
Ephemeral Qi: The Unveiling Path

In a realm far removed from the mundane, Li awoke to a world brimming with magic, mythical creatures, and formidable warriors. However, his joy was short-lived as he discovered he was inexplicably tethered to a mysterious system, its rules eluding his understanding. As Li navigated the complexities of this fantastical realm, he found himself in a society where strength dictated one's status and power ruled with an iron grip. The daunting challenge of survival in a world teeming with magical prowess and deadly adversaries lay before him. Determined to unravel the enigma of the system that bound him, Li embarked on a perilous journey. Along the way, he encountered allies with unique abilities and faced adversaries whose strength surpassed his wildest imagination. The very fabric of this alternate reality seemed woven with both wonder and peril. With each encounter, Li honed his skills, uncovering latent talents that the system bestowed upon him. Yet, the path to survival remained treacherous, requiring strategic thinking, alliances, and the mastery of arcane arts. Li's resilience was tested as he delved into ancient lore, deciphering the secrets of the system and unlocking the true extent of his potential. In a world where the line between friend and foe blurred, Li grappled with moral dilemmas and complex relationships. Loyalties were tested, and betrayals lurked in the shadows, making survival not only a physical but also a mental challenge. As Li's journey unfolded, he discovered the intricate tapestry of a world shaped by mythical forces and governed by the unwavering law of the strong. The question remained: Could Li transcend the limitations of the system, carve his destiny, and emerge victorious in a realm where power defined reality? Join Li on this epic odyssey, where every step he takes, every decision he makes, echoes across the landscapes of a world where survival is not just a matter of strength but a testament to the indomitable spirit of a reborn soul. please give review

Immortality_6548 · Eastern
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16 Chs

Emporer Chao

After reading the book for a few hours he didn't get the results he wanted .

Li fi " brother come outside food is already here!"

Li Fu " ok wait a minute I am coming!"

He said as he put the book in his storages bag and went outside to eat food.

While eating li fi spoke.

Li fi " brother you are going on the escort mission to mare right?"

Li fu " yes! Why are you asking this?"

Li fi " brother can you write about your experience outside in this book?"

She said as she brought out a thin book.

Taking the book li Fu nodded his head as both of them ate in silence.

After eating li fu went back to his room checked his status and went to sleep.

Host Name:Li fu

Race: Human

Age : 17

Cultivation Level:Qi Gathering realm ( Level one ) ( 0 / 150)

Passive Technique: Breath Concealment ( Level 2)( 0 / 500 )

Active Technique: None

Experience Points : 427

Talent: Single spiritual root ( Earth )

Next Day both li Fu and li fi ate and went to class when they were listening to Teacher Su lecture three People came inside.

Teacher Su " are you three here to take li fu with you?"

She said while looking at the girl in Center.

Li Fu looked at the two girl's and one boy who came and he had to say the two girl's could be compared to teacher Su Yan in terms of appearance and when he looked at the boy who looked no older then him he felt jealous because he looked very handsome.

Li Fu could be considered a very handsome man in his previous world but here he looked like a passerby.

Just when he was thinking the girl with pink hair and red crystal eye's spoke.

" Yes it's time for us to go"

Teacher Su " okay li Fu say Goodbye to li fi then follow Xiao Wu to start your journal!"

She said with a smile while looking at li fu and then li fi.

Li fi" broth you must stay safe okay!"

Li Fu" do I look like a person who makes trouble to you?"

Li fi" No but you must come back safe!"

Li Fu" don't worry you won't even notice when I went ans when I came back!"

Li fi"Okay then you go brother!"

Nodding his head he followed the three outside.

The three of them went to the gate of the sect.

Xiao wu "Bring out the token teacher su gave you "

Listening to the pink haired beauty li Fu brought out his token.

Xiao wu " Elder gu we are here to leave for a mission!"

She said as a Old man with white hair and yellow eyes came outside the small room which was on the side.

Elder gu " show me your tokens!"

Hearing this all four of them showed their token's to the old Elder Gu after looking at it for a while old Elder gu nodded and waved his hand as the massive Blue gate of the sect opned

Taking back their token's the three went outside as there was a mountains with stairs on it.

Li Fu looked at it as he followed them after mustering some courage he asked.

Li Fu " senior's what are your name's?"

The girl and boy who had blue hair and black eyes looked at him.

Rei mu " Hello junior brother my name's Rei mu i am her brother!"

The boy spoke pointing at the girl who had blue hair and black eyes.

The girl just nodded li Fu thought she didn't like him that's why she didn't say anything but rei mu next word's made him feel a little sympathetic for her.

Rei mu "Don't take it to heart rei gi is mute and doesn't like to interact with people others then me and sister Xiao wu! Hope you don't mind"

Li Fu" no!no! It's okay!"

He said as he waved his hands Infront of his face.

Li Fu " Seniors why did you pick me for this mission?"

Rei mu " why do you not like our arrangements?"

Li Fu " No that's not it! I feel that there should be many people who are better than me in sect so why chose me?"

Hearing this Xiao wu spoke " It's true that there are many people who are better but after living in sect they have become prideful and only you and sister are the newest deciples in sect!"

" But since your sister is five spiritual roots talent the elders would not agree to letting her come out so I could only chose you to come with us!"

Hearing what Xiao wu had said li fu nodded and before he knew they had reached the the mountain stairs.

Li Fu" senior I was wonderful what's your cultivations level? I am qi gathering level one !"

Hearing this all three of them looked at li fu making li Fu sweat.

He wonderd if he had done something wrong.

