peter does get angry fairly easily." He lifted a brow so I added, "but it's because he cares about my wellbeing. That's all."

He didn't seem convinced by my lie and asked nervously, "Although it's bad luck to have a women on board, if Peter doesn't treat you well, maybe you could leave with my crew and I. I can't help but think you'd make an astounding pirate with your skills."

I felt slightly giddily, but composed myself, "You mean that?"

He was relieved by my reaction, "Aye. So what do you say? Travel the seas with me? My crew can get irritating at times and Rodent Rick snores louder than a wild bore, but you would get to see the world with me."

Someone actually wanted me, it couldn't be true, "What do you get out of this?"

He shrugged and walked closer, "A skilled pirate with a courageous spirit by my side."

I tilted my head and smiled. Truly smiled for the first in a while. But then I gathered my thoughts, I couldn't leave the others and start a new life, could I? I would get to travel the world- whatever world this is. My mother told me girl's were never allowed to explore the world, that I could only do anything with my husband by my side. I realised how much I dreaded marriage. I do want a few children someday, but I couldn't imagine myself relying on another person. Maybe I could escape my fate from both worlds by venturing out into a new one. Then I remembered the lost boys. Why I came here. Why I'm doing what I have to; to save innocent children from dying in a battlefield. I had a choice and I didn't know what to choose. The lost boys are happy here I guess and if their willing to fight for their home, maybe I could respect that. Could I live with a choice like that?

Hook pulled me out of my thoughts, "So, is that a yes?"

I inhaled deeply before I shook my head. I couldn't trust my voice. The silence between us was oddly deafening.

He was clearly disappointed by my answer and moved so close that I could feel his breath tingling my lips, "I hope some day we cross paths again."

I was gutted by my choice, but I had a duty to save Frankie and the others, "Me too." I almost whispered. I actually meant it.

My tongue darted out to moisten my too dry lips. Something that caused his gaze to snap to my lips. Glaring down at them with far too much heat. I held my breath and he did too, which only caused my gaze to lower at his lips. Subconsciously, we both leaned our heads forward.

He bent down, his lips against my cheek, brushing it lightly- and still that light touch sent shivers through my nerves, shivers that made my whole body tremble.

"If you want me to stop, tell me now," he whispered.

When I said nothing, he brushed his mouth against the hollow of my temple. "Or now." He traced the line of my cheekbone. "Or now." His lips were ever so close to mine.


In pent up frustration, I had reached up and pulled him down to me, and the rest of his words were lost against my mouth.

It was gentle. I felt Hook's fingers slowly slide behind my neck, his thumb lightly skimming over the skin on my neck. Goosebumps rising on my arms from his soft touch. He bent back my head across his arm and deepened the kiss, softly at first, and then with a swift gradation of intensity that made me cling to him as the only solid thing in a dizzy swaying world. His insistent mouth was parting my shaking lips, sending wild tremors along my nerves, evoking from my sensations I had never known I was capable of feeling. And before a swimming giddiness spun me round and round, I knew that I was kissing him back.

He was so gentle, so careful, but it wasn't gentleness I wanted, not now, not after all this pent up anger, so I knotted my fists in his shirt, pulling him harder against me. He groaned softly, low in his throat, and then his arms wrapped around me, gathering me against him, tangled together, still kissing.

We were kissing like crazy. Like our lives depend on it. His tongue slipped inside my mouth, gentle but demanding, and I suddenly understand why people describe kissing as melting because every square inch of my body dissolves into his. My fingers gripped his hair, pulling him closer. My veins throbbed and my heart exploded. I have never wanted anyone like this before. Ever. He pushed me backward and we were lying down, making out in the grass next to the stream.

His dry lips met my neck and I gasped. I could smell his musky scent. The most delicious smell I could ever imagine. His lips tasted bitter, but it didn't bother me. Deep down I knew I was making a mistake. But after all of this pent up frustration, I needed a release. I knew it wasn't a good enough excuse, but it was an excuse to carry on. His face had the slightest bit of stubble and it rubbed my skin but I didn't care, I didn't care at all. He felt wonderful. His hands were everywhere, and it doesn't matter that his mouth is already on top of mine, I wanted him closer, closer, & closer.

