

I look at my best friend kissing his girlfriend for the fifth time this night —yes I am counting— and I feel my pants get tighter. I should be angry but instead, I imagine it's my mouth that's getting sucked on.

I groan and stand to my feet. I am pathetic. I should ask for more but somehow I am fine with him being partially mine. It's better than giving a name to what we have, he would run I know and I am willing to do anything to prevent that.

"Where do you think you are going?" He asks.

"To the bar," I say nonchalantly. I like that I interrupted their sucky face time.

He glares at me but I am not looking at him. I am looking at Layla with her half-closed lids and even in the dark light of the nightclub, I can see her lust-filled face and how she can't wait for them to continue.

"Don't get lost," he says with a stern look.

"Babe," Layla whines. "Don't treat him like he is a kid, let him go have some fun like we are." She turns to me, "Get lost all you want." Her words sound drawled, if she isn't high yet, she is very close.

"You see, Layla gets it, and this way I can give you two enough privacy," I say sarcastically.

He looks like he is about to protest but I don't give him a chance to, I run off to the bar. I sit by the counter and order a drink. The bartender is very handsome and I wonder if he would want to suck face with me.

"Here you go," he says and slides my drink across the counter.

I grin in delight and say, "Thank you." 

He smirks at me and I find myself leaning forward. I slowly pick up the glass while making eye contact with the bartender. I bring the glass to my lips and slowly take a sip, all the while still making eye contact with him.

"I can't leave you alone for a minute, can I?"  I hear a whisper in my ears.

I feign being shocked and I rapidly drop the glass. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "What about Layla?" I don't care for her but I have to keep up my act if I want to get what I want.

I turn to look at him, anger gives him a roguish look. I know I can stare at him all night, with his blond hair and blue eyes, he is the kind of face you only see in magazines. The bartender is instantly forgotten.

"Why do you care?" He turns to the bartender. "Two martinis."

He is standing dangerously close to me, enough to touch but we are not quite touching. The bartender is already moving to prepare his order. I watch him start to mix the drinks.

"I will meet you in the restroom in precisely ten minutes. Wait for me in the third stall."  He says and immediately drops cash on the table. He accepts the drinks from the waiter and starts to walk away without giving me a chance to respond.

It is better than I imagined and I try not to let my excitement show but I know I am grinning from ear to ear. My face isn't the only one that can't hide its excitement.

I see that he dropped enough money to pay for my drink and tip the bartender. I gulp the rest of my drink and still pay the bartender. I rush to the bathroom even though I still have a full nine minutes to get there but I want to make sure the third stall is empty.

I feel a tingle in my spine as I speed past the bodies on the dance floor. A hand grabs my wrist and I turn around to see a pretty princess staring me straight in the eye. Too bad I already have an appointment with a prince. I pull my hand away and disappear into the corner.

I push open the door to the restroom like swat, I have pressing matters of the loins to attend to. The restroom is mostly empty except for the two guys kissing in the corner. I walk toward the stalls and the loud cries of a woman moaning hit me like an avalanche.

I guess nobody comes here to use the restroom the right way. I can't believe we are going to do it here but by my bulge I know I am excited. The cries are coming from the first stall, the second stall seems empty but it is the third stall I am worried about.

I knock and get no response, I turn the knob, and it opens. I step in without a moment's thought. There is no smell thankfully, the water closet is closed and I have no plan to check. 

I flush just in case and I take a seat on the covered water closet. I pick out my phone to check the time, it is  11:53 pm. I don't really know how much time I have left but I know he will be here. 

I try to contain my excitement as my ears listen for any sound. I hear footsteps and I brace myself but they go past me. I put my hand in my pocket and I squeeze the contents even as my race begins to race.

I hear, the sounds of footsteps stopping in front of the stall. I see his shoes and the door flings open. He closes it behind him while I stand to my feet. He grabs me by the collar and covers my mouth with his.

I groan and kiss him back just as ferociously. I feel myself melt in his hands and he breaks the kiss. He scans my face before he turns me around so I have my back to his chest. I feel him against my rear and my excitement triples.

His hand slips under my shirt, he uses his other hand to unbutton my trousers. "Was the bartender so good-looking that you couldn't resist flirting with him?" 

"I wasn't flirting with him."

"You were," he grabs my junk and I gasp.

"Even when you have me?" He whispers in my ear, licking it slightly. I shiver.

"I don't have you,"  I protest.

"But you do and I have you," he says and pulls my pants down all the way to the ground.

