
EPOS: from rags to godhood

In the realm of the divine, ascension to godhood is a perilous journey, requiring immense strength and endurance. Rufus, a mere mortal from a world in shambles, seems the most unlikely candidate to achieve such a feat. But fate has a way of intervening in the lives of the unsuspecting. Follow Rufus on his epic odyssey as he forges his own pantheon, traverses through the vast expanse of the universe, encounters friends and foes alike, battles against nightmarish creatures, and ultimately transcends into divinity. . . . . . And if you seek to witness such tales of heroism and divinity, do not hesitate to visit my Instagram page @alexanderca0, where you will find AI-designed concept art and maps of fantastical worlds.

AlexanderCao · Fantasy
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392 Chs

The four heavenly kings

The four heavenly kings used to be four kings in the world of Vadisara. Bishamon Ten the king of the northern kingdom, Zocho Ten, the king of the southern kingdom, Jihoku Ten, the king of the eastern kingdom and Komoku Ten, the king of the western kingdom.

These four yokai kings were approached by a child of pandora. He promised them power and forged all weapons that would make the powerful beyond imagination. For Bishamon ten the child of pandora forged a trident known as the death of heavens. For Zocho Ten a sphere, Jihoku Ten was gifted with a sword and lastly, Komoku Ten was given a golden brush.

With these gifts, the four kings were able to build magnificent cities and their nations started to flourish. As the four kings' power grew, so did their greed. These four kings ended up warring against each other with devastating results.

As they did, the kings started to forsake their people, causing Rajin and Fujin to escape with their people from Vadisara. During the peak of the war, the power of the gifts the child of pandora gave started to wane and get weaker. Soon the four kings started to grow old and weak. Their people started to rebel, so the four kings met. They prayed for the child of pandora to return and so he did.

He promised that he would fix their tools if they took the vow of pandora, marking them as children of pandora themselves till death. Without hesitation, the four kings agreed and the power of their objects returned to an even greater extent.

The four heavenly kings killed all who rebelled in their kingdoms and welcomed demons and other children of pandora to their kingdoms. The stranger who offered these gifts commanded the kings to invade other worlds and cause destruction and carnage to create more winds of pandora.