
Entrapped To A Cruel Handsome Beast

"I beg you, please spare my life. I promise, once my business revives, I will immediately repay my debt. I'm pleading with you, don't harm me. Please..." Vincent pleaded desperately to the man he believed to possess supernatural abilities, fearing for his life. The man, who went by the name of Master Edgar, responded with a smirk. "Oh, Mr. Vincent, why would I want to kill you? After all, you have a daughter whom you undoubtedly wouldn't want to lose." Trembling with fear, Vincent implored once more, "Please, I beg you, spare my life. Don't lay a finger on my daughter. I promise to repay what I owe. Please, not my daughter, Master Edgar!" Meanwhile, Precious, a nineteen-year-old college student, had just started her new semester. Her father had warned her about Edgar, referring to him as a beast. He instructed her to comply and live with him until he could settle his debt. Her father assured her that after six months, he would rescue her from the clutches of this beast. Filled with apprehension, Precious believed that her life was doomed the moment she moved in with Edgar. According to her father, all she had to do was mind her own business to stay safe. However, it quickly became apparent that Edgar, the cruel and arrogant master, did not claim her just to have her quietly mind her own business. She soon discovered that she would have to pay the price for her father's debt. Her innocent college life turned into a misery-filled existence, surrounded by beasts. These creatures were mercilessly cruel to her, yet they treated her as if she were as precious as her name. How would Precious survive in a household filled with these beasts? Beasts who took pleasure in tormenting her while treating her as a prized possession? What would become of this innocent college student as she delved deeper into the dark secrets and unholy knowledge that she began to uncover about her master, Edgar?

Victoria_444 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

21. First day at school

The registration process turned out to be much smoother and less challenging for Precious than she had anticipated.

Thanks to Veronica's familiarity with school procedures, she took care of all the necessary forms, paid for them, and even bypassed the long queue with a little more spending.

Precious couldn't help but feel grateful, although a tinge of guilt washed over her for skipping ahead. She silently apologized to those still waiting in line before entering the school to start her classes.

Before allowing her inside, Veronica had generously given Precious a substantial amount of money.

As Veronica made her way toward her car, intending to explore the city since she had some free time on her hands, her attention was suddenly captivated by the sight of a young and handsome man.

His presence stirred a familiar sensation within her, one that usually signaled her desire to make him her prey for the night. Intrigued, Veronica approached him, pretending to be distressed, and asked for his help with her tangled hair.

"I'm Sasha, by the way," she introduced herself as the man started untangling her hair.

"Desmond," he replied curtly.

"Do you have a woman in your life? Someone who satisfies you," Veronica inquired, seeking clarification.

Desmond rolled his eyes, ignoring the question. "Are you a student here?" Veronica then asked.

"No, I'm actually a lecturer," Desmond responded, taking a step back. "Your hair is free now. Have a good day," he said, already beginning to walk away from Sasha.

Veronica rarely disclosed her name to humans, reserving it for non-humans. During her time assisting Precious, she had encountered ghosts inhabiting human bodies, witches and wizards, mermaids and mermen, and even vampires.

Therefore, she hid her name from the sweet stranger she just met and she wanted him. Veronica must have him even if she had to compel him to be her meal.

Veronica's request, "Can I at least have your number saved in my phone for... anything?" caused Desmond to pause momentarily, but he ultimately chose to ignore her advances.

Realizing that the stubborn human showed no interest in her, Veronica decided to reach out to a female student for assistance. Precious had been mistaken in assuming that, as a goddess, she could easily captivate a young lecturer. She found his rejection to be highly unethical.

Curiosity piqued, Veronica inquired with the female student if she possessed the lecturer's phone number. Desmond, upon hearing this, glanced behind him, ensuring that the student wasn't one of his own.

It was a common misconception among beautiful women that they held the power to enchant any man who crossed their path, but they were greatly mistaken. While Desmond was indeed captivated by Veronica's beauty, he wasn't easily swayed to surrender to her charms.

Unfortunately for him, the seductress he had reported to the school just so happened to be the student. He started a group chat for his students online, and because of that, the female student had his phone number.

But Desmond shook his head and entered the school. He could always block Veronica's touch even if she called.

The student appeared to be very knowledgeable about Mr. Desmond.

Veronica didn't mind stalking the man because she was so intrigued by him.

Veronica learned that the female student was a pervert who had been sending nude photos to her lecturer in exchange for grades while she was questioning the female student about her lecturer.

The fact that the man was so young and attractive piqued her interest even more.

