
Entrapped To A Cruel Handsome Beast

"I beg you, please spare my life. I promise, once my business revives, I will immediately repay my debt. I'm pleading with you, don't harm me. Please..." Vincent pleaded desperately to the man he believed to possess supernatural abilities, fearing for his life. The man, who went by the name of Master Edgar, responded with a smirk. "Oh, Mr. Vincent, why would I want to kill you? After all, you have a daughter whom you undoubtedly wouldn't want to lose." Trembling with fear, Vincent implored once more, "Please, I beg you, spare my life. Don't lay a finger on my daughter. I promise to repay what I owe. Please, not my daughter, Master Edgar!" Meanwhile, Precious, a nineteen-year-old college student, had just started her new semester. Her father had warned her about Edgar, referring to him as a beast. He instructed her to comply and live with him until he could settle his debt. Her father assured her that after six months, he would rescue her from the clutches of this beast. Filled with apprehension, Precious believed that her life was doomed the moment she moved in with Edgar. According to her father, all she had to do was mind her own business to stay safe. However, it quickly became apparent that Edgar, the cruel and arrogant master, did not claim her just to have her quietly mind her own business. She soon discovered that she would have to pay the price for her father's debt. Her innocent college life turned into a misery-filled existence, surrounded by beasts. These creatures were mercilessly cruel to her, yet they treated her as if she were as precious as her name. How would Precious survive in a household filled with these beasts? Beasts who took pleasure in tormenting her while treating her as a prized possession? What would become of this innocent college student as she delved deeper into the dark secrets and unholy knowledge that she began to uncover about her master, Edgar?

Victoria_444 · Fantasy
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68 Chs

14. A weakling

'She did not even respond,' Precious thought sadly. From Veronica's current actions, it was obvious that she was not in the mood to talk with Precious. This saddened Precious for various reasons.

'Perhaps I should try and talk to one of the maids. Though I doubt I'll gain anything, seeing as I'm a 'Vip' here,' Precious thought, after confirming that Veronica truly did not want to speak to her.

The girl gave up immediately and started thinking that it wasn't necessary for her to get along with them. After all, she was a hostage, or more like a pet. So, she didn't have to make an effort.

The beasts would always treat her like a human because that's what she was. She didn't possess any special powers, so why would they consider being friends with her? Was it merely to control their hunger for human flesh?

With those thoughts in mind, she served herself some food and began to eat, making sure to also feed Rainey. Meanwhile, Chris and Lucas observed Precious's actions as she went to sit next to Veronica. They had anticipated Veronica's cold response, but strangely, they couldn't help but be slightly affected when they saw Precious's hurt expression.

This stirred up a whirlwind of thoughts in the beasts' minds.

What had that human done to them?

The fact that they even cared about her being shunned made them cautious. It was strange because they shouldn't be concerned about Precious' affairs in the first place.

Logically, they shouldn't have bothered with her, as she was someone they barely knew.

"She's trying to make friends with you. Come on, Veronica. Precious apologized to you," Lucas communicated with Veronica telepathically without his gaze on her while contemplating his weird action of even going this far.

Veronica played with her food, listening, and lifted her head after Lucas was done with what he had to say. She replied to her fellow beast, "I don't like her. She's too weak, so why should I reply to her?" Veronica simply stated.

Lucas, hearing this, just shrugged his shoulders in response. He knew that that was not the sole reason Veronica ignored Precious, but then again, it should be part of it because Veronica was someone who respected the strong, especially those that were stronger than her like Edgar.

In any case, he just wanted to speak his mind. For some reason, he was affected by Veronica's action toward the little girl, but that did not change the fact that it was none of his business. The same went for Chris.

What the two male beasts did not expect was for Veronica to suddenly speak out, and to Precious no less.

"What if I ask you to pay me?" Veronica asked Precious.

To Precious, Veronica and everyone around her had been silent, so when the beauty voiced out, Precious was taken aback.

"What's that?" After getting herself out of Veronica's sudden action that caught her off guard, Precious asked what she meant with a small smile, not wondering if it would be hard to pay or not.

"Well, do you know how to fight?" Veronica asked, temporarily ignoring her food.

"I don't know how to," Precious immediately gave her reply. But when she thought that this might be a way for Veronica to exchange a few more words at least, she gazed into her beautiful eyes that shined brightly and added, "Will you teach me? I'm ready to learn!"

However, Veronica did not immediately answer and looked away from Precious's eyes. "Why are her eyes bewitching? They're drawing me in, and I don't like it. It's weird," looking over at Chris and Lucas, she asked telepathically.

"Oh, you felt it too?" Chris asked, not answering Veronica's question directly. But from his words, she knew she wasn't the only one this unassuming human seemed to be affecting.

"I almost smiled. Smiled at her!" Veronica made sure to emphasize before adding, "I can't stay around her. I'd be infected and might really smile at this human of all humans."

Hearing this, Chris gave a light sigh and continued with his meal.

"Did I say something wrong, Veronica?" Precious asked, feeling concerned as she hadn't received a reply from Veronica. Meanwhile, Rainey continued to nag her for food. As she prepared to fulfill Rainey's request, Veronica suddenly spoke up.

"Are you ready to learn?" Veronica's suddenly asked leaving Precious in a daze at her sudden action.


Ignoring Precious's action, Veronica continued, "Only at night, meaning you wouldn't sleep."

Precious realized that Veronica's intention might be to teach her how to fight, though she had no particular interest in learning combat skills. Furthermore, Veronica mentioned something about the impact on sleep, and Precious understood that humans couldn't survive without enough rest.

Precious's mind raced with thoughts about the situation. While she contemplated whether it would be better to decline or offer an alternative, she still found herself saying, "Yes!"

Precious didn't really want to learn how to fight, but she would if it meant having someone to talk to or perhaps making a friend.

Veronica was surprised by Precious's immediate response. She had expected Precious to hesitate for a long time before answering.

Verifying her decision, Precious spoke again, saying, "I'd love that!" Precious made sure to emphasize her willingness to learn how to fight from Veronica.

Veronica cautioned her, saying, "You'd suffer. Lack of sleep might be the least of your problems, and I'm not joking."

Despite the warning, Precious insisted, "But I have to take a step. I want to learn how to fight."

Veronica sternly looked into Precious's bright neon eyes and remarked, "This is going to be harder than your life, girl."

Undeterred, Precious maintained her smile and declared, "Anything that would make us friends, I'm ready to do it! I want to be your friend."

"Perhaps we could make good conversation partners, and You'll like me when I get stronger, so I'll work on that because I want to be your friend."

Precious made it clear in her response that she wanted to be Veronica's friend on multiple occasions, but Veronica was fighting the urge to be drawn in by the girl's alluring gaze.

Veronica tried to resist being distracted by Precious's captivating eyes and instructed her, "Stop smiling. Smiling makes one look weak." Precious complied, ceasing her smile and turning her attention to her food, waiting for Veronica to respond.

Has she accepted her yet?