
Eroge God


NOTAKING · Anime & Comics
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116 Chs


After making out for a while without progressing to the next stage, Travis and Grace lay on the bed. Travis decided he wouldn't go to war, not because he feared it, but because he didn't feel like it. As they lay together on the bed, they fell asleep in each other's embrace.

A couple of days passed.

With everyone happy and cheerful, life was giddy and joyful. They had nothing important to do anymore, so most of their days were spent sitting around or having spar matches together. Now, this is Grace's arc, but Travis noticed how it could be split into two parts or possibly joined together if things went differently. It was either Dream King VS Travis and Grace or Dream King and Michael VS Travis, Grace, and Laura. However, he wasn't sure about the last scenario because it was too complicated. Another problem they would face is Paul and his overpowered skills in hand-to-hand combat. Laura wouldn't have a problem, but Travis would. Let's just focus on something else.

The Kingdom hadn't changed, meaning the Dream King hadn't made his move. Travis was waiting patiently since he thought it might be a good fight. Sure, there was a chance of him dying, but we all know that's not going to happen. Other than that, everything was fine.

Travis sat on his bed and looked at his system. It had been a while since he checked on his powers, and he was happy to see his progress. His Saitama Template had reached 49 and was closer to the halfway mark. He was sure that when he took Grace's virginity, it would go to 50 or even beyond.

He got off the bed and went to his closet to get some clothes. After dressing, Travis walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. Seeing the empty hallway felt kind of weird for him, especially since the girls were literally on the same floor as him. They would normally be chasing each other around for no particular reason. Travis questioned if this was truly reality.

Suddenly, his location changed. He was now back in his original apartment building, standing outside on the balcony staring at the castle in the distance. Travis looked back at his room and saw nothing but darkness. Without fear in mind, Travis walked through the darkness.

And his location changed again. He was back in his dorm room, but it was empty, which wasn't normal since he lived with the girls during that time. Travis frowned a bit. He knew what was happening, of course. He'd be dumb if he didn't catch on, but he wanted to understand why the Dream King would show him these places. Suddenly, he felt a stare from the corner of his eye. Travis turned in that direction and saw a white-skinned demon with two large horns. It stared at Travis with its hollow red eyes, its sharp teeth sticking out of its mouth, and black miasma dripping down its eyes. Travis couldn't gauge its power for some reason but still didn't feel fear. His will was his strongest attribute, also the fact that he was a God of Destruction in training.

Suddenly, the demon pounced at Travis with blinding speed. With its large claw-like hand, it grabbed Travis's face and pushed him out of the apartment building.


Travis and the demon flew out of the building. He felt its tight grip on his face, but refusing to go down easily, Travis grabbed its arm and, using his highly fit body, pulled himself up and kicked the demon in its stomach, sending it flying backwards.

Travis did a backflip and landed on the ground. He looked at the demon, which soon crashed into the building a second later. But with how strong it was, the demon soon got up and leaped into the air. Travis then began to feel something dripping on his head. He looked up and saw dark red clouds gathering in the sky. Red water-like blood rained down on the whole city. He looked back at the demon, which had stretched its arm out.

A dark blue ball of condensed energy suddenly appeared in its palm. The ball became bigger and bigger until Travis couldn't even see the demon since the ball was in the way.

'This is one trippy dream,' he thought.

The ball began to descend towards him. Travis quickly moved out of its way using his flight ability. He was now many miles away from the school when the ball touched the ground, creating a blinding light. Travis covered his eyes as it was too bright. Suddenly, a shockwave sent Travis even more meters away.


A loud, ear-bursting explosion occurred on the spot. Travis normally wouldn't find this level of noise concerning, but for some reason, everything in this dream world was exaggerated for him.

When the explosion stopped, the whole school and half the city beside it had disappeared, leaving only a huge crater. Travis looked at the demon, which was still standing where it was.

"I guess I should fight this guy then," he muttered to himself.


He took off in a sonic boom, cutting through the air around him. A second later, he arrived in front of the demon and delivered a powerful right punch. The demon skillfully sent the punch away from its line of impact and, with its hand, grabbed Travis's hand and pulled him into a knee kick to the abdomen.

'Damn, this guy knows martial arts. Guess I'll have to be careful,' he thought.

The demon let him go, and Travis moved back, infusing his hands with energy. Travis stared at the demon with eyes of death. He blitzed towards it, and the demon was ready for him. It dodged another punch, but this time, Travis was ready. Another punch came, this time aimed at its most open spot: its stomach. The punch landed, sending the demon several meters away from him. While it was recovering, Travis was already in front of it.

He sent a barrage of side kicks to its upper body, spinning around to create momentum and kicking the demon with the back heel of his foot.

The demon was sent flying off into the distance again.

The demon looked at Travis, who was far away from where it was. It got into a fighting stance.

They moved at the same time, arriving at each other in the next moment. Their fists collided.


A large explosion happened when their powerful fists met, and it didn't stop there. Travis and the demon moved around at blinding speeds, continuously clashing with each other, fighting with all their strength. Even though this was a dream, it felt like a fight to the death in real life.

[ So Yeah I decided to spin back to this novel. I Hated how I didn't end It. hopefully I don't quit]