Li Fu" seniors why are you looking at me ?"

Rei mu" li Fu remember one important rule never tell your cultivation level and since there is no one here so to answer your questions I am all three of us are at Nascant soul level Cultivater!"

Hearing that they were Nascant soul level Cultivater li Fu was shocked because at this level even if body is destroyed there is one chance to recover themselves and they can destroy a City!

After this li Fu didn't speak as he kept silent in all of his walk with them.

After walking for a while a they reaches a Place there were a Carriage and there were many people around it weapon armour there was a man with fat body wearing dragon robe.

Li Fu looked at the person wearing the dragon robe and his fantasy about the scary and awesome Emporer broke.

As if sensing li fu disbelief rei mu spoke.

" The only reason the Emporer status is equal to a red level sect's master is became of the resources they provide and the strongest in an empire is a Nascant soul where a red level sect's has Cultivater of these level as deciple!"

He said li fu could feel rei mu happiness in being a Nascant soul Cultivater.

All four of them walked towards the Emporer Seeing the four coming the Emporer smiled.

" Are you four from the Sword Immortal sect?"

Xiao wu " yes , we will be escorting you to fire Empire "

Emporer chao" okay then I will be in your protection!"

Saying this the emporium signaled the person on side as he brought out a carriage.

Emporer chao" we should get going then!"

He said as he entered the carriage with dragon patterns on it.

Guard " four Cultivater's please fill me we have a carriage for you!"

A gaurd spoke as four of them followed him to the carriage which was a lie smaller then the emporer's instead of dragon pattern it had sword patterns on it.

All four of them sat on the carriage.

Rei mu" It will take us a few days before we can go to the fire Empire then we would stay there for a while until the both Emporer are done with their talk and then after taking the reward from the emporer's we will go back the sect!"

li Fu" okay!"

Nodding his head li Fu sat at the side and before he knew it was night stopping the carriage everyone came out and the gaurds made few tent's.

Sitting with rei mu li Fu started to read the water element Technique.

Rei mu " are you taking the path of Elemental immortal?"

Li Fu" Elemental immortal what is that senior?"

Rei mu " you must have heard that immortal is someone that has infinite lifespan and to much strength right?"

Li Fu " yes senior isn't what a immortal is?"

Rei mu " yes that is the most common type of immortal and also the most time taking immortality!"

Rei mu " the Elemental immortal is someone who destroyed their physical bodies and become spiritual bodies making them immortal as Lin as they have a certain part of their spiritual bodies then they will live for everything!"

Li fu heard rei mu and was shocked afternoon all if this is the isn't this a shortcut to becoming a immortal.

Li Fu" then why have I never heard about it?"

Rei mu " because not many people can handle the pain of destroying their physical Bodies! "

Rei mu "many people even lose their heads when trying to become element immortal so that is why i asked you if you lose your head in the process of becoming element immortal you will be hunted down became you will be nothing but a crazy guy even worse then demon Cultivater's!"

Li Fu" that is scary to think about and senior I just took the element Technique was because I felt it will be good to have element control "

Rei mu " okay come the food is ready!"

Nodding his head li fu came out and ate the food with rei mu

[ Ding! Eat a Beast deer gain 10 points!]

Hearing this li Fu chocked on the food .

Li Fu " senior What meat is this?"

Rei mu " this is a beast deer a deer which has been able to absorb spiritual energetic normally only golden core or above can eat it in sect!"

Li Fu " so I am Lucky to eat it?"

Rei mu " haha! I guess you are indeed lucky!"

Li fu after this ate the food in silence and for a few next days he wrote his experience of outside world it was a quite journey he even got a little close with the three seniors.

But he didn't like the emperor why you ask well it's because every night he would take a maid which was there to have sex with him.

When he found out he wanted to beat the emperor but rei mu explained to him that the girl's are sex maids who get paid and no one forces them.

The sex maid has a specialist symbol written on their clothes.

§ was the symbol he saw half of the maids has this symbol even though he knew that the girl's were willing but it reduced the respect he had for him as a Emporer.

After a few days of eating high level food the point had skyrocketed so much that li Fu couldn't believe it himself.

Host Name:Li fu

Race: Human

Age : 17

Cultivation Level:Qi Gathering realm ( Level one ) ( 0 / 150)

Passive Technique: Breath Concealment ( Level 2 )( 0 / 500 )

Active Technique: None

Experience Points : 5817

Talent: Single spiritual root ( Earth )

Li Fu was the only one who knew how much will power he had to use so that he could hold himself back from upgrading.

Because if he upgraded now even if Emporer might not do anything because of Sword Immortal sect but li Fu was not sure if his and the three seniors were on enough good terms as to not ask for what made me a waste in Cultivation upgrade with horrifying speed.

Rei mu " junior brother li Fu lets go we are in capital city of fire Empire!"

Li Fu who was Lost in his thought nodded and followed him out the carriage.

Li Fu " senior since we are here where are we going to stay?"

Li Fu " are we going to stay in the Palace or we have to find a hotel to live for the time we are here?"

Xiao wu " of course we are going to live in the Palace we are Nascant soul Cultivater's if we can't even get this protocol in a mortal empire then why would Cultivater's be looked upon?"

She said as rei gi who was holding xiao Wu nodded like a little maid.

Rei mu " okay li Fu you might be first time in a capital city try to avoid trouble with tge officials and nobles in empire!"

Xiao wu " yes always have your Sect token with you to not have trouble follow you!"

Li Fu heard this and nodded after all the empire might be weak but there is always multiple Sect's behind it so it's best not to make trouble!

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