All this anger and pent up frustration I had with everyone was being eased by his touch and I craved more.

My hand caressed his chest and landed on the hem off his shirt, signalling for him to take it off. He lifted his head from my neck and gazed intensely in my eyes, "Are you certain you want this?"

UPCOMING SEX SCENE | PLEASE SKIP TO NEXT CAPITALISED POINT IF YOU GET OFFENDED EASILY | Please do not report this story because I have advised viewers descretion. As a writer, I struggle to find motivation to write when my content to constantly taken down for being blamed by my audience for reading the content that they have chosen. If you are looking for a less inappropriate story than look elsewhere instead of reporting. There will be more scenes like this one and if this story is too much to handle then please stop reading here, instead of reporting. Thank you! |

The sound of our ragged breathing only intensified the mood and his heavy voice made me swoon.

With a simple "yes", he lifted himself from my body. I lifted myself up so that we were both on our knees in front of each other; I slowly took his shirt off and then he was about to take mine off. I stopped him.

I realised I still had the bandages on my breasts. My face was flushed and I didn't know what to do. He looked slightly panic, "I'm sorry if I took it too far. You took my shirt off so I just assumed.."

I shook my head, "No it's not that." Embarrassment was evident on my face and I whispered, "I'm not-"

He immediately responded with, "You are a wild, resilient and might I say slightly dangerous soul who I didn't think could be ashamed of her body."

I sighed, "You don't understand-"

He interrupted, "I do."

Slightly annoyed, I took my shirt off to reveal my bandages. He looked at them in slight confusion and then looked into my eyes. I whispered, "No, I'm not. I'm pathetic."

I was expecting him to leave me. After all, I'm ugly. My looks never really bothered me and I was quite aware I wasn't flawless, but right now, I felt awful. I closed my eyes in shame; I half expected him to leave. What happened next surprised me.

I felt two arms around my waist and his lips against mine. He whispered against them, "You must have had your reasons and I'll respect that you'd rather keep them private." He went back too kissing me and his tongue grazed my bottom lip insinuating entrance and I gave in. He laid us down again and we discarded the rest of our clothes. I didn't even consider someone catching us and to be honest, I didn't really care.

I felt his length rubbing against me and whispered softly against my ear, "ready?"

I whispered back, "I'm ready."

He didn't give me any other preparations before he sunk into me, making me arch my back, I let out a gentle moan at the pang of in my core. It hurt like hell. Hook immediately realised and tried to sooth me with little kisses on my neck. He brought an arm under me, as he began to thrust slowly, allowing me to adjust. Pleasure was making it way through so, I wrapped my arms around Hook's neck as he kissed me deeply while he moved in me so fluently. My mind was just filled of him as he began to speed up some, my grip on his back most likely formed finger tip shaped bruises. But I didn't care one bit.

It seemed the cloudy skies and rains that were constantly thundering in my mind disappeared with his touch. It was bad to use him as a distraction in the chaos of my life. I knew it was wrong, boy did I know. But I was too lost in the moment to focus on the wrong.

"You're perfect. Absolutely perfect." He groaned.

I could only moan in response, gripping his hair in my finger tips roughly as I buried my face in his neck. I could feel some of his chest hairs tickling me. I couldn't take this amount of pleasure in my core, it was too much for me.

"Please... faster. Hook, I need... more." I whimpered out, for the first time sounding vulnerable. Hook groaned louder, wanting to hear me call him like that again, so he thruster harder, making my moans grow louder.

Hook spoke gently although he was keeping a fast pace, moving from my shoulder to look at me, "damn... so good... you like that lassie?" My eyes were almost shut as I looked at him, my breaths coming out in pants.

"I-I yes I'm-- AH!" I tried to answer, but ended up screwing my eyes shut, throwing my head back, screaming in pleasure as he hit that sweet spot deep inside of me. Hook seemed to get the hint and continued to hit that spot.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, getting a better angle on his thrusting. "Shhhh, someone might hear us." he cooed in a sexy whisper.

I bit my lip as he thrusted harder into me, our sweaty skin slapping together. I could only bite my lips harder in pleasure, not being able to form words.

Hook couldn't help but smile proudly as he leaned down to my ear, quickening his pace and hardening his thrusts if that was even possible. He noticed I was close, "Don't hold back." he whispered.

