
Chapter 5 Adding Dependents

But this is just the beginning, Lin Xiao first secretly all the True Believer or above fishman skills loaded on the side of the altar, and then loudly greeted all the gray mist fishman converge on the altar, will just reiterate the words once again.

Then, a fishman just promoted from shallow believers to true believers grabbed the bone spikes in his hands 'swoosh' and rushed out, the speed of which scared the fishmen on the side.

In front of the eyes of all the fishermen, this has not yet been promoted to a level one fisherman warrior level zero fishermen in this moment burst out of unprecedented speed heavily hit the altar not far from a wall of sea sand, 'boom' a loud sound, the strength of the sea sand wall is not inferior to the masonry wall blew through a hole large enough to accommodate a thigh, countless broken sand sprayed all over the ground Countless pieces of sand sprayed everywhere.

Compared to Lin Xiao's performance just now, this fish man's performance is more convincing, after all, he himself is the leader of the tribe, everyone knows he is very powerful, but just now this fish man who is known to be very weak but can play such a powerful battle, which completely overturned their perceptions.

In particular, as each true believer fishman skills loaded, have tried to burst out of the battle power for the fishman can be considered terrifying, Lin Xiao look at the other fishman that blazing eyes, immediately jumped out and shouted.

"This is the power given by the great Lord of Grey Mist, believing in the great Lord of Grey Mist will give us great power!"

The truth is in front of us, it is not one or two, but so many fish people are gaining great power, these are the group of fish people who believe in the Lord of Grey Mist most deeply, the effect brought by so many examples is amazing, in this short time of less than a minute, the remaining thirty-four pseudo-believers all became true believers.

And two-thirds of the original forty-three true believers became devotees, and most importantly, a full eight of the original devotees became fanatics.

Before this, he only had one fanatic believer.

In total, Lin Xiao now has nine fanatics, thirty-eight devotees, and the rest are all true believers.

In this way, all the dependents are all qualified to load the skill 'Salty Fish Assault'.

The same loading skill, compared to the direct and rough loading, there are additional rewards for changing this way.

Of course, this does not say that Lin Xiao in the herding believers how powerful, all of these are the first batch of dependents when opening the God's domain, in terms of faith has a bonus, any player can do so well, some stronger than him, the real test for them is the future increase in new dependents, or the future conquest of the outer realm, how to teach those conquered from the other side of the indigenous race, that is the test of a newborn deity's ability.

And Lin Xiao now the new test immediately came, after the whole tribe loaded new skills, he began to load the species card, four hundred new gray mist fish people suddenly appeared in the northern beach side of the tribe, driven by the unknown force is moving towards the gray mist fish people tribe.

With a thought, a bit of golden light disappeared from the top of the fish leader's head, and then issued a divine metaphor in the name of the Lord of Grey Mist.

The moment the divine message was given, a golden light shot from the sacred symbol in the center of the altar into the forehead of the recovered fish leader, the part-time priest of the tribe suddenly raised the bone knife in his hand and shouted.

"Just now the great Lord of Grey Mist told us that a group of fishermen came to our waters, children follow me."

Lin Xiao every seven days to a great lesson, so the foreign invasion will come almost every few years, these fish people are used to, this time although the interval is very short, and the fish people did not have doubts, it happens to just get a powerful new power, are eager to try, full of confidence.

More than a hundred gray mist fish people in the fish leader led by the raging out of the tribe along the beach to the north, at the halfway point will see four hundred seemingly very down gray mist fish people are heading south, both sides stop at the same time.

Although the other side of the gray mist fish people more, but it looks very miserable, yellow and hungry skinny bones, seems to be fleeing over, most of the hands even a weapon are not.

While the gray mist fishermen tribe although the number is small, but at least eat well, the divine domain within the stocking of seven or eight groups of fish, shrimp and crab groups, enough for more than a hundred fishermen to feed well.

Plus after the battle, and just acquired skills, in the momentum of the counter-pressure of the more than four hundred gray mist fish people.

Unlike facing other invaders, probably the enemy at the same time gray mist fishermen, coupled with Lin Xiao's spiritual hint, the fisherman tribe did not first shout and shout, after a standoff for a while, the fisherman leader came forward to communicate with this group of gray mist fishermen.

Lin Xiao saw this relieved, he was afraid that the real fight will certainly lose a large number of fish people.

That is, at first did not fight, and later will not fight, after all, Fang Ning at first did not say that the enemy invasion, the family did not start with a strong fight, but not a small show.

In taking this group of wretched gray mist fishermen back to the tribe, constantly tribal fishermen to show their skills, caused many fishermen refugees shock, wait until the tribe saw the altar in the center of the tribe

Immediately nearly a quarter of the fisherman refugees leaned over and kneeled, Lin Xiao first time to sense more than a hundred lines of faith.

Although all are tiny incomparable is pan-believers, UU look book www.uukanshu.com but this represents a good start, indicating that this group of fish people refugees on the acceptance of faith high degree.

As long as the time is long, the influence of the eyes and ears, coupled with their own show miracles from time to time, the group of fish people refugees all transformed into believers is not difficult.

Time flies, ten days have passed, a large number of fish and shrimp to catch the fish people refugees changed the original sloppy appearance, quickly integrated into the new tribe.

In the original tribe every day under the influence of the ear, more fish people joined the faith of the Lord of the Gray Mist, the number of his believers grew rapidly, and soon more than two-thirds of the new fish people and Lin Xiao established a faith connection, representing that they are already his new believers, but the degree of faith is not high, basically shallow believers.

But he is not in a hurry, faith in this kind of thing can not be rushed, anyway, he has a long time, take your time, daily fixed prayers, once a month routine large gatherings of believers, etc., especially waiting for a period of time to touch the test, is a good opportunity to spread the faith.

This day, under the conscious guidance of Lin Xiao, the tribe began to collect sea sand and gravel from outside, ready to expand the tribe.

Here Lin Xiao did not continue to observe, to make sure that the dependents were developing well and the two tribes were integrating smoothly, he went offline contentedly.

Out of the God's Domain login pod, Lin Xiao's mind was still recalling the situation within the God's Domain, and he found that the fish people within the God's Domain might not have enough food.

There were only four groups of one-star sturgeon schools, one group of two-star sardine schools, one group of one-star green shrimp, and two groups of one-star pike crabs within the Divine Realm itself.

The number is not too much, for a few hundred fish people no problem.

But the problem is that the new fish people have twice the fertility rate and survival rate of the same fish people, which means that it will not be long before the number of fish people in the God's domain will grow rapidly, this food may not be enough to eat.

How to do not enough food?

Of course is to buy cards to cast food ah!