Desmond had just finished speaking with the student's parents, who wanted to ensure their daughter's well-being. It was for this reason that she walked in as Desmond left Veronica's presence. A smirk played across Veronica's face as she spoke, her dark eyes filled with intensity.

"Now, I don't want to see you near him. He belongs to me now, so don't you dare entertain any thoughts of admiration!" Veronica sternly warned the human, her words carrying an implicit threat. The girl remained unaware of Veronica's true capabilities and the danger she posed.

Veronica proceeded to demonstrate her power by forcefully smashing the student's phone onto the ground, rendering it irreparable.

The girl stood in awe, bewildered by how a stranger could destroy her phone without any visible action. Filled with anger, she sought attention and falsely claimed that she had almost been abducted, resulting in her phone being destroyed during the altercation.

However, there was no sign of the lady she referred to, and when the student's parents insisted on reviewing the CCTV footage, they were granted permission to do so.

To their astonishment, they witnessed their daughter engaging in a peculiar interaction with herself, fighting imaginary adversaries and deliberately smashing her own phone while expressing an intense desire for Desmond. The revelation left the student and her parents in shock.

This incident prompted her parents to make a drastic decision. Feeling that their daughter had caused them enough embarrassment, they resolved to send her abroad to continue her studies, hoping that a change of environment would lead to positive growth and transformation.

The student wasn't given the chance to explain herself, and even if she wanted to, what could she possibly say about the footage they all had watched? Eventually, she had to accept that there was no way to justify or explain her behavior. It was time for her to let go and move on with her life, keeping her distance from her lecturer, Desmond.

As Friday arrived, Precious had grown accustomed to leaving the mansion and spending her time at school. School provided her solace from the beasts, particularly Veronica, who had been increasingly volatile since Monday.

During breakfast, when Chris and Lucas questioned her concerning her reckless behavior, she shot them a glare that conveyed her desire to be left alone. She could easily set them on fire if they persisted.

However, on this day, after getting dressed and bringing Rainey along, Precious joined the family for breakfast in the dining area.

Edgar had yet to make an appearance before her.

While Precious initially longed to meet him so she could plead for permission to see her father, she had grown accustomed to his absence and found comfort in her current situation.

To Precious's surprise, when she reached the table, she heard that Edgar had granted her five hours with her father after school.

"Tristan will accompany you, and..." Lucas began, but Precious cut him off with a wide grin.

"I can't escape, I know better," she replied, grateful for the opportunity. She whispered to herself, "How can I thank Edgar?"

Veronica couldn't resist interjecting with her provocative suggestion. "Sleep with him," she uttered, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "He loves innocent human females in his bed as a sign of gratitude."

Precious chose to ignore Veronica's comment, determined to savor the feeling of happiness at finally being able to see her father.

Excited, she quickly finished her meal and bid farewell to the beasts and Rainey, her pet before leaving. Accompanied by Tristan, who had always been her driver to school, Precious spent half the day attending classes and finished her lessons in the evening.

She had been granted five precious hours with her father, but she had to be back home before the clock struck nine.

With eagerness, Precious waited by the car, hoping to reunite with her father. Unable to call him due to the rules imposed on her, she relied on Tristan's presence, knowing he risked his life to assist her.

However, after waiting for fifteen minutes without spotting her father, Precious decided to take matters into her own hands and began searching for him. She informed Tristan of her plan, and he dutifully followed her lead.

Precious ventured through the parking lot, the garden, the tall trees, and the walkway, desperately searching for her father, but her efforts proved futile.

Had it all been a cruel trick to raise her hopes?

Her shoulders slumped as she realized she had been deceived into thinking she would truly see her father.

Edgar and his family should never be considerate enough to grant her that privilege.

Glancing down at her wristwatch, Precious noted that it was a few minutes before five. A sigh escaped her lips. "I guess my father isn't showing up," she murmured to Tristan, turning back towards the car.

Tristan nodded in understanding. "Maybe next time," he offered, his voice filled with sympathy. Precious managed a forced smile, gazing up at him as he stood taller than her.

As they walked along the pedestrian walkway, Precious and Tristan maintained a steady pace.

Suddenly, Tristan's attention was drawn to someone across the street, waving vigorously to catch their attention.

catch their attention.

"Miss Precious," Tristan called out, his voice tinged with concern, "that person seems desperate to get our attention. Do you know him?"

Hearing her name being called out and the words Tristan had spoken, Precious turned to look at the figure that was attempting to get their attention.