I screamed as loudly as I could, his hand covered my mouth to my relief, I tightened around him, forcing him to groan while spilling himself into me. We tried to catch our breaths as he slid out of me, laying on my right side. I wasn't far from falling asleep, my throat raw from moaning and my leg muscles ached. I knew they would be sore in the morning.


We were slowly fading out of our sudden lust haze and the heavy breaths died down. The consequences of these actions weighing down on my shoulders like two bricks. I quickly grabbed my clothes to put on shamefully. Hook noticed what I was doing and began with his own to put on.

He truthfully couldn't sound anymore happy, "I promise once we leave Neverland, travelling the seas will be extraordinary."

My shoulders tensed as I finished with my trousers. He got the wrong idea from this. I turned around and looked at him apologetically.

Hook was gutted by my look, "You're not coming with me, are you?"

I nodded in embarrassment and mostly shame.

"What about Peter?" He finished with his clothes.

I tried to be sympathetic, "I was angry at him and I let my anger control my actions. I'm sorry, this was a mistake."

It was like looking at a little puppy, "You don't feel anything towards me?"

There was undoubtedly something between us. We both felt that. We both embraced that. There was no lie about it. But I had a duty to save the others and I knew he couldn't help or save me. If I want to do the right thing, then I'll have to stay. I'll have to complete my fate. I'm not a selfish person and to runaway from all of this when I'm the only one who's willing to save the lost boys is completely egotistical.

I lied, "Anything I feel towards you, I will feel towards Peter even more. I regret betraying Peter."

He was slightly angered by my words, "I hope you two are happy together."

He was about to leave until I asked, "Will you tell him?"

He was devastated that I asked that and didn't change my mind, "If I did, he wouldn't give me the supplies my crew needs. I'm not selfish enough to use and hurt people." And with that, he left.

Leaving me alone with my own thoughts. My encounter with Hook changed things. Changed me. I never thought I'd lose my virginity at this age. Heck- I didn't think I'd lose it to a stranger. It was completely irrational. I had only known Hook for one day and I wasn't even certain of my attraction towards him until we kissed.

That kiss.

He was so gentle. Maybe too gentle for my liking, but he made me feel worth wild. I think I've changed since I've come here. I've become more resilient, I think, and maybe a little more reckless. For once I let my feelings go too far and I did something that I shouldn't have; I can't make the same mistake again.

When Hook and I parted ways, I quickly bathed in the lagoon then helped others pack supplies. Thomas was clearly angry at me and avoided me to the best of his ability. When it came to giving the supplies to the pirates, I chose not to participate. I couldn't face Hook again. Not after that incident.

I was relieved when night finally fell and we all went to bed. Thomas and Frankie were out like a like by the time I came into the treehouse. Once I closed my eyes on my bed, my thoughts about everything that happened today hit me again.

Like waking up with Thomas by my side and soothing me from my night terrors. His gentle breath tingling my lips. His patience with me.

Peter kissing my forehead and his threatening touch. His darkened eyes at my submission. His possession over me.

Hook tangling his body with mine. His acceptance of my imperfections. His gallant awareness towards me.

I had the chance to live a happy life travelling the world and I gave that away. I didn't regret that decision, but a part of me feels stupid for giving that up. I keep telling myself I did the right thing although it doesn't seem to convince myself. I can't stand all this overwhel- What was that noise?

There was a distant tune in the background which cut my thoughts short. I could tell it was Peter's pipes, but this song was different to the one he played before. I lifted myself up and put my shoes on to investigate.

Once I quietly crept out of the treehouse, I saw Peter facing away from me. He seemed to be playing in front of the fire pit.

I listened to the tune he played from the pipes. It made me resurface feelings I've managed to block out for a long time. It was a combination of pain, loss, anger and neglection. It was dismal and soaked in pain. It screeched isolation. I didn't only hear the music, it manipulated me. Manipulated my feelings. The melody casted upon the camp echoed across the trees which only heightened the melancholy atmosphere.

