
Escape from the Alpha Vampire

Plunged from the castle walls, Rosemary found herself reborn, the chilling memory of her tragic demise clinging to her like a shroud. This new life, a shimmering escape from her fated fall, was supposed to be sweet freedom. But the shadow of the Alpha Vampire loomed, his iron grip refusing to release her. Unlike her previous existence as a mere plaything, however, she now sensed something different in his gaze – a flicker of something beneath the surface, a whisper of unspoken feelings. It ignited a spark of curiosity within her. Would this life unfold differently? Would she finally break free from his oppressive hold? What awaited her beyond this life, beyond the next? The questions swirled around her, a symphony of uncertainty promising both peril and potential, painting the unknown canvas of her future with vibrant, untold possibilities. And they seem to be tangoing in the next life... the life after next life...

Car_Li · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 29 - Saved by The Wolf

The moon, a cold, indifferent observer, cast long, skeletal shadows as Rosemary fled through the labyrinth's moonlit corridors. The air, once thick with the scent of lilies and moonlight, now reeked of betrayal and fear. Exiled, hunted, she was a lone ember dancing precariously in the labyrinth's heart.

Violeta's venomous accusations, the Committee's swift condemnation, echoed in her ears, each word a viper's hiss. The prophecy, a fabricated weapon wielded against her, had become a chilling reality. Killers, shadows with blades glinting in the moonlight, were her only companions.

She clutched the locket, a shard of her past life, against her chest. It was a reminder of the strength that had brought her this far, the defiance that refused to be extinguished. Tonight, she wouldn't be the pawn sacrificed on Violeta's venomous chessboard. She was the unexpected Omega, and she would fight.

The labyrinth, her unwilling ally, revealed its hidden passages, twisting paths that only the desperate and the hunted knew. She darted through moonlit courtyards, scaled ivy-covered walls, her emerald eyes scanning the shadows for the glint of steel. Each rustle of leaves, each whisper of wind, sent a jolt of adrenaline through her veins.

The killers, relentless and faceless, were close. Their metallic scent hung heavy in the air, their footsteps a rhythmic counterpoint to the pounding of her heart. Yet, Rosemary refused to falter. She was a storm brewing within the labyrinth, a defiance that refused to be silenced.

She remembered Vernon, his crimson eyes blazing with unshed tears, his whispered promise to find her. He would come, she knew, a knight in shining armor cleaving through the shadows. But until then, she had to survive, to outwit the vipers in their own den.

A forgotten tunnel, hidden behind a tapestry woven with forgotten memories, yawned open. It was a gamble, a desperate leap of faith into the labyrinth's unknown depths. But it was her only chance. With a final glance at the moon, a silent prayer on her lips, she plunged into the darkness, leaving the killers bathed in the cold moonlight, their venomous blades tasting only air.

The tunnel, a tomb carved into the labyrinth's heart, swallowed her whole. The damp air, heavy with the scent of earth and decay, clung to her like a shroud. But Rosemary pushed on, her feet echoing in the silence, her heart a drumbeat of defiance.

She realized this time Vernon would not appear to save her like last time. She's on her own now. She reached out to her pocket, she found the whistle that Liam gave her.


Something flickered within – a sliver of hope, a memory of Liam's quiet smile as he handed her the silver whistle. "Just blow," he'd said, his voice tinged with amusement, "if you ever find yourself in a pickle."

Her fingers grazed the smooth metal nestled against her chest, a beacon of defiance against the encroaching darkness. With a deep breath, she raised the whistle to her lips and blew. The piercing shriek tore through the night, a clarion call echoing through the labyrinth's twisted heart.

Liam, cloaked in shadow, heard the whistle's cry. His emerald eyes flashed with concern, adrenaline replacing the quiet amusement that had marked their earlier encounter. He couldn't afford hesitation. This Omega, ostracized yet defiant, had his trust, and that was as good as gold in the gilded cage.

With a fluid leap, Liam launched himself from the rooftop, his crimson cloak billowing behind him like a phantom's wings. He rushed through the forests. He landed silently amidst the cobblestone maze, a wraith materializing from the shadows. His senses, honed by years of navigating the labyrinth's secrets, pinpointed the source of the chase – Rosemary, her emerald eyes wide with desperation, pursued by two hulking figures.

Without a sound, Liam materialized in the assassins' path, his crimson eyes hardening into shards of ice. Their surprised barks were cut short by his swift blades, the clash of steel a momentary disruption in the moonlit symphony of pursuit.

Rosemary, witnessing Liam's arrival, felt a wave of relief wash over her. The fear that had gnawed at her edges receded, replaced by a renewed sense of defiance. The unexpected ally, the outcast werewolf with a twinkle in his eyes, had come to her rescue.

