

"Not really. I stay with my elder brother, but that suppose not to be a problem for you because he's out of town." He whispered in response to my question while holding me from behind. I chuckled my assent to his response. That was just a go-ahead order to him. Finding a way to lock my mouth with his has never been a problem for him since I got to his place. As Eric saw me smiling, he used his right hand to lift my left hand, exposing my navel since I wore a short top that rhymed with the skirt that barely reached my knees. He did that stylishly, making me rotate around for a reason best known to him alone. Though I was a bit shy, I still did as he planned. He didn't give me chance to say even a word after going around before he drew me closer to himself. His wide chest was like a landing space for me as my breasts clashed against his broad chest. "Rose, you know I love you!" He whispered to me while we were holding ourselves tightly. For me, then was not a good time to profess my love for him since he already aroused me. My breasts were already fuller and erect, and I was also becoming more touchy. I didn't know how we locked our lips again in kisses. I noticed that his tongue was right in my mouth. His hands may have eyes, I guess. The right one hastily located my breast, which was already craving attention. Once he fondled it, I didn't know when I let out a deep breath with such an appealing word: Ugh!! While he was fondling my breast as if his life depends on what he was doing, a strong object was rubbing against my lap. I didn't imagine something else apart from his cock that was already erect in the shorts he was wearing. I guess that was not what he wore when he met me at the gate. The feeling wasn't just imaginable. Maybe I was under a spell, but I noticed myself, lifting my thigh against his. Already I was noticing expansion in my cookie. Seems he cared not to consider what I was doing. He wasted no time as he removed his hand from my breast and began to such it. Since my nipples were stronger and erect, they did welcome his mouth, which was also in pleasure to behold the strong and boneless creature. As he rolled his tongue around the nipple, I knew not whether he wanted to bite it, but I felt his upper and lower tooth coming closer to my nipple repeatedly. Then all I could do was just to be caressing his shoulder while impatiently waiting for whatever may come next. At a spot, I noticed that his hand was already shifting my G-string pant to the corner while trying to locate my clit. Though, I did not need to suspect how his hand got there since I already spread my legs open while raising one leg in pleasure. As he tickled the cookie, I noticed a splash of hot fluid from there and I couldn't just bear the pleasure as I muttered… Eric, you're driving me crazy! "Babe, you're sweet!!" He responded. He carried me to the couch which was close to us as though I were lifeless. It took him not up to a second to go unclad hence, exposing his cock which was bent to the right side... This is the story of Rose, who grew up under single parenting. Her lovely mum is so lovely that she tried her best to train her well. But Rose, who wants to explore the pleasures of the world, fell in love at a young age. She finally got pregnant with His ex who abandoned her with the Pregnancy. She later delivered the baby and finally concluded that she's learned her lesson. She started amending her ways. Even change her location to live a better life. She later got married to James. Unknown to her that James was a cousin brother to his ex-boyfriend. Already His ex was in search of his son since he couldn't give birth to another male child and he had to have one before ascending his father's throne. To know what happened, read the full story. It promises to be sweet, fun, and captivating.  See you as we go further. Don't hesitate to write your reviews. Daniel Chijioke

Daniel_Chijioke · Urban
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22 Chs

Chapter 3

After we finished being entertained, the school authority presented some gifts to us, the outgoing student. Especially to school functionaries, which I happened to be one of. Then we made merry and our principal gave the closing remark. I left the party hall with a booklet as the gift my school gave to me. Before I got to the school gate, I saw Damian as he was just alighting from the tricycle. The first thing that flashed into my memory was my mother's note. I paused my movement for a while to think of it. Who told her that I would see Damian in the school? How did she know? Does that mean that she has an informant in my school? Something is not just adding up. I equally thought she might be somewhere looking at me just to watch my approach to Damian. I pretended as though I didn't see Damian. Moreover, I hurried to where I saw people entering tricycles.

"Hi, Rose. Wait for me, please!"

Damian, who was already walking closer to me, said. Indeed, I would rather not look at Damian, but the first glance I took at him revealed to me that his dress was appealing. The perfume he wore wasn't too bad. If not because of my mum's warnings, I could've been the one going after him instead. I might lie to everyone, but not to myself. I like the person he is. Once I heard him mention my name, I smiled unintentionally. If I were to be asked why I was smiling, I don't know what to answer. I tickle myself,

"Rose, what are you doing? Don't be too cheap!...."

