All things must come to an end, but so long as possibility exists, even the cessation of all things will be greeted by reality anew, endlessly repeating but with the steps taken along the way varying infinitely... If you would like to support me or read up to 50 chapters ahead, search for me on Patreon at Eins_left_foot.
[July 1st, Monday]
With their bi-annual JLPTs(Japanese-Language Proficiency Test) taking place that morning, Issei, Asia, and even Koneko were like zombies by the time the afternoon rolled around. They had the rest of the day off, so Rias invited everyone to gather in the Old School Building to celebrate with the members of Sona's Peerage.
"You three need to pull yourselves together," remarked Rias, sporting a playful smile as she reminded, "If you're this beat up after the JLPTs, the end-of-term exams two weeks from now are going to be Hell."
Borrowing Tsubasa's thighs with his right forearm resting on his forehead, Issei groaned, "Ugh....don't remind me..." before lowering his arm, looking where Vahn was lending his lap to Koneko, and asking, "Hey, Vahn, can't you, like, make a device that allows us to download information directly to our brain? You know, kind of like that one sci-fi movie?"
"It should be possible," confirmed Vahn, shrugging as he added, "But I believe it's best to avoid shortcuts when learning new things. Or else the knowledge and information don't have any weight to them."
"Vahn's right," affirmed Rias, standing behind Vahn and tousling her hair as she revealed, "Devils also have techniques to scan books, record their memories, and even download information directly from the internet. But knowledge acquired that way doesn't feel real. And even if you can recall the information flawlessly, it's like reading from a teleprompter or a script. It doesn't feel like information you actually know."
"But do high-school and college diplomas even matter for Devils?" asked Issei, rising to a seated position and crossing his arms as he argued, "It's not like I'll be using them to get a job or anything."
"Perhaps," conceded Rias, her expression and tone firming as she added, "But I prefer that my subordinates be well-educated and understand the significance of hard work. Think of it like this. If two people were to take an interest in cooking, but one worked hard to open a restaurant while the other was simply given one, which of them would be more invested in the restaurant's success?"
"The first one, obviously..." responded Issei, adopting a conflicted frown.
"That's right," affirmed Rias, nodding slowly before adopting a broad smile and elucidating, "The first person might be willing to do everything in their power to ensure the restaurant's success, regardless of the setbacks they must overcome. The second person might have a passion for cooking, but unless they're willing to invest in their success and work hard, there's little to prevent them from simply abandoning the failing restaurant and moving on to something else that interests them. That's why I reward you for your hard work rather than simply giving you everything you require."
Inserting herself into the conversation, holding a tiny tray with a piece of strawberry cheesecake, Sona asked, "If you don't mind my asking, what was your dream before becoming a Devil, Issei-san? I'm aware you have the dream of becoming a Harem King, but surely you had something more practical in mind."
Nodding, Issei scratched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly as he revealed, "It's a little embarrassing to admit, but my dream job was to be a Photographer or Videographer for an idol or modeling agency. If that didn't work out, I wanted to try my hand at being a Mangaka or working at a publishing company like Shueisha."
"Those certainly sound like jobs you would be interested in," chimed Kiba, sporting a playful smile. Time, as they said, healed all wounds, so with the death of Valper gradually becoming history, Kiba had started to regain his former vigor and congeniality.
"Well, why not continue pursuing those dreams?" asked Rias, pointing out, "Devils have long had considerable influence in virtually all aspects of the entertainment industry. Rather than simply becoming a Photographer, you could become a Producer in charge of an entire troupe of Idols."
Imagining various scenes from Manga and Doujinshi, Issei gulped audibly and asked, "Does that mean I could do anything I want with the girls that work for my agency?"
Spreading her hands, closing her eyes, shaking her head, and shrugging helplessly, Rias confirmed, "Technically. Most people who find success in the highly competitive entertainment industry became successful due to forming contracts with Devils. For example, nearly all of the original forty-eight members of the AKB48 were contracted to the third son of Marquis Gamigin. But after he grew weary of supervising them directly, he passed the reins to a member of his Peerage."
Though it earned him some nasty or, at the very least, disapproving looks, Issei flared his nostrils and breathed heavily at the possibility of having a harem formed from famous Idols. A year ago, he would have wrapped the hand he used to shake the hand of his favorite Idol to avoid inadvertantly washing it before he had a chance to use it. The notion of that same Idol working for him and calling him P-chan behind the scenes was enough to make him feel lightheaded...
Nudging Issei with her elbow, Tsubasa brought him back to reality and reined him in by calmly stating, "I don't mind if you want to form a harem of idols but don't do anything you would condemn others for. As for me, I intend to become an instructor specializing in training Rooks at the Rating Game Academy Sona-sama wishes to establish."
"An instructor? Rating Game Academy...?" repeated Issei, tilting his head in confusion.
Nodding, Sona explained, "At present, only High-Class Devils and those promoted through them can participate in Rating Games. My dream is to create an Academy where anyone can participate, permitting any and all who possess the drive to ascend the ranks of Devil society. That's why I came to Kuoh. I plan to open the Academy here in Japan so that humans with supernatural abilities and youkai can enroll."
