All things must come to an end, but so long as possibility exists, even the cessation of all things will be greeted by reality anew, endlessly repeating but with the steps taken along the way varying infinitely... If you would like to support me or read up to 50 chapters ahead, search for me on Patreon at Eins_left_foot.
'At this rate, there won't be any normal students left in our class by the time I graduate...' thought Vahn, sporting a neutral expression as Xenovia and Irina were introduced as transfer students from Italy. Xenovia should have been a Third-Year, but since most of her records were forged, much like his own, she had no issues enrolling as a Second-Year.
"We'll be in your care," expressed Xenovia, speaking to Vahn and sporting a faint smile as she occupied the seat directly in front of him with Irina to her left, much to Issei's delight...
"Executors from the Church, charged with eliminating the occult, want to join an Occult Research Club...don't you find that a little peculiar?" asked Rias, sitting cross-armed next to Vahn with her right leg over her, Xenovia and Irina seated across from them in the club room.
"God works in mysterious ways~" hummed Irina, closing her eyes and joining her hands in prayer as Xenovia calmly inquired, "Would you prefer if we created a Club that gathers the faithful? That could cause problems for both sides. This way, we can keep an eye on one another. And as Club President, you will have at least some sway over her actions..."
"And what will the two of you do while we're conducting club activities?" asked Rias, pointing out, "Because our primary activities involve forming contracts with humans. As agents of the Church, can you turn a blind eye to humans being led astray~?"
Closing her eyes, Xenvoia responded, "It is their right to deviate from the light and piousness..." before opening her eyes, meeting Vahn's gaze, and appending, "Besides...we have it on reasonable authority that you and the members of your Peerage are exceptions among Devils. And based on our preliminary findings, most of the humans you contract have their lives and situations improved for the better..."
"Is that what you've been investigating this past week instead of looking for the fragments of Excalibur...?" asked Rias, raising her right brow with a hint of sarcasm.
"Among other things," answered Xenovia, adopting a faint smile as she remarked, "After all, with the upcoming summit, there's no such thing as being too cautious."
"I don't like this..." said Vahn, his expression morphing into a frown as the gazes of everyone present shifted to him.
"What don't you like...?" asked Xenovia.
Shaking his head, Vahn explained, "The ORC is like a family. I think it's good if the Three Factions can get along, but this and that are separate issues. You can't force your way into someone's family without creating conflict and tension, and we shouldn't be keeping an eye on each other. Cooperation means looking after, not keeping each other in check...that's no different from the current three-way deadlock..."
"Then...what do you propose...?" asked Xenovia, having received orders to do everything in her power not to antagonize Vahn.
"Coexistence starts with mutual respect..." argued Vahn, his expression firming as he pointed out, "Having us change our habits and lifestyle to accommodate you isn't treating us with respect. You're taking advantage of the fact that we don't want to fight to bully us into compliance, and to what end? What, exactly, do you hope to accomplish by joining the ORC? And why should we care if you form a Club that gathers the faithful unless you plan to weaponize them against us?"
Crossing his arms, leaning back, and slumping in his seat, Vahn remarked, "If you genuinely want my opinion, you should join the Kendo and Theater Clubs. Rias came here because she appreciates Japanese culture, and my reason is that I wanted to experience life as a student. We all have duties and obligations to fulfill, but the ORC is no place for interfaction politics or power struggles..."
"Wow, don't pull your punches when it comes to expressing your opinion..." remarked Issei, standing behind the sofa Vahn and Rias seated on with Akeno, Kiba, Koneko, and Asia.
"No kidding~" hummed Irina, sporting a merry smile as she appended, "Though, since it was brought up, I've always been a big fan of theater. And attending school as an ordinary student would be a nice change of pace. What do you think, Xenovia?"
Alternating her gaze between Vahn, Rias, and the other members of the ORC, Xenovia found herself at a loss. She wasn't used to having to think so deeply about things. She usually just followed orders blindly, allowing her faith and convictions to guide her.
'Ah, that's it...' thought Xenovia, closing her eyes, bringing her hands together in prayer, and raising her face as if basking in the warm rays of providence as she appealed to the highest power of all for guidance. Of course, she never actually received a verbal response to her prayers, but the warmth of God's love filled her with strength and resolution.
Nodding in affirmation of herself, Xenovia lowered her hands, opened her eyes, and met Vahn's gaze as she conceded, "You have a point. If we are to work together toward true coexistence, we should begin by respecting boundaries..."
Meeting Irina's gaze, who was already giddy at the thought of joining the Theater Club, Xenovia added, "And if it means we can avoid awkwardness and escalating tensions, I don't see why we can't join clubs other than the ORC..."
"Right on~!" exclaimed Irina, pumping her fists cutely before raising her right into the air.
"Well, that simplifies things," remarked Rias, nodding approvingly as she sat back and stated, "This school—and the ORC, in particular—is meant to be a place where humans, devils, youkai, and even Executors from the Church can gather without worry. It's not a place to bicker over politics or differences in ideals but to put them aside, learn more about one another, and hopefully realize we're not all that different."
