
Escape To Extra

A loving younger sister embarks on a perilous journey to find the truth behind her brothers disappearence and the suspect who unleashes chaos and terror on the united intergalactic federation. a battle through the cosmos between a revengeful protagonist and the strongest foe to the galactic federation. Black Market Enforcers Cell biofuel Gene Enhancers genetic materials F to S Grade Cyber Enhancers/Cybernetics Civilian grade low/high/top Industrial grade low/high/top Military grade low/high/top Absorb to upgrade

InfiniteReviveCopy · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

[2] The Genius

[3] Genetic Engineering:

Gene Enhancers: Gene Enhancers are used for Improving or augmenting existing traits or capabilities within the natural genetic makeup of an organism.

Genetic Modification: It refers to the intentional alteration of an organisms genes by introducing foreign genetic materials or making targeted changes to its DNA

Genetic Materials are graded from F Grade to S Grade and are Extrated from highgrade monsters.

[4] Cybernetics:

Cybernetics explores the integration of technology with the human body, people often have Cybernetic implants or ebhancements that can range from neural interfaces and Artificial limbs to full body Nanites and Augmented senses.

There are 3 Grades of Cybernetics Civilian Grade, Industrial Grade and Military Grade and each has 3 tiers like Low, High, Top tier.

There are restrictions to acquire high and top level military cybernetics set by the federation

To Upgrade the Cybernetics one would need a full body nanite injection and can then absorbe any other cybernetics to upgrade; this made rise to people killing others to upgrade their cyberwares and thus the UIF deployed Enforcers to maintain order, resolve conflicts and ensure peace.

Cybernetics are most powerful when it comes to combat compared to an advanced mage or an advanced martial artist and can provide power with the least efforts using money, But there is a down side to cybernetics, that is that if one uses a high power EM, the cybernetics can be disabled or in worse case it can malfunction and kill the user, also the federation can track and monitor these cybernetics.

Another downside is that if you are buying a cybernetic to defeat a mage, whats preventing the mage from doing the same ?, if so its game over., due to these disadvantages people are more inclined towards using support type Cybernetics rather than Combat based.

[5] Immortal Cultivation:

Before you assume that immortal is a plant, letme say this, Cultivators are shrouded in mystery, Cultivation is a type of development or improvement of ones personal to attain a higher lifespan as well as the connecting with the Nature to gain prowess beyond realms.

There are no Cultivator in Astraheim, the reason is that the abundunt amount of mana is suffocating to cultivators when cultivating; a person can still become a cultivator if they wish to leave Astraheim and join 'Celestria Galaxy' which is also part of the UIF.

Celestria is a nearby galaxy where there are cultivators, they cultivate using Spirit Qi present only on that galaxy, if a human or a mortal in their terms wishes to become an immortal then they need to cultivate , to cultivate one needs to become a disciple to a sect or a master cultivator for a minimum of 300 years without leaving celestria; due to this not many are interested in cultivation.

Human methodes could allow one to live up to 300 years and then there are two ways to further increase a persons lifespan one is to cultivate and another is to receive a bestowal from a divine level cultivator, which costs a lot of alliance credits, those who can afford that are only a few.

When a person receives a bestowal, he or she stops aging for a long time as high as thousands of years, where as a cultivator could constantly increase their lifespan and increase their physical and mental prowess.

Many had tried to crack the secrets of bestowal and immortality but failed and is still a mystery.

[6] Special Abilities:

It is made known that almost all beings in all observable galaxy's has a special ability.

A person awakenes his or her ability when they reach the age of 12 and the ability grows with them, the system has created a progress bar for monitoring this growth and in each 10% increase in power there is a small chance to awaken a skill related to that ability or one related to the ability of ones parents, this is a very slim change.

My sister awakened the ability [sixth sense] which amplifies her senses and grants a high intuition, she advanced about 2%, yes it's a very slow process infact 2% at this age is a big improvement.

Special abilities are sometimes hereditory and multiple people may have same ability.

My special ability is a bit different, i am what you call an evolver, you see when someone awakenes an ability, the system analyzes their mind and body to determine what kind of ability one has, if a person advances his prowess and the system determines that there is a substantial change in the type of ability, then the person is called an Evolver. only 5% of all ability users are evolvers.

It isn't something special it just means that the system is incapable of determining the actual ability.

An evolver can have two or more ability changes but they all exhibit some similarities.


When i was 12, i awakened the ability [Photographic Memory] and i entered highschool, the stipend given by the federation for war orphans ends when one person in the family awakens their special ability.

Highschool is free of charge and mandatory, since my ability is photographic memory, to utilize it to the fullest and to stebilize the finances i started working part time as a library assistance.

For me highschool was a breeze since my ability is related to memory and my part time job at the library made me a top scholar.

In highschool the main focus is special ability development and science and technology, there are optional subjects such as magic and martial arts developement in which i choose magic studies as optional

i have graduated highschool as the top scorer and thus i was able to enter the planets top Academy the Celeron Academy on merit at the age of 15 and my ability has changed to [Super Memory]

At the academy the subjects changed to specializations, there are specializations in magic, martial arts, genetics and technology.

The federation rules prevents someone from accessing genetics and cybernetics before they turn 16, this is a safety measure to prevent any accidents or abnormalities thus this was the first time i am exposed to the world of Genetic Engineering and Gene warriors and i have a strong affinity towards large spaceships and Cybernetics, thus i choose both genetics and technology as Specialization, Since entering the academy to until a month ago, I was working at a spacecraft manufacturing company during the evening shift. I am now 16 and currently a second year at the academy.

Academy shedules are lax, they only want good results thus i have enough time to send my sister to highschool and attend Academy.

"We're here, wake up"

the scale of the city can be expressed by the five minutes took to arrive at the highschool junction even with a Maglev

"Ah Brother, is your novel coming out today ?"

"tomorrow tomorrow, you'll see"

"Ok, Goog luck, bye, fighting!!"


During the one year after the evolution of my ability i've been getting these otherworldly knowledge or some vivid imagination of stories, novels, comics and stuff like that, i cant explain the feelings with words.

'hehe ofcourse its all because of my genius'

there are literature works, movies, comics and sorts in this world but, how do i say this, they lack essence, its like watching a bad documentary, and thus i saw an oppertunity and to capitalize on it, i started writing down these novels; characters like Sherlock Holmes, Klein Moreti, Kirito, Naruto all just sprouts out of knowhere in my mind, it took me upto a year to write down the few novels, some scripts for anime, movies and character sketches and story lines for comics; it was an explosion of creativity and i researched about the publishing process, the royalty associated and choose to release a few novels first, i have already met with the publisher and has signed a contract to mass release tomorrow. I had given one to my sister for feedback and it was really positive, she's now hooked on the novel.

I droped off on the next stop where a teleportation formation is present, these formations work using manastones and beast cores, one needs to be atleast a highlevel archmage to know more about teleportation formations.

The academy is located on a floating island, the Academy is showing off their wealth and presteige by choosing the largest floating island in Quasarion to build the academy.

these floating islands are naturally occuring phenomenon due to the way mana interacts with the materials constituting the islands, eventhought it is safe, to ensure more safety, a lot of technologies are integrated to make sure that the island stays afloat.

To get to the Floating Island i Could either use a jetpack or use a flying car but the cheapest is the teleportation formation.

since the island is about 40 kilometers away, the teleportation formation will cost around 800 credits, 10 credit could buy a bottle of energy drink and meal would cost about 60 credits thus teleportation is a very cheap method at short distances. but if you want to travel a to the nearest moon, it would take about 10 million credits.

i will fix the math with the credits later

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