
Entwine in Ice and Fire

The Ice Kingdom and the Fire Kingdom are at odds with one another. Four young adults from these two kingdoms must learn who to trust. New friendships will be built on the magical journey. Love emerges on this twisting journey for Liam, Jensen, Rosaline, and Penelope.

Andrea Cornejo Lopez · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


“No…” says Jensen, moving his silk sheets from side to side. Waking up, he traces his left cheek with his fingers. A tear transfers onto the palm of his hand. Flooding his memory is the nightmare of last night. His parents are alive, talking to him. Suddenly they lay crumpled on the grass, their bodies folded at odd angles. Lifeless eyes stare at him; dull red blood pours from their bodies. Shaking the memory away, he changes into a royal dark blue suit. Opening the window, Jensen breathes in the icy air. Jensen focuses on his breathing technique. In for two seconds and out for two seconds.

Jensen stumbles upon someone outside his bedroom door.

“Prince Jensen, we must brief on the state of affairs in private,” says Kyiv, turning to face Jensen.

“Right away, Kyiv,” says Jensen.

Kyiv gestures down the hall so Jensen can walk ahead. Opening the wooden door, Jensen enters the room. Inside the study room is an oak square table central to the room. The room provides space for a private conversation. Jensen sits across from Kyiv. Clearing his throat, Kyiv pulls a piece of parchment from his breast pocket.

“The matter to discuss is the current standing of the Ice Kingdom’s crown. As unfortunate as King Louis’s and Queen Valeria’s death was, this kingdom needs a new great highness. The next in line to the throne is you, Jensen,” says Kyiv.

“Yes, but I am not married yet,” says Jensen.

“Everyone on the council agrees this is a time to disregard the rules. You can find a suitable wife after becoming King of Ice Kingdom,” says Kyiv.

“How soon?” says Jensen.

“A fortnight,” says Kyiv.

“I will do my best,” says Jensen.

Exiting the private room, Jensen makes his way to the first floor. He finds Liam already enjoying a breakfast of waffles and fruits. Reaching the long table, Jensen pulls the chair next to Liam.

“Jensen, what took you so long?” says Liam.

“I was with Kyiv,” says Jensen, sitting down. Servants place a plate of waffles and fruit in front of Jensen, in between his cutlery.

“Lessons begin in ten minutes. Better eat fast,” says Liam.

“That’s alright. I’m not hungry this morning,” says Jensen. Liam raises an eyebrow at Jensen, then continues to devour his own plate.

After a few bites of waffles, Jensen follows Liam up the stone staircase on the third floor to the left tower.

Liam and Jensen enter the tower’s stone archway on the third floor. The frigid air blows into their faces. Below the round windows, Jensen sees the stables as a speck on the ground.

“Good day, Professor Ivy,” says Jensen. Turning to look at Jensen is a lean elderly gentleman with gray hair.

“Good day, Prince Jensen and Prince Liam,” says Professor Ivy.

“Good day. It’s a nice day for some lessons,” says Liam.

“Indeed. We’ll be covering tactics and economics today,” says Professor Ivy.

They sit at a table in the middle of the room. Around them are books, parchment, and pens. In front of them is a chalkboard, and next to the board is a map of the closest kingdoms: Ice, Fire, and Earth Kingdom. Their Kingdom is north of the Fire Kingdom. A large ocean borders the Ice and Fire Kingdom on the west side. To the East of them is the Earth Kingdom.

Professor Ivy instructs them to read tactical material on the table. Afterward, they discuss tactics on the battlefield.

“What if a battle was to occur at the rocky ridge? How could we use the terrain to our advantage?” says Professor Ivy.

“We could use bowmen from the top of several nearby points,” says Liam.

“Attack from the dark tree lines of the pines with an ambush. Also, attack from with a primary force at the sides of the mountain,” says Jensen.

“Tactical decisions come swiftly in dire situations,” says Professor Ivy.

For economics, they read a list of imports and exports between the Ice Kingdom and the Earth Kingdom. The only nearby trade occurs between the Earth Kingdom. Trade stopped between the Fire Kingdom when they were driven back into their lands during the invasion.

“Your assignment is to write a new or revised export for the Earth Kingdom as a proposal,” says Professor Ivy.

Jensen leaves with Liam behind him as they descend to the lower level for lunch. As requested by Liam, they enjoy ham sandwiches and lemonade. They talk about their assignment until Liam changes topics.

“Do you think of our parents?” says Liam.

“Yes. I think somebody should have to pay for their deaths,” says Jensen. Jensen quickly dismisses himself from the table and climbs the main staircase.

His cheeks turn red as he enters his room in a hurry. How could the criminal or criminals of his parent's death be on the loose? Jensen grabs the nearest wooden chair by his door and throws it against his wooden chest at the foot of the bed. Following Jensen from afar, Liam enters Jensen’s room.

“Calm down. Our parents would have wanted us to remain level-headed,” says Liam.

Jensen takes in two deep breaths.

“You’re right, Liam. I got caught in my emotions,” says Jensen.

“We should head into the nearby Cryo Forest,” says Liam.

“Horseback riding?” says Jensen.

“Yes, let’s prepare the horses,” says Liam.

Looking at the afternoon's deep blue, Jensen rides with his brother next to him. They cross the west field to reach the edge of the Cryo Forest. Blue and white leaves dangle from the trees like icicles. The trees cause Jensen and Liam to travel at a slow pace. Five minutes later, Jensen spots the trail to the river.

“Race you to the river,” says Liam, looking over at Jensen.

“You will surely fail,” says Jensen.

They race on horses toward the river by the trail. It is a tie as their horses come centimeters apart from each other. They get off the horses. They test the clear waters with their hands. Ripples move from their side of the bank onto the next as they dip their bodies into the water. Inside their bags, they have brought a change of clothes for after.

Swimming in the clear water, Jensen has time to think of the present moment. After an hour, they change into their fresh clothes and ride their horses back onto the trail.

On the trail, there is a sudden wind of gust. Ice gnomes pop onto the trail. Bringing the horses to a stop, Liam and Jensen get off their horses to talk to the ice gnomes.

Their leader moves forward in a brown and white clock around its small round body.

“Your Highnesses, we ice gnomes have heard what happened to the Queen and King. Our deepest condolences for they were kind to our people,” says the ice gnome.

“Thank you for your words. We hope we can continue the kindness of our parents,” says Jensen.

“It’s much appreciated, your words,” says Liam.

They say their goodbyes to the ice gnomes and continue to the castle.

Upon reaching the castle, Jensen and Liam eat dinner with their advisor Kyiv at the table. Kyiv would join the table when their parents were alive.

Jensen leaves the table last and reaches his room. Shutting the door, he changes his clothes. He does his nightly prayers. Laying in bed, he can’t seem to find sleep. His fists clench at his side so his knuckles turn white. His teeth grit until they hurt.

“I swear, mother and father, I will find out who did this to you and bring them to justice,” says Jensen into the night.