
Erotic Bl

Warning Adult Stories Only.

Unorthodoxie_ · LGBT+
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2 Chs


Liam's head and arms lay on the bed while half his torso and his ass are up in the air. His legs are spread open and between them is his favorite partner, Josh. Josh's hands are on Liam's waist. Liam gasps as Josh pulls out, he grips the sheets tight as Josh pushes in.

"Babe,"  Liam wheezes between thrusts. "Give me all you've got, you know I can take it." He looks back as he speaks with a smirk on his face.

"You wish is my command. However, if I go any faster I'll burst sooner than I want to."

"Don't worry about it, I am pretty close to climaxing, myself."

"I know," Josh says with pride. "You only call me babe when you want to cum."

His grip around Liam's waist tightens and pushes all the way in, sealing Liam's response. Liam swears and tightens his cheeks.

"Don't… Fuck!" 

Josh's movements are haphazard now, Liam loves when he loses control. Josh slips his hand between them and grabs Liam's shaft. His hand moves in rhythm with his hips.

"Sweet Lord. Babe!" Liam's grip on the sheets tightens some more. He is very, very close.

"I am going to cum, babe," Liam screams.

 "I know," Josh says and leans forward.

He lies on Liam and bites his neck. Liam freezes and shoots out splashing onto the bed and getting some on his own jaw.

He rubs his thumb over Liam's near-flaccid tip and then strokes it.

"Don't," Liam mutters, squirming. "You know it's pretty sensitive."

He pulls out and releases all over Liam's back. Liam falls on the bed panting.

"You did that on purpose, you bastard." Liam glares at him.

"I can say the same thing about you, clamping on me like that. You know there is no way I won't get my revenge."

"Shut and get off me. Need to wash your damn seed off my back. I can literally feel it dripping down."

"I can help you," he says with puppy eyes.

"Don't even think about it," Liam scolds and shoves him off.

Liam gets off the bed and walks to the bathroom. Liam returns about five minutes later with only a towel around his neck. Liam walks to his bedside drawer, picks up the pack of cigarettes, and picks up the lighter on the dresser.

"Where are you going?" Josh asks with a frown.

"The living room!" Liam says with a glare. "Where else would I possibly be going with my bare ass?"

Liam turns the knob and walks out, slamming the door behind him. He drops onto the nearest couch, pulls out a cigarette, and lights it up.

Liam leans back against the couch and inhales, he holds the smoke in his mouth for a few seconds before letting out the filtered smoke. He brings it to his lips again and drags it.

He dusts the ash onto the couch's side table where a permanent ashtray lays. It has a couple of cigarette butts in it.

Liam thinks about nothing in particular as he smokes, he just sits enjoying the feel of the nicotine as it hits and the aftermath of the sex.

Liam hears the door open but doesn't turn to see. Liam hears Josh walk closer and from the corner of his eyes sees him take the couch on his right side.

"I only ever see you smoke after sex."

Liam takes his time to look in Josh's direction. Josh is spread on the couch, naked as day, his hair wet from the shower. However, Liam's eyes are glued to his torso. The abs stand out like Lego bricks.

"Because I only smoke after a good fuck. I want the sensation to last a while." 

Liam's eyes reluctantly return to look at Josh's face which, just like his body, is a pretty good view.

"I can make it last more than a while." Josh wiggles his brows at him

"Says my hungry little wolf, as you can see, I am having a smoke."

"I don't see how that affects it," he says and slowly stands up. His eyes never strayed from Liam's lanky naked frame.

Liam raises a brow but doesn't say a word to stop him from approaching. He gets to Liam and knees between Liam's legs. Liam eyes him oddly but doesn't stop him. Josh grabs it and licks the tip, Liam hardens instantly. He looks up at Liam with a smirk on his face and Liam resists the urge to smack it off.

He drops his gaze back down and completely covers the tip with his lips sucking on it and then he pushes down, taking it whole into his mouth, he pulls out with the same speed and Liam grabs his hair.

"Fuck! Slow down, would you?" Liam swears.

He licks his lips, "I am not promising."

He returns his attention to Liam's lower region and he licks the sides from the top down, all the way to the balls. He fondles it with his tongue while soft sounds escape Liam's lips.

Suddenly, he lifts Liam's legs so they are above his shoulders. Before Liam could react, he gets a tongue corking his behind. Liam is both annoyed and pleased with the sudden intrusion and his rear twitches in response.

This only encourages Josh and his tongue teased at Liam's entrance before slowly pushing in. Liam whimpers and tries to free himself but Josh holds him down tight, pushing his leg upward and imprisoning him in the position.