The fight in the alleyway was a dance of shadows and moonlight, steel flashing against crimson silk. Liam, a whirlwind of agility and precision, disarmed the attackers with ruthless efficiency. The shadows they wielded, once menacing, now trembled against their master's will.

In the end, the assassins lay unconscious, their blades glinting harmlessly on the cobblestones. Liam stood guard over them, his crimson eyes narrowed. "Come with me, Rosemary," he rasped, his voice a low rumble. 


Moonlight, a curious observer, peeked through the dense canopy of the werewolf forest, dappling the clearing where Liam stood, his crimson cloak billowing like a phantom's wings. He cradled Rosemary in his arms, her emerald eyes wide with a mixture of apprehension and relief.

"This," Liam rasped, his voice a low rumble that echoed through the trees, "is the heart of my pack's territory. Safe from the prying eyes of the Institute."

Rosemary, nestled against his warmth, felt a tremor of unease. The whispers of the labyrinth had warned of the werewolves, creatures feared and ostracized by vampire society. But Liam, the unexpected ally, had brought her here, his crimson eyes glowing with a fierce protectiveness.

He set her down gently at the edge of the clearing, the rustling leaves a counterpoint to the pounding of her heart.

"Liam," she began, her voice laced with gratitude, "thank you. For saving me, for bringing me to the pack."

Liam, his emerald eyes meeting hers in the firelight, offered a curt nod. "The labyrinth's shadows hold no sway over those who walk in moonlight, especially not an Omega in peril."

But Rosemary knew there was more than just moonlight guiding Liam's actions. In the depths of his emerald gaze, she glimpsed a flicker of something deeper, a yearning that mirrored her own defiance against the labyrinth's gilded cage.

"You knew," she whispered, her voice barely a breath. "Knew about Violeta's plot, about the whispers… You were watching over me."

Liam, a hint of a smile playing on his lips, didn't deny it. "Unexpected allies have a way of appearing in the darkest corners, Rosemary. Especially when whispers paint a compelling picture."

The silence that followed was pregnant with unspoken truths. Rosemary, emboldened by Liam's unspoken support, felt a surge of warmth in her chest, a flicker of hope that transcended the shadows of the labyrinth.

"What will you do now?" Liam asked, his voice low, a rumble against the rustling leaves.

Rosemary, her emerald eyes reflecting the embers' glow, met his gaze with newfound resolve. "Now that I am no longer being trapped in the castle. I will start a new life"

Liam, his smile widening, stepped closer, his crimson cloak brushing against hers. "And Rosemary, do you want to start a new life here with the new pack, and with me?"

The question hung in the air, a whispered melody played in the moonlight. Rosemary, her heart echoing the rhythm of the flames, knew the answer in her soul.

"I… I cannot answer your question," she admitted, her voice trembling with a vulnerability she couldn't deny. "You saved me, Liam. You gave me refuge, a pack that echoes my defiance. But… I can't accept your offer, not yet."

Her voice trailed off, the answer unspoken yet hanging heavy in the air. Liam, his crimson eyes blazing with a mix of desire and possessiveness, leaned in, his breath warm against her ear.

"Rosemary," he murmured, his voice a silken promise, "do you not recognize the wolf who has already walked beside you through the shadows, whose growl echoed alongside yours against the vipers' hiss?"

His words, whispered like a prayer, ignited a spark within Rosemary. She saw him not just as the outcast Alpha, but as the warrior who had saved her, the ally who shared her defiance. 

The silence that followed was heavy, the fire's embers crackling a rhythm of unspoken hurt. Rosemary, her heart pounding in her chest, felt a pang of guilt, but she knew she couldn't retreat from her truth.

"This pack," she said, her voice softer now, "has offered me a sanctuary, a chorus of whispers that echo my own. I will stay with them, learn from them, grow stronger."

"The pack," Liam began, his voice low, "will always be your haven, Rosemary. The whispers will guide you back, should you ever seek refuge."

Rosemary, her emerald eyes reflecting the embers' glow, offered a grateful smile. "The pack," she echoed, her voice soft, "has given me more than just shelter. They've given me hope, a chorus of voices that sing my own defiance."

Liam, his gaze lingering on her face, felt a pang of regret. He yearned for her as his Omega, his partner in the fight against the vipers. But he respected her choice, recognizing the strength it took to stand alone.

Liam, a flicker of a smile playing on his lips. "Unexpected allies," he murmured, his eyes glinting like embers, "have a way of reappearing in the moonlight, especially when the storm threatens to break."

The unspoken promise hung in the air, a melody of collaboration played in the moonlight and whispered on the wind.