I love when he wants it, he always says exactly what I want to hear. I know this moment is fleeting but my sad little self will take it. I turn my head to the side, to give him access to my lips, and he takes it without hesitation.

His hand gently strokes me and I swear into his mouth, my mouth widening a little as I start to lose control of my limbs. He breaks the kiss and asks, "Where is it?"

I am too aroused to play dumb, I bend all the way to my toes, to the pants that are barely hanging on my legs. I search the pockets and I pull out a condom and lube. His free hand slaps my rear and I feel a finger at my entrance, I clam up immediately.

He doesn't take his hand away, instead, he leans forward and presses his body against mine, I can feel that his pants are off too, his hand is the only hindrance, still, I can feel him between my legs. "We have done this too often for you to be this stiff to me."

"I am not st…" I yelp. He pushed a finger against it, not enough to hurt but the sensation is a bit startling. 

I don't think it is possible for me to get more turned on, this memory is forever engraved in my mind. His hand on my junk, his finger in my entrance, and his body pressed against mine in the confines of this little box.

"Shh!" He says and takes the lube from me, letting go of my length. I am a bit sad, I want him to keep touching me.

I hear him rip the pack and he lets go of me for a few seconds to put it on.

"Do you need my help?" But the words are barely out of my mouth when he rubs my entrance with the cold substance. 

I take a sharp breath and he gently pushes himself in, about halfway in, he pulls out and pushes all of himself into me. I wheeze and grab the walls. My legs feel weak. Still inside he grabs me and starts to gently stroke me.

"I bet you had a hard-on when you saw me and Layla," he pulls out, and my vision blurs.

"That's why you went after the barman," he pushes in.

"Did you imagine I was kissing you instead?" He pulls out.

I grab the wall for my life, I can't think, not with him inside me and his hand around me imitating his hips' movement. I moan his name.

He leans forward and licks my ear, "Let's pick this up a notch."

He places his free hand on my back and increases his pace, his hand movements around me also increase. I open my mouth to warn him but at this point, I am too far gone to make a coherent sentence. I spurt out like a jet pistol, splashing against the wall.

"Wow," he exclaims.

"Shut up," I say, I am a bit embarrassed. 

I can tell he is close, his breathing is coming out in pants. I clamp down and he swears.

"Don't!" But the word barely makes it out as he falls against me. "You did that on purpose," he breathes into my back.

"As did you,"  I say to him. 

He pulls out of me and turns me around. He places a loud kiss on my lips. "Less cranky?" He asks.

"Go to Layla, she is probably wondering where you are,"  I say to him while glaring at him.

He takes it off and wipes himself clean. "Don't wander," He says as he pulls his trousers up. 

He pulls mine up too before he walks out of the stall and I sit on the closet. My rear is still twitching from the aftermath but in a good way. He is right, I am less cranky. I should be angry but I am not, there is a hint of a smile on my face.

I sit on the closed water closet for a while before I stand up to leave, making sure I don't leave any mess behind. I wash my hands thoroughly before leaving the restroom. The lube is back in my pocket, my fly is zipped and my hair is hand-run. I did try to make it less messy and I think I half-tried.

I spot them sitting exactly as I left them only this time they aren't glued by their lips. I walk to them and take a seat opposite them. 

"Where have you been?" Layla asks as soon as she sees me. "Babe went to look for you." Her words are slurred, I know she is high as a bat.

"I took your advice, I got lost…" In the throes of passion. I glance at him as I speak but he keeps his eyes glued to his glass.

"Smart," she says and leans back against the couch.

"We should go, It is past midnight." He announces.

"Babe," she whines. " I am sure we can stay longer. It's the weekend."

"You look like you are about to pass out, I would rather not have to carry you out of here."

"Party pooper," she pouts and tries to stand on her feet. She fails miserably.

He glares at her. "You haven't even passed out yet and you can't walk."

"Babe," she pouts some more. "I am shurry."

" I am not lifting you, give me your hand." 

She hands it to him and he pulls her off the couch. I watch in silence.

We get to the park without incident because he ends up carrying her after we take a couple of steps and she almost falls on her face. I hold the door open, and he tosses her into the car and slides in with her.

I close the door and make my way to the driver's seat. I start the car and drive off. The drive is a little boring and after a few minutes, I start to hear Layla's soft snore. I drive into the garage of our apartment and turn off the engine.

I get out of my side and hold the door open again. He does not look pleased as he helps her out of the car. He carries her across his arms. "She is as heavy as a log."

