

Eraba is a 17 year old boy who was cursed to a hell called Anarchy. He was sent all the way down to the bottom layer of the hell called "Anarchy". His goal is to make his way up the layers and get to the first, "The Divine Monarchy". He believes the person who cursed him stays up there. Along the way through many layers he meets people who will stick with him. These people are souls waiting to be forgiven and sent out to heaven, or, they're people just like Eraba who were cursed there. Join Eraba on his story to get back to his normal life, and potentially save the citizens of Anarchy.

Azpectral · Fantasy
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5 Chs

(5) Aspirations




7:44 AM

     Kuro yawns as he wakes up and stretches. "That was a good rest! Hey, Era-" Eraba wasn't there. "He gets up super early?" Kuro thought. Kei tells him that Eraba ended up not going to sleep. Kuro walks out back and sees Eraba training with the machete. "Good morning!" Kuro shouts to Eraba. His intense, focused face had switched to a smile. "Good morning, Kuro!" Kuro waves and goes back inside. "Hey, Kei! He's acting weird! He's usually somewhat of an asshole, why would he be happy to see me?!" Kei laughs and says, "Last night, he had told me about a dream. I could feel his soul as he told me about the dream. It felt like an endless abyss of sadness, self regret, and most of all, yearning. He has a very strong will and I believe he's truly come to his senses. He's gonna use all of his power to achieve what he wants." Kuro gets chills. He's come to the realization of the burden that Eraba is carrying on his shoulders.

     "I see." Kuro says. Kuro walks outside and says, "Hey! Let me train with you." Eraba lets him and they start fighting. "Now that I see up close, the machete is special too. Just what did this merchant give him!?" Kuro thought to himself. "Don't get lost in thought. You'll die." Eraba said seriously. Eraba quickly maneuvers behind Kuro and he's about to slice right through his back. Just as the blade is about to make contact, Kuro quickly draws his kukri and dangles it over his back, just barely getting away. "What resolve!" Kuro thought to himself. Eraba kicks Kuro's legs making him fall over. Eraba holds his machete to Kuro's neck and says, "It's not good enough!" In an extremely frustrated tone.

     The two sit down and talk. "Where'd this resolve come from?" Kuro asks. Eraba tells him about his childhood and the dream. He then followed with, "Not too many things scare me, but one thing always shakes me to my core. Losing someone. I've lost the 3 people closest to me, and honestly, it's getting difficult. My parents just disappeared and my grandfather died right infront of my eyes. I never want to feel that again, and I swear by it. I believe, somewhere out here, are my parents. I'm gonna find them and bring them back, where we can live happily. I, Eraba 'Norowareta', swear I'll crawl my way up from this layer and ascend further than The Matriarch. I'll become a divine being of peace and I won't let anyone close to me ever die again. In hindsight, it sounds selfish. But I'll be there for everyone. With everything in my power, I'll make it happen. After taking that loss and almost losing you, I've realized what resolve really is. My will is impenetrable and unbreakable. So Kuro, will you and Kei join me?" Kuro is astonished at how much Eraba has changed. He's incredibly inspired. He's realized that Eraba has the ability to draw out the best in anyone.

SFX: Slight breeze*

     Kuro says in response, "To me, Kei is a beacon of light. She's strong, caring, and a figure I can look up to. I want to be stronger than her, and surpass her. So she can feel the same as I have all these years. I want to be her protector, and yet I also want what's best for Anarchy. I'll be there with you, in your quest to purify Anarchy and to get your parents back. As I follow along, I'll get stronger and reach new heights. I'll surpass Kei and I'll be known as one of the men who assisted the purification of Anarchy. We're gonna change this place forever."

     They walk inside and ask Kei to join. "Well, if you guys are serious, then sure. We gotta make ourselves known to the Matriarch. We're gonna find our brother, and rebel against that shitty tyrant of a leader." Kuro and Eraba both smile at eachother. Kei follows with, "I'm gonna go get some things and get ready, you guys go on ahead." Kuro and Eraba leave.


Eraba and Kuro are walking when they see a kid on his way to school being bullied by 3 highschoolers. Kuro, as a district protector goes to do something but is already a second too late. Eraba has already beaten the bullies to a pulp. "You guys are worthless assholes!" He yells to them. Kuro understands what just happened and knows there's gonna be penalties. "You alright, kid?" Eraba says. The kid nods his head with tears coming down his eyes. Eraba gives him a hug and says, "I know how it feels. Go on to school. You're safe." The kid gets on his way and leaves. Kuro knows that Eraba only had good intent, but he knows the town leader won't accept that. "Hey, Eraba." Kuro says seriously. Eraba looks at Kuro and says, "Yeah?" Kuro replies with, "This town has a corrupt leader. He's the tyrant that Kei was talking about. Although those highschoolers were bullying the kid, it was YOU that did something about it. You just got here last night and I should've told you about the rule. 'The 60 day no-violence rule'. It's an extremely strict rule. Upon entering, whether it's violence for a heroic act or not, you can't do anything of that sort for 60 days. You violated the rule but it's alright. We planned on rebelling anyways."


     "Send 'FIVE' their way." The town leader says. The assistant replies with, "Very well."

SFX: Flying, impact, ground crumble*

     A tall, dark-skinned man with long, black hair, wearing blackout glasses in a white, striped suit with a purple tie arrives. On the back of the suit is his district number and his name. 'FIVE. Haruzen Yari'. Eraba stares in slight fear and shock while Kuro has a stern look on his face.

"Kuro, not in attire and neglecting duty. On top of that, a stranger who's hurting citizens" Yari says, as he's pointing his spear in the direction of Eraba. "I've seen the signs of you disliking the leader and this town less and less. If you're planning a rebellion of some sort, you're gonna run through a gauntlet of hell. You have to go through me, 4 other district protectors, the 3 uppers, the rulers assistant, and the ruler himself. You guys need a miracle to pull it off." Yari states. Out of nowhere, his spear is in between Eraba and Kuro. "What the hell!? It's as fast as a bullet!" Eraba thought to himself. Yari disappears and links with the spear. He's behind them and says, "No hope."



About Yari:

Yari is a 6'3, 34 year old dark-skinned man. He has long black hair and his attire is the normal district protector personal attire. His weapon is a spear. What I meant by "linking" with the spear is that it's a weapon of travel as well. He's binded the spear with him so he can throw it and move with it at any time.