

"Not really. I stay with my elder brother, but that suppose not to be a problem for you because he's out of town." He whispered in response to my question while holding me from behind. I chuckled my assent to his response. That was just a go-ahead order to him. Finding a way to lock my mouth with his has never been a problem for him since I got to his place. As Eric saw me smiling, he used his right hand to lift my left hand, exposing my navel since I wore a short top that rhymed with the skirt that barely reached my knees. He did that stylishly, making me rotate around for a reason best known to him alone. Though I was a bit shy, I still did as he planned. He didn't give me chance to say even a word after going around before he drew me closer to himself. His wide chest was like a landing space for me as my breasts clashed against his broad chest. "Rose, you know I love you!" He whispered to me while we were holding ourselves tightly. For me, then was not a good time to profess my love for him since he already aroused me. My breasts were already fuller and erect, and I was also becoming more touchy. I didn't know how we locked our lips again in kisses. I noticed that his tongue was right in my mouth. His hands may have eyes, I guess. The right one hastily located my breast, which was already craving attention. Once he fondled it, I didn't know when I let out a deep breath with such an appealing word: Ugh!! While he was fondling my breast as if his life depends on what he was doing, a strong object was rubbing against my lap. I didn't imagine something else apart from his cock that was already erect in the shorts he was wearing. I guess that was not what he wore when he met me at the gate. The feeling wasn't just imaginable. Maybe I was under a spell, but I noticed myself, lifting my thigh against his. Already I was noticing expansion in my cookie. Seems he cared not to consider what I was doing. He wasted no time as he removed his hand from my breast and began to such it. Since my nipples were stronger and erect, they did welcome his mouth, which was also in pleasure to behold the strong and boneless creature. As he rolled his tongue around the nipple, I knew not whether he wanted to bite it, but I felt his upper and lower tooth coming closer to my nipple repeatedly. Then all I could do was just to be caressing his shoulder while impatiently waiting for whatever may come next. At a spot, I noticed that his hand was already shifting my G-string pant to the corner while trying to locate my clit. Though, I did not need to suspect how his hand got there since I already spread my legs open while raising one leg in pleasure. As he tickled the cookie, I noticed a splash of hot fluid from there and I couldn't just bear the pleasure as I muttered… Eric, you're driving me crazy! "Babe, you're sweet!!" He responded. He carried me to the couch which was close to us as though I were lifeless. It took him not up to a second to go unclad hence, exposing his cock which was bent to the right side... This is the story of Rose, who grew up under single parenting. Her lovely mum is so lovely that she tried her best to train her well. But Rose, who wants to explore the pleasures of the world, fell in love at a young age. She finally got pregnant with His ex who abandoned her with the Pregnancy. She later delivered the baby and finally concluded that she's learned her lesson. She started amending her ways. Even change her location to live a better life. She later got married to James. Unknown to her that James was a cousin brother to his ex-boyfriend. Already His ex was in search of his son since he couldn't give birth to another male child and he had to have one before ascending his father's throne. To know what happened, read the full story. It promises to be sweet, fun, and captivating.  See you as we go further. Don't hesitate to write your reviews. Daniel Chijioke

Daniel_Chijioke · Urban
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22 Chs

Chapter 11

I was alone at home seeing a movie when I saw a romantic movie where two people of the opposite sex are having a good time together. It happened that they went for a picnic and were just getting along too romantically. I couldn't hold emotion. The girl was just too selfish if I may say. It seems she's the only one that enjoyed the moment. It even got to a time when the boy had to carry her like a baby, and she cared not to reciprocate.

When I thought I've seen it all, the person I was pitying still asked her if he could carry her again. Ah! My gender stylish jumped on him, and they shared a hot kiss that got me excited even though I was just watching. I began to smile to myself. Just in a twinkle of an eye, something came into my mind.

"Is this not how love is supposed to be, apart from someone trying to have sex with me at every slight opportunity? Just imagine how they were enjoying their days at this picnic. I can't wait to have this kind of lover. " I said to myself.

That was the time I recalled what happened between Eric and myself. Though, no dude should be trusted at the first go. Almost all the guys I've come across constantly try to create first impressions. But I have to overlook them and their impression, then look for what would make me happy and also convince me that their mission won't hurt me.