I told myself.

In order not to display any form of absurdity, I paused for a second to hear what he had to say. He had an empty plastic container in his right hand. He walked closer and then continued

"Rose, how're you doing today?"

"I'm good, Damian." I said, "Trust you're good as well"

"I'm not good anyway" He answered reluctantly

"What's wrong? Hope everyone is OK?" I couldn't hide my curiosity to know what might be the cause of his problem.

"How do you expect me to be good while you've been avoiding me lately.....?" He was too nice at acting. Though the word alone was passionate, his actions spoke more volumes about it. I couldn't resist being remorseful. But I had to show the feminism in me.

"What do you mean?" I feign affection. Though I was a bit affected.

"Don't tell me you don't feel what I feel for you. A day without seeing you is just like a wasted day. I always want to see you." He said romantically and stretched his hand to meet mine. I had to stop him since we were in an open place. Calmly and romantically, so I whispered to him…

"It's okay Damian. Remember where we are!"

"Does that matter? I need to make you know how I feel about you" He persisted.

"Well, I believe you won't stop me when I enter the tricycle since you want to avoid being thoughtful," I said while raising my leg to make a step ahead.

To show how naughty he is, Damian tried to grab my hand but since I managed to slip away, he held my cloth.

"I only stopped here because I saw you. Please don't make me look foolish. Going after what I want isn't a sign of arrogance, but rather, any right-thinking human being would understand that that's the best option to take." He's just trying to prove mastery in his way. Or is it that I'm too flexible? No! I mustn't fall for such flattery.

"Damian, I can't continue seeing you. Or running from you. It does jeopardize my relationship with people around me. Please, let's put an end to this" I had to tell him the truth, so he'll know I'm not avoiding him willingly.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but I can't stop running after you as long as you would rather not give me a yes. No is not an option, I can only accept YES or WAIT" His persistence was out of point. It was even more visible by the way he did act.

"I'm not stubborn, and I won't allow you to make me feel stubborn. Please, be! Let me be! I would be glad if my request is given favorable consideration. Thanks in anticipation" I concluded and further continued going forward.

"Darling, you don't need to expose this part of you yet. In this case, no one is stubborn or making another feel stubborn. We're only fighting for our rights. You need me to consider your request in a way that will favor you. And so do I. Please, let's consider each other. I hope we're good?" He romantically made his words as he followed me to the tricycle park.

"Damian!" I called him more politely.

"Yes, Dear!" He's just trying to appear smart

"Please, be, let me be. I have to help myself. I want to avoid being injured, and neither do I want to injure anyone. Furthermore, I'm not ready to accept your request."

"Ok! Even though you said it's jeopardizing your relationship with people around you, we can make it a secret. Once you state what it will take to keep it away from them, what you say, I should follow. Please, grant my request a favorable consideration." I never knew he could be this meek, though anyone making a request constantly tries to be very meek. But he appeared to be more humble than I have ever imagined. Not minding that he's an elder to me, he's apportioning such respect to me. That made me give him such a welcoming look.

"Damian, I'm yet to know who you are yet. Stubborn and meek at the same time" I said to him in a lovely manner.

"Those attributes don't say who I am. Though, I might accept meekness. But I don't want to talk about that now. Please leave that tricycle, for now, let's talk sense to this topic. Can we go back to your school or find somewhere calmer and talk? It's urgent. You can see that I'm having a gallon in my hand to get fuel for my boss. Please come" He said and held my hand. Then I couldn't avoid him any longer.

I followed him as we went to a guest house beside our school. I never know that such a place exists but the way he was leading the way, I can boldly say that he knew the place very well. Even the way he was greeting people from the entrance of the guest, I need not be told that it's either he knew they were beforehand or he'd been there earlier that day.

Since I told him that I don't want anyone to see me, we went to a corner, where I think no one could see us. He ordered a drink for himself and pepper soup for me. The day was just unfolding in a way I didn't imagine. Myself being adored by Damian. Permit me to use adore because his words and actions towards me depict nothing apart from adoration.

Just as I told myself 'Rose, relax and have a good time, I recalled my mum's note. How could my mum be that perfect in predicting how the day would be? Or did she overhear Damian saying it or someone close to him discussing such? How could she know even before me? Something is just wrong somewhere.