
Chapter 27 Explorers Guild(5)

Ever since he saw the description for [Mana Pool], Alex had been curious. He felt like the description wasn't all there was to it and it clearly wasn't a skill so he decided to consult the trusty internet and it seems he was right. And it seems Alex was correct. As the page loaded the first thing Alex saw was the same description the system gave him the one about liquified mana. When he searched more he found that the mana pool wasn't just liquified mana but also a type of mana core inside the human body. According to some information posted by the Explorers Guild itself the [Mana pool] is a mana core formed in the human body filled with liquid mana and that wasn't all, a person could also spiritually enter their [ mana pool] by concentrating on it which intrigued Alex. He learned that like Graces all [Mana pools] were different from person to person. Some had flaming cores that looked like infernal suns dripping liquid mana that looked like lava from a volcano and others had metal cores dripping mercury.

Looking at the instructions shown to enter your [Mana Pool] Alex sat on the floor in his room, closed his eyes and concentrated on his chest area with his mind's eye. Alex didn't know how long he was concentrating for but all his concentration was broken by the simple sound that he has heard many times.....the sound of dripping water. Suddenly the darkness around him changed, everything was still dark but it seemed different somehow.


Suddenly Alex heard the sound of dripping water once again and this time it sent a ripple through the dark ground. Ground?

'Wait a minute aren't my eyes closed.' Alex thought as he placed his hand on his face then he froze. Looking at his hands they radiated a soft glow infact his entire body did. Just as he was wondering what was going on he heard it once again.


Another ripple was sent through the ground, looking up it finally dawned on him where he was....he was inside his [Mana Pool]. Above his head he saw dark orb that seemed to radiate power dripping a dark purple liquid. Around the orb floated three red glowing objects that didn't feel like part of his [Mana Pool]. Looking closely he saw what looked like a red body suit, a red dagger and a sword with a blood red blade and an orange hilt. That's right his arnaments were inside his [Mana Pool] while it remained unsummoned in the real world. Calling the arnaments towards him, Alex inspected each one of them and even swung the sword and dagger a few time but didn't try and activate their enchantments due to the fear of damaging his [Mana Pool].

Next he touched the liquid dripping from the orb above. When it came in contact with his hand it felt cold, extremely cold causing Alex to recoil his hand. The liquid felt sticky and thick causing him to flash his hand few times. Then he tried touching the floor but it was cold and hard like ordinary ground. Alex thought the ground would be soft considering that it rippled everytime the liquid fell onto it.

'I guess this place isn't ruled by logic.' Satisfied with his findings, Alex exited his [Mana Pool]. He found himself in the same room he was in before still naked. Now that he has confirmed his theory about [Mana Pool]s he decided to search for something else he wandered about <What happened to dungeons after they were conquered?>. The first thing that came up was what a dungeon was, according to an article dungeons were basically a separate dimension or maybe even planet than Earth and the dungeon gates were basically portals to those dimensions and planets which Alex had figured out on his own. For some reason creatures from other dimensions and planets couldn't enter Earth except during dungeon breaks which were rare and extremely dangerous. Scientists have theorized that this was due to the system due to the fact that before the system came monsters and beasts could enter Earth as they wish bit that stopped after the system was given to human kind although their are still some monsters and beasts that roamed the planet from 30 years ago.

As for what happened when dungeons were conquered unfortunately, or fortunately, the dungeons did not disappear instead they were inaccessible for a period of time. They may take a decade, years, weeks or even just a matter of days but they will reopen and their rank is increased more cases than not and sometimes their location might even change. Alex was not stunned by the information or even frightened infact he was kind of happy. With the [Imp Slayer] title he could get a 20% gain in exp for killing imps which would make leveling a lot faster and if they're rank increased no problem, more exp for him( perhaps Alex is getting a bit overconfident.)

And finally Alex decided to search for the most important thing <What is a Nightshade flower>.