That was not just enough for the two people who went out for a picnic. The boy later presented a golden wristwatch watch to the girl. As she was blushing, I could feel the goosebumps on my skin. The girl already had many reasons to remember the day. No wonder, she was professing her unending love to the young man. Even if I had such a man, I wouldn't mind just doing what she did. The boy is worth whatever the gives or promises him. Just from that spot, I concluded that every girl needs someone that would love her unconditionally. The only thing I envisaged as the task is how to know the right one from unset and finally drive to such a cloying ending.

While still thinking of what I saw in the movie, some thoughts came to me. The way Eric did approach me the previous day, it seemed he knows how to take get his way into someone's life. He might be caring as well. But I can't be certain since that was hi the first impression. He won't fail to use the best skill he knows just to get my attention. I cannot be certain about Damian. I know he loves me, but his recent attitude is different from the boy I used to know. Certainly, sex does not love. But he's canvassing much about sex. Is there anything he's yet to tell me, or does he just see it as a normal thing?

"Rose, what's love without sex?"

That's the thought that came into me just from nowhere since I continued contemplating Damian's desire

"Sex can never be the only evidence to prove that love exists. Sex and love are two words apart. Two persons can have sex without love while two other individuals can also be in love without having sex" I struggled to answer myself since the question came within. But I didn't get satisfied answering myself.

Why on earth would I think of this? This is not what is supposed to be bothering me by now. I guess I just have to wave everything and think of something that might make me a better person in the future. … I whispered to myself.

Just in a few seconds, I heard a doorbell. Already I knew, that was the time my mum used to come back from the market. And hence, I expect no other person than my mum.

"I'm coming mummy" I screamed and got up from where I was comfortably sitting down. Then walked to the door. I opened the door halfway just to behold the image of a man instead of my mum as I expected. Saying that I got shocked was an understatement. I opened my mouth but lacked word/s to either welcome the male structure at the door or even question him about his mission. I summoned the courage and looked well. Lo and behold, Eric was the one standing in front of me with his lovely smile that never failed on his face.

"Jesus Christ! What are you doing here, Eric?" I screamed in my voice.

"Rose, I only came to say Hi"

He was more comfortable than his words. As he was standing before me, I noticed that he hid his right hand at his back.

"Ok, thank you, but please don't try it again. My mother is already on her way home. And she doesn't entertain male visitors in our home. I appreciate your visit. Thank you. Please be going" I spluttered while expecting him to place himself in my shoes and obey my words.

"Ok Rose. We will see next time." He concluded.

I was about to slam the door since he already responded as though he understood what I said before he said, "Rose, wait a moment!" His word was more appealing. I focused my gaze on him, and he brought out his right hand while having flowers. May you accept these flowers from me. I only came around, so I would give it to you"

It was like a dream to me. Since my birth, I guess that was the first if not the second time I'm receiving a flower from a loved one. My mum was the first person who gifted me with flowers. Now, Eric is standing before me with flowers. I love flowers, but I never expected flowers from Eric, since it hasn't been long since we knew each other. While still perching at the door, I stared straight into his eyes to notice that there were words, he was communicating to me through his eyes. Whichever thing I had to think or do, I needed to hasten up so that my mum won't meet Eric at our house.

I moved a step out from the door and threw such a lovely look at him.

"Eric," I said, "It has not been long since we knew each other and here you are with flower standing right before me. I don't think I'm worth such a gift from you." I couldn't act better than I did while uttering my words to him.

"It's for you, Rose. You're worth more than this." He said.

Since I heard what he said, I stretched out my right hand and collected the flowers from him. I was unable to tell whether I was manipulated or under a spell, I hugged him inadvertently. The way I hugged him, if anyone were watching us, he or she might conclude that I have been waiting for a time like that. I couldn't just end it in a jiffy to make him know I did it unintentionally. Rather, I prolonged it, thereby giving him the chance to read my heart since the heartbeats increased. Immediately I came back to my senses, separated from him.

"Thank you, Eric. You're such a darling" I commented.

As I said my words, a wide grin broke across his face and noticed that was genuine.

"You're welcome, Rose. There's a written note in the flower. That's my address. I wouldn't mind welcoming you at any time of your choice." He also said.

"Ok. That's fine!" I concluded and he turned his back to go. I was still watching him when he turned to me again and said.

"Goodbye Rose!"

"Goodbye Eric" I replied, then he left our apartment.