
Eroge God


NOTAKING · Anime & Comics
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116 Chs

Maybe Later

Outside the Gem , Grace was still hovering above air but suddenly the Gem changed in color, it was now dark red and glowed brightly. A bright light shone down from heaven as highly extreme concentrated energy surrounded her whole body, this made Grace float even higher then before, she took the staff in hand and it changed in color, the previous gold turned into crystal white. There were very beautiful patterns on the staff but if one would look closely they would see that it was Travis X Grace written many times on the staff.

Her white eyes returned but this time they weren't green, they shone bright gold and darted to every location in the forest then suddenly.

* Rannnnngg*

Every monster around was evaporated by a powerful ray coming heaven which resulted in a huge explosion. Grace hovered back to the ground and walked to her mother. Her eyes returned to normal and a smile grew on her face.

" Mom look at this staff. See I wrote Travis and my name everywhere but people will just see a beautiful pattern. I know very creative right" She said excitedly.

Laura smiled and got up from her seat.

" Yes Dear. I'm proud of you. Now lets continue with the lesson, this'll be the last one, well continue when you reach level 20 but now, your still weak"

Grace nodded and put her staff on the ground , everything around them began to grow and the destruction that she had did before was fully restored.

" Okay now you see those eyes you had before . They're your end goal for today. But they won't do what they just did before, I think you were quite lucky to have done that. But you'll be doing a much easier thing. ERASING THE ONES YOU DEEM UNWORTHY FROM EXISTENCE.

This is very easy since you have your authority as a Goddess right now. But we'll talk about that later. Firstly you'll need to put Energy in your eyes."

Grace nodded and did as she said, her green eyes got brighter in color then.

" You'll need to put some Devine engery in it as well. Just think about it and it'll happen trust me"

' Devine Energy'

Inside her body a bright energy glowed, she smiled when she saw this, she then moved it into her eyes. Yet the energy only moved to a single eye, that eye turned gold like before and made her body suddenly stronger.

" Okay that means you can't use both eyes at the moment. Don't worry we'll get there, slow but steady. We should go back now, unsummon your staff and we'll leave"

The staff dissappeared and they vanished.

Back in Lauras room she hugged her daughter and patted her head.

" Good Job. If you continue like this you'll be as strong as me in a year" She said.

Grace nodded and gave her mom a kiss on her cheek." Thanks mom. You're the best" She then walked out the room and ran back to hers. Laura smiled grew as she felt wholesome in her heart.

With Travis who was sitting on the roof and staring at the Capital, he was quite peaceful right now. Nothing seemed to be going bad meaning today Dream King won't strike. He went back down and entered through the window, he saw Grace running towards him and she hurriedly hugged him.

" Babe I have something to show you, come with me" She said as she stopped hugging him and started pulling him to her room. He let her do so and when they got there she pushed on the bed and took her shirt off revealing her beautiful breasts.

" Weren't you going to show me something?" He asked as she was about to kiss him.

" Ohh yeah, I'll do that later. Make out time"

She went down and planted her lips on his to which Travis responded with with his willingness. Cradled his face as they kissed passionately, they didn't waist anytime and went deep into each other's embrace. Travis and her tounge danced around outside their mouths then went back to kissing again.

Grace and Travis started to feel aroused by this, his cock got bigger and her pussy got wetter. He then turned both them around , he was now on top of her. Travis took his shirt off like those guys in them movies and stood up take to his pants off. She watched this as if it really was a movie the only difference is that it wasn't. As Travis was about to go down and feast, He got cock blocked, by who you ask. Well Valentina.

" How dare you, have fun without me. Move out the way you wench, I don't like to share " She said as she blitzed and pushed Grace away and going under Travis.

" Now you can continue " She said as she stared at him with her bright green eyes. Travis shrugged and went down for the kiss but Grace came and blocked him.

" Why do you have to ruin things. Travis and I were about to do the dirty " She said with frown.

Valentina chuckled then said." Your welcome. Also Travis be ready tonight ,the girls have some something planned for you tonight "

" What is that?" He asked.

" I don't know honestly. All I know is that it's sexual. I'm also going to be there for support. Alright peace" She then walked out leaving Travis and Grace again. Grace wanted to continue but Travis was sort of turned off. So he told her that he would do this after they finished with something important.

She nodded and watched as he walked out the room, leaving her on the bed. disappointed. But she soon recovered.

' Travis is my love and my move is mine. So I won't quit. The day will come when he finally ravages me and we'll be one' she thought.

Travis stood infront of Laura's door, he took a deep breath then opened it and entered. The first thing he saw was Laura sitting on her studdy table and reading a report on a holographic screen. Seeing Travis enter she swipped the screen away and welcomed him with her beautiful smile.

" What brings you to my humble abode, dear?" She asked in sweet tone. Travis walked up to her and stopped when he was near.

" Nothing really just felt like coming here. What you doing?" He asked as he took a seat next to her.

" Well I'm doing some research on a Gem they found in a beast. The Gem has the power to turn a being vile ,it also makes them 2X stronger. Quite interesting honestly. "

" Hmm I've seen that Gem before. I saw it in a Pupet warrior i faught many months ago. It's was fairly strong but I easily defeated it." He said.

" Where did you put the Gem?"

" I think I still have it in my inventory " He looked for a second and when he found it he summoned it on his hand.

" Wow this was is even bigger. This'll help alot Travis, thanks." She said happily as she kissed his chin, Travis stared into her eyes, making them lock, they got closer and closer until they're lips finally touched. Travis broke the kiss for a brief moment, he got off the table and stood infront of her and they continued kissing.

He held her slim waist as he pulled her closer to his body, which made her put her arms around his neck. Their tounges coiled around it each other as the kiss become more hotter and hotter , till both parties got aroused.

" I want you to do what you said you would do to me before " She said with a seductive tone as they broke their kiss for a moment.

" And what is that?"

" Fuck me, obviously" She said while she rolled her eyes. Travis chuckled then squeezed her ass making her giggle.

" Maybe later. Today I'm going to war"