The fire in front of peter became larger; I had to hold in a gasp. The orange and amber flames morphed into a silhouette. A little boy. I could tell by his stature and hair. He was shaking and scared. I knew he was scared because I could feel his fear. A second silhouette was behind him. He was much larger than the little light orange boy and was made of crimson flames: It was a man. Apprehension grew through me as Peter's song intensified. The man lifted his arm up to hit the little boy. The second his arm went down, both of them combusted into ordinary flames. Tears threatened through my eyes as I could almost feel the little boy's pain. The flames began to morph into something else. I walked backwards, unsure if I should watch or leave. To my luck, I stepped on a trig and Peter turned his head.

Peter was completely infuriated, "Why are you here? How long have you been standing there?"

I was honest, "Not long, your music woke me up."

"It couldn't of. Tell me the truth." He said in a matter-of-fact tone.

My breaths were unsteady, "It is the truth, I promise. Why wouldn't I have heard it?"

His tone was clearly provoked, "Not even the lost boys can hear this tune."

"What do you mean? I thought only lost boys can hear your pipes." I didn't understand.

"The tune I play for the lost boys only scratches the surface of what real unhappiness feels like."

I looked at him still confused.

He sighed at the looked at my face and carried on, "It only takes one moment. One moment in a child's life to reach a state of mind of pure neglect to be able to hear that song because it only scratches the surface of isolation. But this piece I just played was different. This goes far beyond neglect or abandonment. This song depicts true isolation and self-loath. It's the only way you could've heard it."

I scoffed, "I don't hate myself."

He lifted a brow, "Then why are you punishing yourself?"

"I'm not." I crossed my arms.

"You took your brother's place while knowing the consequences was a life in misery." He took a few steps closer to me.

I gulped, "How on earth did you find out about my plan to get Thomas to use his ticket on Marcus?"

He looked down, almost as if he was hurt. "Thomas is one of my most loyal lost boys, how did you get him to betray me like that?"

Confused by his seemingly disappointment, "I asked first."

He grinned, "I've known Tom long enough to tell when he lies through those pretty pink lips of his."

What? 'Pretty pink lips'? What is he playing at?

He ignored my confusion and asked, "It's about time you tell me how you convinced one of my loyal lost boys to lie to me."

I told a half truth, "Marcus has a family who loved him. Any sane person would kill for that and Thomas agreed, so he helped."

"Thomas agreed to this? To let you potentially end your life for your brother?"

"He had a younger brother too. He knows what responsibility feels like."

He chuckled like it all made sense, "So you are trying to punish yourself? Because you couldn't fulfil your duty to take care of Marcus."

"I don't want to punish myself, but it was my fault he was here so the least I could do was bring him back home." I sighed in frustration, "I don't even understand why I didn't go with him that night, I was there listening to the music just like him." I thought I could have stopped all the boys that night, if I wasn't so scared. I blame my cowardice self for not helping.

He explained, "Hearing the pipes and travelling between realms are two completely different spells. The only way you could've went with him was if you were dancing around the fire that very night he left, which I can assume you didn't."

Things went silent for a moment as I processed what he said. It made sense. I was too weary to join in with the other boys the night Marcus left. It only worked once I joined them.

He interrupted my train of thought, "My little robin, I know you want to be punished."

"Why would I want to be punished?" It unintentionally came out like a whisper.

"Because robin, you are a coward. A willing victim if you will. When Marcus arrived he had dreams of you. You were crying and begging for forgiveness. Saying things such as 'Forgive me Marcus, I'll come back for you. I promise one day I'll find you and take you home.' He actually believed you would come back for him, but after a few months; he lost hope in you. This happens to all the meaties, but he was affected the most by it. He would stay up most nights because he didn't want to dream of you sad. He suffered because of you. Because he believed in you and cared about you. For that, you are to blame. You loved him too much. You gave him false hope because you relied on him too much."

"Stop it." I was on the verge of tears.

"Admit it."

"No. You don't know anything." I practically seethe through my teeth.

"But i do. I was once like you. So alone and unhappy. Gripping on to the ones who you cared about although they didn't need you. I detached myself from that. From the fear of unhappiness. I was a pathetic little coward like you until I let it go. I don't have any weaknesses like guilt or pity to hold me back. You can do it too."

"I won't become a monster like you."

"No one will hurt you anymore and you won't feel the need to punish yourself. You'll be free."

