
Erotic world:A sinful paradise

A young man reading a Erotic novel over 2 years with high expectations forgetting about the real world immersed in it till the end of the novel but not getting the the expected outcome from the novel,only to see the Dog ass Author, have written a worst death possible to the MC during the quality time with his harem members gotten killed by the final arc boss Demon God. Filled with rage he commented his rage emotions on it. But little did to know to find himself in the same Erotic novel he wasted 2years of his time and the worst part is that he was a pathetic side character only mentioned in first few chapters, finding him in this unexpected situation in this dangerous lewd world with unknown future what it held for him... . . . A/N: Hello readers welcome to this novel,sorry for any grammatical mistake or any inconvenience. Hoping you all to have a erotic and wet journey with this novel..... //:D Join discord server https:/discord.com/invite/fecuxNQd

Karma_Arc · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Ch-3: Riley hosemaid*

Riley who was irritated that he not got to ask any more questions from the System so not trying to think about it anymore yet he have a sudden headache for few seconds after that returning him to normal but that short prieod of time also make him sweat as he was infant then slowly he again sits up and recall what just happened only to realize that he have got the short time memory of the original Riley and some sight to the this world language although Earth and Lavanor language is having same English it will be easier as there will not language barrier so not thinking more about it he starts to inspect the room where he is in currently. Riley saw beside his crib there is a bed and from the looks it was for single person use then he sees in front of him a shield and a sword resides within it hanging on the wall beside some unkonwn beast head as a decorations and at the futher left there is a purple coloured with gold handle designed cupboard and mirror by the side of it. As Riley was inspecting he heard a door opening sound turning back he saw a woman with light brown hair, and brown eyes and have alluring curves wearing a housemaid dress looking perfect and having mature vibe ,rileys was attracted mainly to his breasts as in previous life he was virgin and in that world he never saw such a milf as he was seeing her taking clothes out from laundry bag he remembered her name is Nathaly Hope , Riley who was looking at her through the crib has seen by Nathaly and she looked suprised "young master you have waked up today so early today have you wetted your mattress"in such a sweet voice making him fall in crib Seeing this she picked Riley up to her bosom and huging him by one hand she checked the crib and at that time Riley who was being hugged fully enjoying the feel he was getting by touching her breasts and by touching he can tell she is not wearing bra inside as he could only feel soft marshmallow breasts by the upper cloth as he was feeling and going to held the nipple he heard "it's strange the mattress is also not wet" She turns toward Riley and looked that his hand was on his breasts not minding much it Nathaly tried to make him asleep by lullaby and in her bosom which fails as Riley concentration was fully on her breasts especially on the nipples which are going up and down as she moves her body and sings lullaby so he have an idea Riley used his small hand to grab hold one of the nipple as it looking good and starts to press it as he was doing this Nathaly who was trying to make Riley sleep was surprised as he suddenly grab hold one of her nipple perfectly over the dress and by the looks of its quite funny thinking it as a toy he was playing so she tried to sperate Riley from her nipple at which he cried as many time she tried him to seperate from her nipple and she has also others work to do so she decided to open her dress and let him play with his nipple sometime and and Riley who was doing acting when Nathaly tries to move his hand from her nipple making fake cry as he was enjoying it he saw she carried him to the bed thinking it will be good for him as she is finally letting him do what he wants but much to his suprise Nathaly rolls up her upper robe and taking out her boobs under the cloths and Riley who looks at the nipple which he was playing all time was rose pink in colour with white skin highlights it beauty more and as soon she keep aside the cloths he takes the nipple and start sucking it, and Nathaly who has just roled up his robe and keeped aside she suddenly feels a suction coming from his breast to her suprise it was Riley who started sucking it as though wanna suck everything out alas nothing is coming out but to Nathaly it was funny as chuckled by seeing this new mischief though the way of sucking was pleasurable to her igniting a spark within her body left unnoticed by Nathaly,after few minutes Nathaly suddenly feels the less in suction on the nipples only to saws her young master have fallen asleep in her bosom seeing this she sighed in relif and kissing on his forwhead she carries him to the crib sending him to his dreams.

First time try to make it a little spicy not expert . looking forward for your review

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