I close the door and walk behind him, I just want to lay on my bed and fantasize, maybe get a little carried away in the process.

He walks to his room and I walk to mine. I take a quick shower and turn off the lights. I climb into bed bare. My hair is still a little wet but I don't care. I touch myself and I hear the door open. I freeze up but I remain in bed.

"Too bad," I hear him say as he closes the door. " I wanted to join you in the shower."

"What are you doing here?" I whisper, sitting upright in my bed. "What about Layla?"

"She is out as a dead mouse, definitely won't make a squeak until afternoon. Unless you would rather sleep alone." 

"No," I say and scoot to the side to create space for him.

I lie down and he joins me under the sheets. He is shirtless, I got a glimpse of his chest when he opened the door. 

I lie on my back and he lies on his side, I can tell he is watching me even though it is a little too dark to see. "Would you stop staring so hard? It is a little hard to sleep."

"How do you know I am staring?"

"I can feel your eyes on my body."

"Don't be ridiculous, you can't feel my eyes." 

He puts his hand on my chest and I feel goosebumps pop out of my arms, his hand moves around my chest and my breath catches. He finds a nip and he flicks it. I bite my cheeks to stop a moan from escaping. 

He ducks under the sheet and covers it with his lips, I jerk, and his hands slide downward, " Ooh, going commando, are we now?" he raises his head to stare at me as he asks.

"Shut up," I say and try to roll to the side but he stops me. 

"I am not done,"  he kisses my chest, and his hand grabs my junk.

I gasp and he covers my lips with his, rubbing his body all over mine, his pants are in the way. I grip the side and try to pull it down, he smiles in my mouth. "You are always impatient." 

I want to argue that that isn't true. I am always the one waiting, I am still waiting but I don't. Instead, I grin between the kiss and unbuckle his trouser. I pull it down and it flicks out like a jack in the box. My eyes have definitely adjusted to the darkness.

I don't hesitate, I cover it with my lips but not for long though, it is still a little hard to have it at the back of my throat. I raise my head to kiss him but he pushes me back. I land on the bed and he spreads my legs apart.

I close my eyes, feeling embarrassed. I open my eyes to see him pick the lube from my bedside table. He rubs it all over both of us and slowly goes in. I groan as a little wave of ecstasy hits me. He pulls out before he is all the way in and I curse.

He is holding my legs apart while he kneels on the bed. I use my hands to push myself off the bed, holding the position with my hands on the bed as we start to move in rhythm. The bed is shaking vigorously as we move back and forth but I don't care, I am too far gone to care.

He better be right about Layla being out cold else she would think the house is falling apart. At this point, I am no longer conscious about my moans and I hear them echo back to me.

He drops my leg and lifts my torso. "Holy…" I curse. The angle has changed, and I can feel him even deeper.

He stretches out his legs and wraps his arms around my body. I wrap my hands around his neck and kiss him. He tugs on my lower lip and gently bites on it while his hands go between us and lift me. He drops me and my hands go tighter around his neck.

We move slowly and then we speed up, I am getting close. I arch my back and explode. He lets go inside of me and I groan in satisfaction.

"The good news is, I am still getting that shower."

"Shut it," I say and try to stand up but he stops me.

He jumps out of bed with me still wrapped around him and he runs to the shower. I drop to the ground and he turns on the water. I let the water wash the sliminess off my body. He wraps his body around me and we just stand in the shower swaying.

After a while we step out, I am freezing at this point. He helps me dry off and I climb into bed. He takes his time to dry off before he joins me. I lay on my back staring up at the ceiling. He flicks my hair off my face.

"Do you want me to break up with her?" He asks.

I close my eyes as I remember the first time he asked me this question. I enthusiastically said yes. The second time, my yes was a bit unenthusiastic, but by the fifth time, I didn't care anymore.

" Don't, I actually like her." This isn't a complete lie, I do like Layla, she is nice.

"If you tell me to, I will break up with her in the morning."

"Bullshit!" Fuck, I let my emotions get the best of me. 

"I will." He says with confidence.

"Don't, as I said, I like her."

"Okay," he says but I know what is going to happen.

I beat myself up as I go to sleep, It took me a while to get used to this one.

"Hi,"  a pretty girl with the nicest set of teeth I have seen says to me. "I am Stacey, his girlfriend." She looks up at him with a bright smile. 

"Hi, I am his roommate," I stretch out my hand to shake hers.

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