"Then that is what we'll aim to achieve..." affirmed Xenovia, offering a curt nod before shifting her gaze to Vahn and adding, "That said, there is one final matter we need to discuss before Irina and I depart. Could I borrow a moment of your time, preferably in private?"
"Don't you remember what I said last time?" asked Vahn, reminding, "The ORC is my family. I don't keep secrets from them, so unless it's something sensitive or personal, we can discuss it here."
"It's both..." confirmed Xenovia, her expression and tone business-like as she looked to Grayfia and appended, "It's understandable if you wish the heiress of House Gremory and Lucifer's Queen to remain, but it may make things unnecessarily complicated if the subject of our discussion is known to many..."
"I could totally go for an iced latte or a frappuccino," expressed Irina, her words directed at Issei via her starry-eyed gaze.
"Are you asking me to take you out...?" asked Issei, his pupils contracting before dilating as his palms became sweaty.
"Go ahead," said Rias, a hint of finality in her tone as she stated, "And the rest of you are also free to leave. Use this time to unwind or study for your upcoming exams."
Prompted by Rias's words, everyone began awkwardly or anxiously filing out of the club room. Koneko and Asia, in particular, gave the impression they wanted to stay behind, but Akeno conducted them out with a close-eyed smile, reassuring them that everything would be okay.
"Well, what did you want to discuss...?" asked Rias, her gaze focused on Xenovia but briefly shifting when she noticed Grayfia calmly sit to Vahn's left, sandwiching him between them.
Nodding in resolution, Xenovia stated, "Considering that you have Kiba Yuuto as your Knight, you should be aware that the Church has been struggling to find and produce Holy Sword wielders for some time. Save for myself and three others; all other Holy Sword wielders were artificially created via a special ritual..."
"Your point being...?" asked Rias.
Meeting Vahn's gaze, Xenovia dutifully explained, "The Church would like Vahn to use his unique capabilities to emulate an Angel or a natural-born Holy Sword wielder and provide genetic samples for analysis and possible use. If that is too impersonal..."
Pressing her right hand to her chest, deforming her ample bosom around her forearm, Xenovia revealed, "I have volunteered of my own volition to be the recipient of your seed. If you were to bless my womb as an Angel, I am certain our children would be exceptional."
"So what if they are...?" asked Vahn, furrowing his brows as he pointed out, "If you can't see what's wrong with having children for the express purpose of having them become tools for killing at the behest of others, you shouldn't have kids. It also goes against the very notion of free will..."
"You're mistaken..." contended Xenovia, shaking her head before calmly appending, "The Church wouldn't ask us to hand over our children. And I volunteered for this duty because I, too, wish to see an end to the conflict between the Three Factions. Our children will be raised in a setting where humans, Devils, and believers like myself coexist peacefully. Then, even if they do become Executors or Exorcists, they won't exclusively be hunting Devils, but all who threaten to disrupt the balance..."
"That's something for adults to concern themselves with...children should be able to live and grow without worry..." argued Vahn, though, as he said it, he knew things were never that clear cut. All children were born with at least some expectations forced upon them, and those he sired with High-Class Devils like Rias and Sona were destined to inherit the same burdens and obligations as their mothers...
"Then, would you be willing to provide us with your seed via donation...?" asked Xenovia, a hint of disappointment in her eyes and a slight feeling of discomfort in her chest. Vahn hadn't rejected her outright, but she felt like she had just confessed for the first time, only for the recipient to think she was weird...
"Even if I were willing, it's impossible," responded Vahn, shaking his head and piquing Rias's and Grayfia's interest, the former asking, "What do you mean?"
"It doesn't matter if it's my bodily fluids, my hair, or even a limb. Any part of me that is separated from the whole will dissolve to nothingness within twenty-four hours," explained Vahn. "All kinds of methods have been used to try and preserve it, but they only accelerated the process."
"Then...presuming it could be preserved, would you be willing...?" asked Xenovia.
"No," responded Vahn, his expression and tone serious as he asserted, "I understand the need for experimentation, but I've contributed more than my fair share to scientific progress and the betterment of humanity. As for us having children...I want my children to grow up in loving environments, and I don't believe our personalities mesh or that you would make a good mother as you are..."
Crossing her arms and leaning back against the sofa, Xenovia questioned, "What if I were to take special lessons and become someone who, in your mind, is worthy of motherhood?"
"I don't like what-if scenarios, and I also don't think it's healthy for people to change to appeal to others..." responded Vahn, his tone softening as he appended, "But if you want to change, you have the time and opportunity. Let's focus on becoming friends and allies for now. Whatever follows is for our future selves to sort out..."
"I see..." responded Xenovia, closing her eyes and adopting a faint smile. Then, though her superiors had also tasked her with learning more about Vahn's ability to produce Holy weapons and armaments, she got up from the sofa she was seated on, opened her eyes, and stated, "Then, for the time being, I believe I will apply to join the Kendo Club. Truth be told, I've wanted to attend school at a secular institution since I was a small child. I thank you for your time and bid you adieu."
After punctuating her words with a closed-eyed bow, Xenovia raised her head and turned to depart the club room with a natural sway in her hips. Vahn was almost tempted to follow her with his gaze, but with beautiful girls on both sides of him, particularly to his right, he suppressed the urge without issue...