

Harry is thrown into a timeline of the 4 axial realms of Lyotae to bring back his father,and save his planet, E23 from alternate destruction and pulverisation. He traverses the 4 realms unknown to any, will he save E23 as all odds are against him? Equilibrium & Balance gives EQUILLANCE.

deemahvich11 · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

Harry walked on the square out of the national museum with his friend, Maxx.

"Still think there is a chance of getting out of the realm once in it?" Maxx asked as he walked side by side with Harry.

"Yeah, all possibilities. The book from the Guardians of Old had proved that." Harry claimed.

"But the 'how' wasn't stated." Maxx countered.

"Science solves the 'how' through matter displacement and Dyne particle shift." Harry said again.

"So, you are in?" Maxx asked.

"For what?" Harry queried.

"Lyotae." Maxx added.

"Yeah, fully in. In with my body and my soul." Harry claimed.

They strode past the pharmacy across the street, they took a quick left and they were at Radbourns School of Time. The building stood magnificently. This school has been here for many decades now.

Quickly, they walked into the hall. It was ten minutes after ten a'time in the morning. They were already late for class. Maxx who studied Time displacement instantly left for his class. Harry went to his class which was at the end of the hall. At the door, the stamp boldly read: PROBING INTO LYOTAE

Harry clutched the door knob open and he was welcomed with glances from his mates and Mrs Paltrow. He took his seat upfront. Then the teacher began.

"We fear our planet is at its end." Mrs Paltrow said with her crooked voice. She seemed to be in her fifties. Her hairs wear turning grey. She put on a blue suit with a white T-shirt.

"And I fear the ongoing Lyotae travel may fail." She said as the room went into a forum for gasps and murmurs.

"There's a two percent chance of that plan working out. The realms have always been a mystery that plagued our planet. Many have died trying." She said as her yet still crooked voice echoed around the room. A hologram then popped up on the desks of each student. A circular portal appeared as a hologram.

"The first one is the Arcagon. Myth says it leads to a planet of constant battle between good and bad. A battle between...Anyone?" She asked.

"Nivian and the Divian sectors on the planet ' Carvanor '. The Nivian are good men and women of the Ancient Sky Knight while the Divian are Vikings basically living in the other hemisphere of Carvanor." Harry explained.

"Five points to you,Harry. The next is the Earth realm. Here, it is believed to host life forms of every kind. And there are as many earths as you could count. But the realm takes you straight to Earth Prime." Mrs Paltrow explained.

A hand went up.

"Yes, Miss Bethany."

Bethany, the exquisitely gorgeous girl Harry has been wanting to talk to but he just can't. People don't wanna talk with a Time nerd like him - he thought.

"What if this whole realm thing is a cycle of natural balance between space and time?" Bethany asked from her seat next to Harry. She often gave Harry a look.

"Good question. It is a cycle of equilibrium and balance." Mrs Paltrow clarified all doubts.

"That will be the end of our class for this week, but, before that, who amongst you is willing to travel through Lyotae?" Mrs Paltrow asked as she scaled the room. There was silence in the air when a hand went up. Harry.

"Me, ma'am. I'm interested." Harry said.

"I think there's all possibility that we could go in there and attain balance." Harry said as he walked along sides Mrs Paltrow down the terrace outside the school.

"You are so courageous. Your father only tried to make things better but he failed. This is your chance to do this, for the planet." Mrs Paltrow said as she entered into her omnicar and zoomed off.

"Hey!" A voice called out. Harry turned to look. It was her, his heart felt like jumping to his mouth. She was all he dreamed of. The curly brown hair, her great smile, quick strides. Bethany.

' Hey ' was all Harry could utter back. He just stood there on the walk like a statue.

"You've really got a ton of guts to be wanting to volunteer to go up there." She said as she gestured towards the sky. Harry quickly got his composure on check.

"Yeah, I dunno. Uhmm, it's a chance to clear the accusation of my family putting the planet into this." Harry grumbled.

"But many people do not believe it could happen." Bethany said.

"That's what they believe." Harry replied.

"It's a situation of fear. People want answers to their one question. Are they going to die? It's a huge pressure on the Time and Space Agency." She said as she curled her lips.

Silence prevailed as they as they strode slowly on the walk until..

"Why do you choose to be alone?" Bethany raised an eye regretting she had asked.

"Alone? People blame me and my brothers for our dad's mistake." Harry confessed.

"Sorry 'bout that. These are moments of grief, shock and panic in this small planet. What do you expect?" She asked him.

"Big question. Everything." Harry replied with a hearty smile.

"Are you willing to partake in the Lyotae travel?" Harry asked.

"I dunno. You want me to?" She asked.

He just looked and said:"It's your life, you get to do what you want with it." Harry advised.

They finally came to the street where they part ways. They now felt free with each other.

"Can you come over to my house next week?" Bethany asked.

"Uhmm? Urmm..." Harry stuttered like a toddler.

Noticing this, Bethany bursted into an innocent laughter. Harry just stood there watching her, his spirit rose anytime he saw her smile or even laugh.

"You could say ' I'd love to ', ' Yes, no problem. ' " Bethany suggested.

"Yes, no problem." Harry accepted the invitation full fledged.

"Bye for now. See ya." She said as she crossed the free lane with her yet another innocent smile. She struck him all this time. Damn! She's gorgeous.


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