
Entwined With You: Our Souls Are Tied

Nothing hurts more than a lost Love, one that has no hope of returning. Even if it does, it's a really slim possibility of it. Ezra, The head of the demacians and the prince of the dark vampires, was the strongest vampire being alive. He was like Absalom to them. He fought various deathly battles and each time came back with victory. He had no flaw and he hated even the sound of that. But unfortunately he fell in love with a maiden of Demacia. Her beauty got him so hard that he couldn't resist. First he thought it was just mere attraction, but he was so wrong when he realized the raise of his stone-still heart anytime he's around her. His rivals, the people of Ixtal Finally had an opportunity to bring him down, they striked. They came to know about this one little flaw he had—Love!!. They took advantage of this. Ezra did all he could to save the only light in his world, Excerpt: “I failed.” He whispered, his hands shaking as he held her corpse so close to him, with tear stained eyes and something else that spelt nothing but pure horror. “I failed.” He kept muttering incoherently, hugging her already lifeless body to himself. Suddenly he stopped, his eye color changed to a horrifying red. Nothing but vengance was all he wanted. “I will revenge you my love.” He said giving a kiss on her forehead before diving in for her neck. . . . Ten Thousand years later. Heavy storm blew everywhere rocking the entire universe. The sky had already changed color from it's usual blue to a hue of dark red. The clouds Moving dangerously but slowly. The whole world looked like it was soaked in blood. “It's time.” The man in the dark cloak mumbled with much conviction. “It's time.” Again he said. “Welcome back my Love.” A wicked and deadly smile made it's appearance on his face that was hidden behind the dark cloak. *. *. * This is my first fantasy novels, please show support if you like it. Disclaimer: Credits to the owner of the cover.

Author_Bright · Fantasy
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30 Chs

I Hate Your Name

"It was me." Alvira said, Shocking everybody. They all looked at her with mouths agape and unbelievable stares. Of course they knew who said it earlier and Alvira just taking the blame was....too much.

"So you are the indignant fool who had the effrontery to speak behind my back huh!, What gave you such courage?" Lady Roose barked at her.

The people watching this were feeling really bad for her, they couldn't stand this. Alvira was very nice to them all and they liked her a lot. Few of them turned to Kathy giving her signs to speak up and carry up her mess. After all it was her sharp mouth that caused this.

But Kathy bent her head low avoiding all their eye contacts. She just couldn't loose this Job, it was her only means of surviving, With the fact that she isn't good at any other job than this. She can't picture herself begging, no way!. 'Sorry Alvira.' She said in her mind.

"Apologize!" Denor said to Alvira but she ignored him, not even giving him a glance.

Alvira was as still as steel, she didn't open her mouth to utter no apology.

Denor was about to shout on her to apologize but was stopped when Lady Roose raised her hand at him, telling him to halt.

Lady Roose took slow and steady strides to where Alvira stood. Those who were standing in close vicinity to them immediately scattered from there when Lady Roose drew close. Even Kathy who was standing next to Alvira, gave a side glance to her when Lady Roose approached.

Lady Roose slowly walked round her, checking her out. Alvira still kept her stance. Her expression stiff.

"So....you won't apologize right?" Lady Roose said with her usual vicious smile.

"You are a hothead indeed." She said. "Denor! who is she?" She screamed to her assistant. Her smile faded completely, she truly looked like the demon she is now.

"Alvira. She doesn't have a surname Miss." Denor reported.

"And why is that?" Lady Roose asked, her eyes still stuck to Alvira.

"I don't know Miss. She claimed she lost her memory at the age of sixteen when she was found by her friend in the woods." Denor reported.

"Oh really? Then how did you come about your name, Miss.... Alvira?" Lady Roose asked, taking interest in the girl.

Alvira didn't respond, but rather kept her gaze steady on the floor that she was looking at, as if something fascinating was written there.

"I am talking to you!" Lady Roose shouted at her, scaring the whole hall. Making the staffs shiver.

"You had the gust to insult me behind my back and now that I'm here.....in front of you, you are mute? Speak or I make you speak my way." Lady Roose dragged on, Her evil smile widening the more.

Saying this, Alvira flung her eyes at her, looking at her with no trace of fear. "As you have heard already, my name is Alvira and I have no surname." Alvira spoke in a rather calm tone.

"And why is that?" Lady Roose asked again.

Alvira looked her in the eyes for a while. "Mr Denor just explained that."

"You.....!" She was infuriated by the tone used by Alvira, it sounded more of an insult than a reply.

Lady Roose took deep breaths then her fake smile appeared again. "Your name, I hate your name."

"That is not of a concern to me." Alvira spoke back earning a sharp slap from Lady Roose.

The employees covered their mouths in shock.

The guilt Kathy was feeling was eating her up. Tears had already stained her eyes. That was her friend who was doing this for her. She couldn't take it anymore, when she noticed the attention was less on her path she hurriedly snuck out.

Alvira held the cheek which she was slapped on, she could feel the sting but she made no sounds.

Lady Roose was at the peak of her anger right now. Taking one more deep breath, she looked at Alvira again. "I know..I know you think I'll fire you. But no!, I know you need this job very well right?." She said smiling like a psychopath. "Don't worry, I'm not cruel enough to fire you. Denor she's among the others chosen, but hers isn't a job. it's suffering." Her smile instantly faded at the last minute and her voice got dangerously low.