
Ephemeral Qi: The Unveiling Path

In a realm far removed from the mundane, Li awoke to a world brimming with magic, mythical creatures, and formidable warriors. However, his joy was short-lived as he discovered he was inexplicably tethered to a mysterious system, its rules eluding his understanding. As Li navigated the complexities of this fantastical realm, he found himself in a society where strength dictated one's status and power ruled with an iron grip. The daunting challenge of survival in a world teeming with magical prowess and deadly adversaries lay before him. Determined to unravel the enigma of the system that bound him, Li embarked on a perilous journey. Along the way, he encountered allies with unique abilities and faced adversaries whose strength surpassed his wildest imagination. The very fabric of this alternate reality seemed woven with both wonder and peril. With each encounter, Li honed his skills, uncovering latent talents that the system bestowed upon him. Yet, the path to survival remained treacherous, requiring strategic thinking, alliances, and the mastery of arcane arts. Li's resilience was tested as he delved into ancient lore, deciphering the secrets of the system and unlocking the true extent of his potential. In a world where the line between friend and foe blurred, Li grappled with moral dilemmas and complex relationships. Loyalties were tested, and betrayals lurked in the shadows, making survival not only a physical but also a mental challenge. As Li's journey unfolded, he discovered the intricate tapestry of a world shaped by mythical forces and governed by the unwavering law of the strong. The question remained: Could Li transcend the limitations of the system, carve his destiny, and emerge victorious in a realm where power defined reality? Join Li on this epic odyssey, where every step he takes, every decision he makes, echoes across the landscapes of a world where survival is not just a matter of strength but a testament to the indomitable spirit of a reborn soul. please give review

Immortality_6548 · Eastern
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16 Chs


"Senior sister I have the the forms from all new deciples!"

"Okay you can leave it at the door!"

" Okay!"

Said a guy with helpless face.

After he left a women came out who had pink hair and red crystal eyes.

She looked at the box at her feet she waved her hand as the box flew in air as it followed her in.

After going in she started to see the forms after looking for a while she stopped looking at the forms as her foucus was on a specific form with a starteld face.

"Single spiritual roots ( Earth rank)."

" How can someone be in inner sect?"

" His name is li Fu? Is he the brother of li fi the girl who was found to have five spiritual roots?"

" I can't take li fi with me because if something happened to her I won't be able to explain there aren't many five spiritual roots in the world!"

" Even my self is only four spiritual roots!"

" But I can take li fu with me it will allow me to have good relations with li fi after all it's certain if nothing happens to her she will definitely become at least a Inner Elder in sect!"

" If something happened to li fu I can just blame it on the two empire's or some beast's who we might meet on the way!"

" Okay then it's settled that I will take li Fu with the team to escort the Emporer Chao!"

" And for other's let's forget it I will just take him and reject everyone so I guess he will get the reward three times more "

After that she burned all the other forms as she put li Fu form in her storage bag.

Next day

Li Fu ate the food as they he walked with li fi towards class.

" Brother do you think that they would have thought who they will be taking with them on the Emporer escort missions?"

Li fu" I don't know after all other classes he also admitted the form!"

Li fi" I know but I am sad that they said they will now only take one person with them!"

"The chances of getting picked are even lower!"

Li Fu" That's true but we can just live in sect after all there will be time when we are Allows to go out!"

Li Fu" so stop thinking to much about it "

Li Fu said but in his heart he really wanted to get picked for the team who escort the empower but he could only hope some kind of miracle happens and he gets chosen.

Li fi" you're right brother!"

Hearing her li Fu nodded as he looked at the system where he had now accumulated a good Amount of points!.

Host Name:Li fu

Race: Human

Age : 17

Cultivation Level:Qi Gathering realm ( Level one ) ( 0 / 150)

Passive Technique: Breath Concealment ( Level 1 )( 0 / 300 )

Active Technique: None

Experience Points : 196

Talent: Single spiritual root ( Earth )

Because the food provided is now better he gets more points.

' I wonder will there be more spiritual food? And why am I given spiritual food? I have tasted the food li fi eats and it's not spiritual food after all the food looks the same!'

' Could it be that I have broken through? Is that why I am given spirit food? Will the quality of food increase as I reach a new level of cultivation?'

He kept thinking as li fi brought him out of his thoughts.

Li fi " brother we are here let's go in!"

Li Fu " okay let's go in!"

He says as they winter everyone was sitter on their seats today's no one was standing or talking to eachother like other few days .

Looking at this li Fu and li fi sat in their seats in silence waiting for teacher Su to come.

After waiting for a while teacher su came holding a token.

Standing at the front Teacher Su spoke.

" Everyone as all of you know that the senior deciples have decided that they will only take one person with them so I have two news with me one is good and one is bad!"

" Which one do you want to hear first"

" Teacher Su tell us the bad News first!"

" The bad News is that there won't be any mission for next year where senior deciples take new deciples with them!"

" What!?"

" Why is that teacher!?"

"How can that happen!?"

All the deciples in class started to complain with shock.

Afterall these missions helps them with making connections after all when they graduate from the class they would have to rely on connections.

Some people won't even be able to make connections in ten year's with senior deciples!

These missions are the only things which could help them in making connections.

The only thing's which are very important to cultivators is connection's and cultivation method and natural treasures

After the deciples calmed down Teacher Su spoke.

" Okay everyone calm down let me tell you the good News!"

She said but no one was in good mood to listen but after hearing they got nervous and stared at each other.

" The deciphe which was supposed to be chosen for the Emporer Escort is already chosen!"

" And the that one is from our class!"

Seeing that everyone was staring at eachother she smiled and spoke.

" Li Fu come you are chosen for mission!"

Hearing his name li Fu was shocking he didn't expect that he would get chosen after hearing that there is only one seat.

