
Escape To Extra

A loving younger sister embarks on a perilous journey to find the truth behind her brothers disappearence and the suspect who unleashes chaos and terror on the united intergalactic federation. a battle through the cosmos between a revengeful protagonist and the strongest foe to the galactic federation. Black Market Enforcers Cell biofuel Gene Enhancers genetic materials F to S Grade Cyber Enhancers/Cybernetics Civilian grade low/high/top Industrial grade low/high/top Military grade low/high/top Absorb to upgrade

InfiniteReviveCopy · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

[3] The Academy

I have arrived at the academy island using teleportation, its not a pleasant experience, i seems to have developed some resistance to the dizzyness due to familiarity. According to what i learned once an E grade gene enhancer is applied this uncomfortable feeling would wash away.

I am awaiting cyra to get good scores to enter the academy so we can move to academy dormitory.

i was walking through the Academy Entrance, were i was greeted by the sight of a large campus with hightech buildings, green lawns, and futuristic facilities. i saw students of various races, species, and backgrounds walking, talking, laughing, and studying. Some of them had wings, horns, tails, or scales. Some of them had cybernetic implants, prosthetic limbs, or robotic pets. Some of them had glowing eyes, tattoos, etc. They all had one thing in common; they had special abilities.

The Celeron Academy was the most prestigious and advanced institution in the planet for people with special abilities. It offered courses in various fields related to genetics, cybernetics, and special abilities. It also provided training and guidance for students to develop and use their abilities in a safe and ethical manner.

i am one of the top students in the Academy. i was enrolled in the Genetic Engineering and Technologies program, where i learned how to manipulate DNA and create new life forms. I was also interested in Cybernetics, where i learned how to integrate technology and biology. and i am fascinated by the possibilities of enhancing my own body and mind with cybernetic enhancements.

I have a special ability that gave me an edge over other students: super memory. i could remember everything i ever read, saw, heard, or experienced with perfect clarity and detail. i could also recall facts, dates, names, places, events, and even emotions with ease.

I used this super memory to excel in my studies. I could memorize textbooks, lectures, formulas, diagrams, and experiments without any effort. I could solve complex problems, answer difficult questions, and ace every test with ease.

I am now walking towards my classroom feeling a mix of emotions. i am happy that my novel was going to be published tomorrow, I am worried if anyone would recognize me as the author of "The Holmes Chronicles". I had used a pseudonym, Morpheus, and a fake photo for my profile on the website. i had also avoided giving any personal details or clues about my identity. I wants to keep my writing a secret, i do not want to attract unwanted attention or fame.

my novel is a mystery thriller about a detective called Sherlock Holmes and his friend Dr. Watson, and how they solved various mysteries using their intelligence and observation skills.

The first volume of the novel is titled **The Case of the Vanishing Bride** is as follows,

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are hired by a wealthy aristocrat, Lord St. Clair, to find his missing bride, Lady Violet, who disappeared on the eve of their wedding. The only clue is a mysterious note left behind in her room, saying "I have gone to the roses". Holmes suspects foul play and follows a trail of clues that leads him to a secret society of flower enthusiasts, who worship a rare and deadly species of rose that can induce madness and death. Holmes must infiltrate the society and discover the truth behind Lady Violet's disappearance, before it is too late.

'I hope it goes well'


The academy has two ranking systems Academics ranking and Power Ranking , i rank 1st in Academic ranking but Power Ranking is in 1337 but i am an evolver and cybernetics martial arts and magic could increase it so i have chance to improve this each academic semester. The total Academy rank is based on both of these combined and is seperate for each year and i am around rank 666.

The 1st place in the Academy ranking is taken by Aria Bladerunner, she has lavender black hair and deep purple eyes which makes one stop and admire her beauty.

'Quite literally, i remember she won a fight simply by walking towards her opponent and placing her sword on his neck, the poor lad was lovestruck and lost in his own world.'

The Bladerunner family is the largest conclamorate in Astraheim, their business empire is spread as vast as the federation and has partnership with the federation, her family ancestor is a founding member of the federation.

She is a high intermediate swordsman and has an ability called [time distortion] which is considered a top power in this generation, the full extend of her power is not known. Se also is second in academics.

The 2nd rank is Cassia Orion she is blonde haired beauty with neon orange eyes which seems to see through anyone, she has a mind ability which, if one lacks a stong will power then she could directly kill with a glance. The Orion family excells at genetic engineering and has the best of the best genetic engineers in the UIF.

The third place is Jason Havoc a blondie with crimson eyes, he has a highly destructive ability to release a hot crimson bright laser beam with a diameter of 15 inches in front of his chest up to 20 meters in distance, it is strong enough to melt a high tier industrial grade Cybernetics, in case of destructive power it is the best but it comes with drawbacks that he can only maintain it upto 30 seconds and after that he would lose almost 90% of his cellfuel and he would be in a weakened state and his power could actually injure him if not careful and he would have to close his eyes while performing it.

The first 100 ranks all have most sought after powers. The rankings are based on Combat test and written scores carried out each semester.

There are a total of 2000 new students a year and they are arranged based on their Academics ranking and the classrooms are divided into 2S1,2S2,2S3,2S4,2S5,2A1,2A2,...2G4,2G5

thus i am in 2S1 pronounced as 2nd year S class 1st bach, on the 1st day of 1st year i was in 1S1 and when the teacher took the attendance, i was called first, i thought its because i am rank1 and felt very proud but very embarassed in the next few seconds when i realized she was calling from the lowest to the highest in overall ranking.

Apart from political studies and general science, the classes are aranged in a fluid and rotational shift as students only needs to attend those they choose in its specified classrooms.