"This is why I don't like to give you the reins, you tend to get out of hand." Liam blurts.

He raises his head to look at Liam, "You love when I get out of hand."

"Wipe the smirk off your face," Liam glares at him

He brings his lips down and takes the whole of Liam's balls into his mouth. Liam eyes roll to the back of his head as a curse escapes his lips. Josh slowly bites into it.

"Josh!"  He screams.

Josh lets it fall out of his mouth. "Babe," He says directly on his balls.

 Liam jerks at the vibration. Josh trail kisses all the way to his entrance and then pushes his tongue in again, all the while he still has Liam's legs raised. Liam squirms at the pleasurable invasion. 

Josh takes his time coaxing Liam.

"Do you think you are ready for me now?"  Josh asks and raises his head to look at Liam's face, a line of drool is visible.

"If  I was any more ready, my bowels would fall out," Liam says, panting a little.

"That's not very hot," Josh says and stands to his feet. He is still holding Liam's legs and he stands between them.

"Then tell me why are you dripping all over me?" Liam says looking up at Josh with a smirk on his face.

"Because," he says, leaning forward for a kiss. "There is no way I won't be turned on when you look this good."

"It's official, I prefer you with your mouth closed," Liam says and turns his face away.

"Is that so?" Josh says and moves Liam's legs so he is lying horizontally on the couch.

Liam yelps and without giving him time to recover, Josh climbs on the couch and slides in a little forcefully.

"Aaah!" Liam groans, "That hurts!" He glares at him.

"I thought you said you were ready?" Josh asks.

"Don't mean you should be so aggre… Haaah," Liam moans as Josh starts to move between his legs.

"Ungh… Shit!" Liam cursed as his toes curled.

Josh pushes Liam's legs forward over his torso.

"Hey, I am not that flexi… oooh." Josh's words drown out as Josh pushes all in. "Fuck!"

Liam stretches out his hands and grabs Josh by the neck. He pulls down, pulling Josh between his legs, and kisses him hard on the lips. The sound echoes, silencing Liam's loud moans.

Josh pulls out and thrusts in, Liam breaks the kiss and arches his back as he gasps loudly. He groans and wraps his legs around Josh's back.

He opens his eyes to see Josh staring intensely at him as Josh moves in and out of him. Liam slowly places his palm on his pecs while never taking his eyes off Josh. 

He teases them as Josh stares at him. Liam feels hands on his waist as Josh grabs it, picking up the space. Liam swore as his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

Incoherent sounds flowed out of his lips. "Babe! Fuck!"

Liam's head banged against the side of the couch but he didn't care, he was too far gone. His opening twitches and he involuntarily tightens as a strong wave of orgasm hits him. He jets out, spilling all over his torso. 

His body relaxes and he opens his eyes to see a look of horror on Josh's face. "You didn't?" Liam asks while arching his head to the side, his eyes slowly increasing.

"You clamped down suddenly and I was close…"

Liam looks down to where they are joined and pulls away from Josh. Some spill out and Liam glares at Josh.

"I have one rule, you maniac!" Liam yells and kicks him. Josh falls backward and Liam picks up the towel that fell to the ground.

"Let me help," Josh offers and leans forward to take the towel out of Liam's hands.

Liam pulls away, "No, don't touch me. You should go home, it's late."

Josh shrinks back immediately. "I see. When will I see you again?"

"Huh?" Liam stops wiping and glares at him. "What's this? I will call you."

"Okay," Josh says with a glum expression and stands from the couch. 

Liam watches him go and picks up the rest of his cigarette. It had already burnt out. He curses and lights up a new one.

Almost done with it, Josh walks out fully dressed with wet hair. Liam squints his eyes at him, slightly annoyed that Josh still looks just as good, dressed.

"I will call you," Josh says.

"Don't! I will be busy. I will call you when I am free." He puts the cigarettes in his mouth and drags air.

Josh closes the gap between them. He takes away the cigarette and kisses Liam smoke and all. Josh pulls away coughing slightly.

"Do you have a death wish?" Liam asks with a glare.

"Maybe," Josh smirks and walks to the door. "I'll see you, babe."

Liam scoffs, he hates any form of intimacy and by the looks of this, he would have to put a stop to this before it gets out of hand.

He crushes the lit cigarette end and stands up. He staggers a little. Cigarettes after sex really do hit differently.

Love is in the air but not for my characters. Thank you for reading. ~~~

Unorthodoxie_creators' thoughts