"I c-can't. The guilt is what makes me human and I won't become a monster like you and I most definitely don't want to be punished."

"Ill tell you the truth, I think you want me to punish you. You deny every rule I gave you for what reason? None. And you know what? I want to punish you too... for every rule you broke."

"Please stop." I croaked.

"Admit that you want to be punished and then I will stop."

"I can't." I ran from the camp, ran from the monster.

I didn't want to be punished that was for sure, but I was most definitely a coward. I ran down the forest unsure where I was going, not stopping till I heard a voice call out "Little Robin". Turning around I see Peter running after me, god why couldn't he take the fucking hint.

I couldn't deal with any more of his bullshit. "Please just leave me alone!" I shout at him.

He doesn't stop though, he takes a step forward. "That's never going to happen, my little robin," he grumbles.

I look up at him in surprise, "Is this what you want, fine I am a coward, I deserve to be punished for not stopping the lost boys from being taken from you that night you took Marcus. Please leave me alone now, you got what you wanted." my voice hiccuped as I sobbed. I couldn't help think of the the lost boys who had lost their lives here. And the boys I wanted to help that night Marcus left with them.

His penetrating gaze no longer on me but to the ground, he almost looked a bit embarrassed. He said nothing just looked stared at my worn out boots, lost in thought.

After several beats, he says,"I shouldn't have said that."

I look up at him in shock. Not once had he ever graced me with an apology, well this close to one anyway.

"I-I-I-I wanted to. I-I r-really did," I sob, referring to helping them. I was crying hard about the memories of that night; my screams rang in my ears at the empty sight of the woods.

The thought makes me cry even harder. Then before I knew it, his strong arms wrapped around me, hugging me to him. His hand started to stroke my hair as he squeezed me tight. Offering something I hadn't had in the longest time, comfort. I didn't dare move, my face stayed planted on his chest, the tears soaking on his dark green shirt. He didn't say anything, he just stood there, letting me fall apart. I felt so weak, I couldn't stop myself from letting my thoughts affect me. My emotions were always going to rule me. We stood there not saying a word for what felt like hours. As my breath labored out, and my eyes finally dried, he let go of me.

"Why did you do that?" I couldn't help myself from wondering out loud.

He looked almost sheepish as he shifted uncomfortably from me. There was a look of regret on his face, either from helping me or hurting me, I wasn't sure for which. He still didn't answer me, he just stared.

"Why? You've never felt bad before?" I questioned again.

Still nothing from him. I refused to look away from his gaze, demanding an answer from him. That's when I realized we were still so close together. Our bodies pressed up together. I tried to take a step back when his big hands came out to both sides of my face. Peter pulled me close to him, then without warning smashed our lips together. Fire coursed through my veins, as his hand drifted from my cheeks to grabbing handfuls of my hair. His tongue prodded my lips demanding access. Without thinking I opened, our tongues battled together. There was so much hate in this kiss, I could feel the anger with each thrust. I was kissing him hard, kissing away all the hurtful things he had ever said and done. Kissing away the memories that plagued my dreams. I was kissing all my woes away. He gave it back as good as I gave. Pushing himself harder against me.

He walked us back, almost slamming my back into a tree. We didn't stop though we still kissed furiously. Both of us moaning. A dangerous combination of pain and pleasure. His crotch pressed against mine, grinding into me. I couldn't help but moan into his mouth. I could feel his smile on top of my swollen lips. His hips moved rhythmically as I felt him harden. He lifted one of my legs to his hips. Making me feel even more of him.

Then he took my bottom lip between his teeth and bit softly. Pain crashed around me, but instead putting a stop to this madness it only made me want him more. He was nothing like Hook. Not gentle in the slightest bit and a horrible part of me liked it. I moaned even louder, not caring if anyone heard me. Thrusting into him with reverence. He pulled back from me, causing distance I didn't want but probably needed.

"You shouldn't have let me do that," he finally said.

Wiping his thumb slowly across my lips. "Why is that?" I breathed still in a haze of lust.

"Because now that I know what you taste like, know what you sound like. I want more. I'm going to take it until there nothing left for you to give. I'm going to ruin you, my little robin." he says leaving me breathless.

Then with one final smoldering look, he walks off for the second time today.