
Erliel the queen of Alatus

Young girl dies due to her bullies. So she decided after reincarnation to become the most powerful entity in the world she is reincarnated into. Will she become god or die? Let's watch how she tries to survive the trials that await her on her way to the top. -Also this novel will be posted on my RoyalRoad account.

Nowgaming_CZ · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Pretty stupid way to die

"Hay Nakamura-chan wake up" That's the last words i heard after i hit my head on corner of my desk. As you might have guessed from the title of this chapter, I'm dying. My name is Akari Nakamura, and as I just said, I'm dying right now. As a weak fragile schoolgirl, I was bullied a lot. It usually didn't escalate if I gave them my money, but today i lost my money on my way to the school. I was prepared for some beating, but one of the bullies pushed me and i fell while hitting my head. So what now? Actually i don't know. Im stuck in black and endless void. Is this what they call afterlife? Am i here to lose my memories and be reborn like in hinduism or buddhism? I've been here for hours. At least it felt like hours. Let's tast some stuff.

"Hello?" My voice echoed like in some cave. So i can talk here. Lets try running and walking around. I moved my legs and suddenly felt something under them. It felt like surface under water. It wasn't slippery. I felt weird walking around. Every time i tried to move it felt sluggish and heavy. So I just walked and walked. I didn't feel any exhaustion. After hours and hours of walking I found something in distance. There was something shining with golden light. So i ran that way. It was first thing i found in this boundless black void. So of course i would try to find out what it was.

Finally i saw what thing emitted that golden light. It look like game manu? I was pretty good at playing games in my life. I loved strategic and creative games. But this looked like something from RPG. I came so close that i could see what was written in that golden menu. It had lot of decoration that looked like plants around the frame. My eyes open wide when i saw tittle of the menu.


Name: None

Race: None

Age: None

Skills: 0/3

(Available Skills)

(Available Races)

This looks like a character creation menu. So i'm getting reincarnated? Does everyone get chance to choose their skills and race or am i special? However it is, this is my chance to be strong so nobody will try to bully me again. It looks like i can choose 3 skills so let's start with skills. As i clicked (Available skills) suddenly warning message popped up.



Well i guess i should think about it first. If i choose skills that aren't compatible with some races then those races will be locked. So I just can't become a demon using holy magic. But still lets start with skills. If i choose some race then skills not compatible with that race would be locked. I think that it would be better to start with skills so i can choose whatever skill i want. After thinking for a minute i hit (yes) without hesitation. Skill list menu showed up and there was so many skills to choose from. Let's start with something like a system from anime and manga. After few minutes browsing the list i didn't find anything. At least i think there is nothing because non of the skills has a description. WHAT IS THIS CUSTOMER SERVICE?! IF THIS WAS A GAME I WOULD BE REFUNDING IT RIGHT NOW! Well i found something that could be helpful in different world. Cause from my guess i will be reincarnated in fantasy world with magic and skills. It's called (BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE). Everyone in anime or manga after reincarnated doesn't have a common knowledge. If my guess is right then this skill should have at least basic knowledge about world i'm going to live in. After clicking on a skill, another menu appears.



Hesitation takes over my mind but after few seconds my hands pushes yes. My head started to hurt like hell. I wasn't expecting it so i fall to my butt. After few second it stops. Ah what was that?? Little shaken i look around few times and then stand up again.In front of me there is still skill menu but the number of skills i can choose changed.

Skills: 1/3

It will hurt like that another 2 times?! Looking little annoyed at the skill menu i suddenly realized something. EVERY SKILL HAD DESCRIPTION NOW! So the skills can take effect even if i'm still here? If That's true i can train myself with using skills i choose before getting reincarnated. I don't know if it was fate or curiosity but i remembered skill that caught my attention when i was browsing skill list.


(Usually living beings evolve thru generations, but this skill allows user to go thru evolution stages of their race. Strongest monsters that lived in this world usually has this skill)

I was surprised. This skill is screams: monsterous strength! Without hesitation i clicked thru warning message and took this skill. My body started to burn. It felt like every cell of my body was changing. It took several minutes of intense pain. I even started to regret my decision but it was too late for that. When it finally stopped, I realized that I was lying curled up on the ground. After few tries of standing up i finally stood back in front of the skill menu. A message appeared.


Another surprise was waiting for me on screen. Every skill available had something called (EVOLUTION PATH). IF MY GUESS IS RIGHT THEN DUE TO HAVING SKILL EVOLUTION I CAN EVOLVE SKILLS! That sounds overpowered. Browsing skill once more i found another surprising skill.


(Allows user to create their own servent. Servant can be design however user decides to, but bigger and stronger servants with their own consciousness require more magical energy.)

Does that mean i can create my own army just from magic?! So i can just build my own kingdom out of my magical servants? This sounds op too but i would need lots of magic to create that many servants. Lets stop thinking and look at the evolution of this skill.


(Every time this skill upgrades, usage of magic becomes little bit less. It becomes easier to create consciousness for servant and allows to give a servant skills from user, if skill evolves enough)

AGAIN THIS SOUNDS SO COOL AND AWESOME. Let's get it before i start to hesitate. After another round of pain. This time it was the head again. After that opened the list of races. There was lots of interesting and cool races like dragonoids and demons, but what caught my attention was (ALATUS) race. This race is supposed to be ancient peaceful race that was destroyed long ago. They had quite a big civilization but were destroyed by humans. Most interesting thing is their monster-like evolutions. Usually humanoid races have simple evolution tree from what i saw, but this race has evolution list closer to that of a monster. I cannot see whole evolution tree of any of the races, but i guess that this one is best from humanoid one's. There is even a bonus, if i pick this race i can grow wings. From what i read, stronger individuals from this race have angelic like wings. I must say having wings sounds cool, Why am i so sure i can grow wings? Well thanks to the (EVOLUTION) skill i will get small debuff. I will start from most basic version of Alatus race, but thanks to that same skill i can evolve in stronger versions of that race. Frst stage is wingless Alatus but after that i can get wings. I imagine myself flying in sky and instantly pushed (ALATUS) and click thru all the warnings. Suddenly my head starts to get dizzy, and my eyelids become heavy. I fell down, and everything turns black.