Not just him everyone felt weird it's not that they have something against him but it is strange that he would get chosen became he only has ( Qi level gathering of level one ) and single spiritual roots of talent .

Li fu got up from his seat and took the token from Teacher Su which she handed to him.

Teacher Su " so li Fu how do you feel are you ready for your first missing? "

li Fu " I don't know teacher su.."

Teacher Su " Well you have set a record after all you are the youngest deciple to ever go on Black level mission!"

Hearing this li Fu could only gave a dry laugh as he went back to his seat.

After the lecture was over Teacher Su told everyone to go out but told li Fu stay behind.

Li Fu " teacher Su what is it you asked me to stay?"

Teacher Su " li Fu Tomorrow you have to go with the senior deciple to Chao Empire Palace So whatever happens stay close to the senior deciple okay!"

Li Fu" why is that teacher su?"

Teacher Su" Because you are the weakest of the team when you go on the road of escorting the Emporer you might encounter beast's so stay behind and let the senior deciples do the work!"

Li Fu" teacher Su why should I stay behind I am not a someone with weak heart!"

He said felling confused after all shouldn't the teacher say that the seniors might not be able to protect you so I have to fight beast's by himself?

Teacher Su" li fu cultivating might sound good and all but a single mistake when we are young can cause a big blow the our cultivation in later stages! So stay behind and don't try to act like a fighter!"

Hearing her li Fu thought about it and felt that she was right if he didn't have system then a single mistake because of me trying to show of could cause a big blow to me.

Li Fu " okay teacher su I will take care of my self!"

Teacher Su " okay the escort team will come tomorrow in afternoon to pick you up and take this pill it will help you Cultivater faster!"

She said as she handed him a Blue colored pill .

Taking the pill he thanked teacher Su.

"Thank you teacher Su!"

" It's okay now go rest or cultivate"

Hearing this li Fu went outside and saw li fi was waiting for him there.

Li fi " Brother what did teacher Su say?"

Li Fu " it's nothing she just told me to take care of myself on the missions"

Li fi " I have heard from senior Wei yan that the mission will be easy and the Emporer Chao himself is a very high level Cultivater so there's no danger on the mission."

Li Fu " I didn't know that it seems I am blessed!"

He said as he tried to show off to li fi.

Li fi looked at him and rolled her eye's as she went towords the cafeteria.

Today li Fu didn't go to cafeterias to eat he went back to his house opening the door he went to his room.

Sitting on the bed he brought out the pill from his storage bag.

Looking at the pill he put the pill in his mouth and gulped it down.

" Gulp!"

After eating it a notification camera From the system.

[ Ding! Host ate a Cultivation Speed Pill Gaining 500 points!"]

Hearing this li Fu del that he was in a dream that is 5 hundreds points!.

He brought out his systems.

Host Name:Li fu

Race: Human

Age : 17

Cultivation Level:Qi Gathering realm ( Level one ) ( 0 / 150)

Passive Technique: Breath Concealment ( Level 1 )( 0 / 300 )

Active Technique: None

Experience Points : 696

Talent: Single spiritual root ( Earth )

" Since I have More then six hundred points should I upgrade my cultivation?"

" But what if I get caught even though the elder said that I had a rare DAO Body it would still be suspicious if I made multiple breakthrough "

" Should I increase my Breath Concealment level?"

" It will help me hide and make people around me less suspicious!".

" After my strength reaches a level where people won't start to question me I wouldn't have to hide my cultivation!"

Talking to himself li Fu decided to increase his Breath Concealment Level.

Host Name:Li fu

Race: Human

Age : 17

Cultivation Level:Qi Gathering realm ( Level one ) ( 0 / 150)

Passive Technique: Breath Concealment ( Level 2)( 0 / 500 )

Active Technique: None

Experience Points : 396

Talent: Single spiritual root ( Earth )

" That's strange I don't feel anything? Is the effect of it so low? I know it is a low level Techniquebut there should be some effect right?"

" Come to think about it I don't seem to have given the Technique book back?"

Li Fu looked at the side of his bed there was a book he grabbed it .

" I should probably give back the book!"

He said as he went outstanding the house and walked towards the Cultivation Technique Hall.

After going there he saw on the counter instead of the women there was an old man sitting.

" Hello I want to return the Technique Book I took a little while ago."

Old man " okay give it me !"

Giving the book to the old man he stood there hesitating. Looking at li fu who was hesitating the old man spoke.

" What Cultivations book do you need?"

Li Fu"Is there any Technique where I can control the elements?"

" There is .What element Technique so you want?"

Li Fu " is there any water type?"

"Water type?"

Li fu" yes is something wrong?"

" No but it's rare for a boy who has just started watching Cultivate immortality asking for a water Technique I thought you meant ask Fire,earth or thunder type Technique!"

" Oh .. so can I get it?"

" Yes but the Elemental Technique's have a cost!"

Li Fu"How much is it?"

"It's one spirit stone for for ten days but if you take the Technique Book outside the sect it will be one spirit stone for 5 day's!"

Hearing this li fu fell in thought since he didn't know how long it would take to get the notification of Technique being acquired became it was at least 5 hundred pages of book!.

Li Fu" Here is 30 spirit stones I will take the Technique for 150 day's!"

li Fu said as he summon the spirit stones from his storages bag and putting them on the counter.

"Okay put the Technique book in your storage bag!"

" Also if you lost this book you will have to pay 1 thousand spirit stone!"

" So much!?"

" of course even making low level Technique require a lot of work and talent!"

" And even if someone knows the Technique who do you think is willing to write this massive book?"

Hearings it li fu nodded and went outside of the Hall and went back to house to study the book in his room.

" I have to be prepared tomorrow I will go to Mission!"

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