
Era of the Kuja

What if someone with a twisted ambition gets transported to the world of One Piece and wants to be the main character? OC x massive harem. AU where OC becomes the MC.

kurumi_XD · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 2

Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece. I only own my OC characters.

Chapter 2: Amazon Lily

Amazon Lily's Palace

{3rd Person POV}

Everyone is getting out of the palace as the Empress, Boa Hancock, has decided to take a shower and it is mandated that no one can be in the palace due to the 'Gorgon's Curse' on the Gorgon sister's back. Boa Hancock decided to take a shower as a way to relax her mind as things are not going too well for her. For the past month, the Kuja Pirates were unable to plunder any ships passing through the Calm Belt and were facing a shortage of certain "valuables". Not only that, the Empress has received many distressing reports of an intruder or rather an unfamiliar presence in the other island of the Calm Belt; Rusukaina. Normally, the Kuja Pirates will set sail to investigate their territory but Rusukaina is an exception as it is classified as a dangerous island for anyone to set foot on. To add to the problem, the World Government has requested the presence of all the Shichibukai in Navy HQ to discuss the ongoing threat of the Revolutionary Army. The meeting is made compulsory and non compliance will result in the revocation of their warlord status, meaning that Amazon Lily will no longer be overlooked by the World Government and a fleet of Navy ships will be dispatched to capture everyone on the island as the citizens are all considered to be pirates in nature. Boa Hancock is a person that never follows through the summons of the World Government but now, she is put in a tight spot. She decided not to think about anything for now and just enjoy the bath, but suddenly, something came crashing down on the ceiling in the private bathroom.

-Flashback start-

Ainz on his way to Amazon Lily started to think of various ways to approach the man-hating Empress. He wants their first meeting to be successful and that she will fall in love with him. Remembering how Luffy originally managed to capture her heart in the anime, Ainz immediately flew to the top of the Palace while repressing his haki so that no one would sense him yet. Luck is in his favour as he saw all the citizens evacuating the Palace meaning that he gets the same exact setting in the anime, now, he only needs to see her back and everything will play out smoothly. So, he went crashing down on the bathroom and just like he thought, Hancock was the one inside.

-Flashback end-

Hancock turned around slowly and was shocked to find a MAN on the island, worse still, in her private bathroom of all places. She realised her back was exposed to Ainz and instantly crouched down to hide it in the water. Ainz, having a calm demeanor due to his devil fruit making his "lovely" desires suppressed, acted like he was confused about the mark on Hancock's back and proceeded to talk about how he saw a similar mark before. Hancock's sisters, Boa Sandersonia and Boa Marigold went rushing towards the entrance of the bath due to the loud crash they heard, were shocked to see Hancock's angry expression and immediately covered her up with a robe.

{Hancock's POV}

"He saw it. HE SAW THE MARK ON MY BACK" I said each word filled with hatred and my sisters got the message and covered my back with a robe. This man, or rather a boy knows something about the mark that no one should ever find out. He must be executed immediately before he does something bad or worse, inform the marines.

"No one should ever see the marks on our backs, we'd rather die than let our backs be exposed, now, man, be gone ! Mero-Mero Mellow", wait he did not turn into stone?! Let me try again, "Mero-Mero Mellow". Still not working god dammit, I bit my nail in anger and shouted " Why didn't you turn to stone, do you not have any desires for me?!" My sisters told me that perhaps it was his fear of death that saved him, even so I will not let him leave the island alive.

{3rd Person's POV}

Ainz stood there thinking about what he would do next in order to turn the situation into a favorable one for everyone and get what he originally came for in the first place in the process. He thought to himself that it is now or never and he disappeared and reappeared in front of Hancock hugging her. Hancock, disgusted by the touch of a man, started to struggle but to no avail. Ainz then whispered in her ears " I know you were a former slave to the celestial dragons and how you wanted freedom for your people so you had no choice but to work with the World government, the very same government that allowed the horrific experience that your sisters and you went through. I know it has been so hard on you, not being able to trust anyone, fearing that they will take advantage of you and resulting in your freedom being taken away", he continued with tears in his eyes " I'm sorry for not being able to save you and being there for you in your darkest hours. Rest assured that now I am here, no one will be able to harm you or your people ! I aim to kill those scum of a celestial dragon and destroy the World government."

Hancock was shocked to hear this and didn't know why her eyes were overflowing with tears and began crying a river while muttering that she screamed for help everyday during her slavery, hoping that someone would come and save her. Ainz, hearing this was furious and let out his conqueror's haki that knocked Hancock's sisters unconscious. Hancock felt his immense anger and thought to herself that maybe this man was different. After Hancock calmed down, she finally returned the hug and asked if being a former slave disgusted him in any way and to that Ainz kissed her on the forehead, stating that he doesn't care about what she used to be and he accidentally blurted out the three words that will forever change Hancock; "I love you".

Ainz slowly breaks from the hug to see her reaction, fearing that she was disgusted by his accidental proclamation. They just met and he said that he loves her?! To his surprise, Hancock's face was red like a tomato and just looked on the floor, feeling emotions that she never thought she would experience again: happiness and shyness. Then again, anime girls fall in love easily, he thought to himself. Hancock then told Ainz how she and her sisters escaped from the Holy land through the outbreak caused by Fisher Tiger, that despite hating humans, he did freed all the slaves and she is eternally grateful for what he had done. Hancock, seeing that her sisters had woken up some time ago and was just sitting at a corner seeing everything unfold, had also cried silently, remembering what they went through. Ainz, seeing that things had turned out well, was about to leave the palace as he did not want to rush things, was stopped by Hancock and invited for a banquet to which he accepted happily. Seeing his happy smile, Hancock's face went red again while letting out a silent "k-kya-aaa" in her lovestruck mode. Ainz was ushered by Sandersonia and Marigold to Hancock's room to wait for her to prepare herself for the banquet.

While everything was unfolding, Elder Nyon stood at the entrance when Ainz left and was furious that Hancock had broken the island's rule of a "no man policy". To make matters worse, Elder Nyon was dumbstruck that Hancock was not concerned about how the "man" got to the island and his identity was still unknown. For all they know, he could be a spy or worse, a slaver. Hancock, being angry that Elder Nyon was accusing her beloved, told her that he was different from the other males and kicked her out of the palace. Hancock then continued her bath with a glowing smile on her face, feeling relaxed and happy for once in such a long time.


Just a heads up! There will be overlord references in the story. The reason being is the MC's second favorite anime is Overlord ! and wants to conquer the world in a similar way as Ainz.

kurumi_XDcreators' thoughts