"That's a big dream..." muttered Issei, impressed by Sona's conviction and ashamed of his comparably base and selfish desires. It didn't help that he was just learning of Tsubasa's plans for the future despite them dating for nearly half a year, including the time they spent in the Corridor. He kind of just assumed she would follow and support him...
"But don't you need to manage your family's estate? How will you run a school at the same time...?" asked Vahn, feeling slightly confused until Sona smiled and reminded, "Rias and I are still classified as Young Devils, and our parents are fewer than two thousand years old. We will eventually take over the administration of our family's domains, but that's still quite a ways away."
"Oh...I see..." muttered Vahn, staring down at Koneko and running his fingers through her hair as a wave of embarrassment washed over him. He had been readying himself to support Rias and Sona and potentially become a Lord shortly after graduation, but if they needed to shed their Young Devil status before taking over their parents' positions, he still had at least 82 years to prepare...possibly even centuries...
" appears we may not have been clear enough when we were apprising Vahn of our circumstances..." hummed Rias, gently digging her nails into Vahn's scalp, emulating Grayfia.
"If it's any consolation, that's why we haven't been pressuring you, Issei, or anyone else to grow even faster," remarked Sona, handing her plate to Tsubaki and taking a seat next to Vahn, prompting Koneko to get up and seek out a piece of cake for herself.
Linking the fingers of her right hand through Vahn's left, Sona adopted the most reassuring smile she could manage as she said, "So, much like Issei-san, you have the leeway to pursue a career and interests unrelated to the Underworld and Devil society. Is there anything else you've wanted to try outside of being a student?"
"Well, I've recently thought about getting into forging, but I felt it was a bit redundant considering my abilities..." muttered Vahn, staring down at his and Sona's interlocked hands and caressing her thumb with his own as he confided, "What I really want is to help people...not just Devilkind, but everyone..."
"Is there a specific way you want to help them...?" asked Rias, making her way around the sofa to occupy the space to Vahn's right, securing his free right hand for her left.
Following a lengthy, deliberative pause, where he stared down at nothing in particular, Vahn answered, "By curing diseases, treating illnesses, and limiting the number of cases like mine, Kiba's, and Asia's..."
"Then how about attending medical school for a few years and becoming a Doctor?" proposed Sona. "Or, if you would prefer to utilize more magical means, you could learn Healing Magic or study Alchemy. With your ability to create various rare materials or mass-produce high-quality potions and Elixirs directly, you could help many people."
"That's a good idea," affirmed Rias, nodding approvingly as she revealed, "One of the things that has allowed the Marquis Phoenix Clan to maintain their wealth and status is their unique ability to produce Phoenix Tears. A single drop can mend most wounds, and the refined version can even resurrect the recently deceased so long as their head and heart remain intact, making it one of the most expensive and sought-after concoctions in the myriad realms."
With Sis dutifully opening the Shop and searching for Phoenix Tears on his behalf, Vahn's pupils dilated when he noticed their price ranged from 10,000 to 700,000,000 OP.
Recovering from his surprise, Vahn looked between Rias and Sona as he affirmed, "I also think it's a good idea, but wouldn't the Marquis Phoenix Clan be upset if alternatives to their medicine flooded the market?"
"Undoubtedly," confirmed Sona, narrowing her eyes and adopting a faintly mischievous smile as she added, "But it's better for the consumer if there is greater supply and healthy competition among producers."
"Alright, let's put a pin in this for the time being," suggested Rias, looking around the room at the many gazes focused on them as she stated, "This is supposed to be a party. We can talk business and futureproofing some other time."
Focusing her gaze on Issei, Rias added, "As for you, young man. I expect your grades and test scores to improve if you want my help breaking into the entertainment industry. Those unwilling to apply themselves for their dreams don't deserve to have them fulfilled."
"Then what's the purpose of Devils...?" asked Saji, a hint of sarcasm in his tone, earning him a disapproving look from Sona.
Raising his hands and adopting a cramped smile, Saji clarified, "I'm just saying, most people who come to us have either given up or are looking for a quick solution to their problems. We exist to fulfill people's desires and help them achieve their dreams with less effort, so while I agree it's best to work for what you have, I don't think it's fair to our clients to say they don't deserve to have their dreams fulfilled..."
Sparing Saji from being taken into another room for a Magic-empowered spanking, Rias conceded, "Fair enough, Saji-san. But despite our physical similarities, humans and Devils are fundamentally different creatures. For one, we live considerably longer. And if we possess a sufficient degree of Demonic Power, we can literally shape the world and influence the people around us. It's important for us to have a greater sense of responsibility to avoid deviating down a very dark and self-destructive path."
"You're right. I'm sorry for speaking out of turn and making such a crass remark...I thought I was making a joke, but I guess I didn't choose my words as well as I could have..." expressed Saji, offering a cramped smile and cupping the back of his head as he averted his eyes to avoid Sona's narrow-eyed stare. He had been making a concerted effort to get over his feelings for her, but seeing her sit next to Vahn, grab his hand, and happily discuss the future had triggered his ire...