
Chapter 127 Shadow Abyss: Temple of Mordoc(11)

Mike and Marcus grabbed both ends of the altar and after much effort they lifted it but they weren't able to move forward.

"Why the hell is this thing so heavy?!" Marcus shouted as he strained to lift the altar.

[Analysis Failed.]

Alex tried to use his [Analysis] skill on the altar but it failed which was a first for him. He could usually get the information of objects he uses the skill on but this time he didn't which could only mean that the altar was made of a material that blocked the [Analysis] skill.

"That's odd, my [Analysis] skill doesn't work on the altar." Rosa said with a hand on her chin.

"Alex can you use your shadow to lift this thing?" Marcus asked with a strained expression on his face.

"Sorry, I'm low on mana right now." He replied and Marcus clicked his tongue.

"Lisa, why don't you try?" Alex said turning to Lisa.

"Huh." She said with a stunned expression