
Entice me

“I want nothing but your heart, Julius. Give it to me and watch me handle it with utmost care,” She said unwaveringly. “But…” she placed her finger on my lips in an attempt to shut me up, her strikingly brown eyes planted on my lips. My heart began to beat faster, like it was auditioning for a drumline in a rock 'n' roll band, and decided to turn up the volume to eleven. I looked down at her, my eyes sparkling with affection. She looked so adorable standing there, her eyes gazing up at me expectantly. I couldn't help but smile as I leaned down, my arms encircling her waist. I lifted her gently, bringing her closer to my lips. And then, with a soft brush of skin against skin, our lips met.   Meet Julius Anderson, a 30-year-old widowed billionaire and the CEO of Imperial Fashion Group. He's vowed to never marry again after the heartbreak of losing his wife. But when a vivacious nanny named Jane enters his life, his determination begins to waver. Love blossomed between them but Julius’s parents were against them. In the midst of it all, a pregnancy concealed in shadows forced Jane to disappear as she believed that Julius had stopped loving her. Secrets hidden in Jane's past resurface, and their paths cross once more at a conference. Will their love endure, or will their past keep them apart forever? The story has only just begun, and the journey is far from over.  

Favour_Anele · Urban
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chapter three

After she reunited with her Dad, she ran immediately back to me who was already on my way back home and said chuckling" Today is full of reunion isn't it?".I was confused so i asked what do you mean and she said"I reunited you with Mylo, I got reunited with you , my mom sorry replica(a chuckle while looking at my face), You reunited me with my grandparents and they reunited me with my dad" , I am smart hun? looked at her smiling and replied "yes you are"

Her Dad approached me to appreciate me, and we had an awkward staring competition and he offered to reward me but i declined , so he gave me his business card and told me to call him if i needed anything , but Mandy decided to be naughty and asked her Dad to please employ me as her Nanny cause i told her quite a lot on our first meeting so she knew i needed a job and my qualification , she's quite a smart girl .I still didn't give a certain response i just told her and Julius;her Dad that i needed time to think about it.This response of mine didn't settle well with Mandy , it made her really sad .Julius was trying to give her reasons why i needed time and she shouldn't be sad, but one of his reasons caught me off guard and broke me instantly.

"She needs to tell her parents obviously"

I ran off with Mylo in my arms close to my chest and tears howling in my eyes.

Julius Pov:

Pool of questions were swimming through my mind, what did i do wrong?, what did I say wrong is there something troubling about her parents?.I was greatly troubled because i knew at that point i was in for it with Mandy.My thoughts came to reality just when i got distracted from pool of thoughts by her outburst of tears and restlessness, she was shouting and questioning me in rage and in pain"Dad , why???, why did you chase her away , what did you do?, she will never want to be my Nanny , she will never call you again she was hitting me saying all of these, she is my reunited mom she said lastly sobbing silently, This made me weak and I lifted her off the floor trying to calm but she resisted and ran to her grandparents who were already approaching and she crept silently into Abigail's arms.We headed towards the car, where the driver; Maverick was already waiting for us.

Maverick first rode us to my parents home to drop them off, Mandy who was already falling asleep in Abigail's shook off in reaction to Grandma and Grandpa getting off the car, she begin lamenting again in sleepy voice "Grandma, Grandpa I want to sleep over at your house tonight , I am pissed at Dad and i don't want to go home with him please pa, he chased her away sobbing softly.I decided to lie to her that i agreed since she was sleepy but i had it in mind to come down with her into my parents house to allow her fall deep asleep , then carry her back gently into the car and have Maverick drive us home gently without waking her up again.I would have let her sleep over but she had school the next day and i didn't want her skipping school again because she already skipped school today on permission to visit her mother's grave.I don't want her to get used to skipping school and my parent's house is really far from her school so that plan had to work.

While waiting for Mandy to fall deeply asleep , Grandma led Mandy to her room (She owned a room in my parent's house so did I). When Grandma was done patting her to sleep , she walked into their well furnished luxurious lounge where i was sitting with my Dad.Abigail then brought up her name"Julius, what do think of that Joan girl, a photocopy of Natalie which still shocks your dad and I stealing a gaze at her husband who was seating right beside me, but we think you guys wil make a perfect couple and a wonderful family if she stands in a mother like figure for Mandy, who is already close to being obsessed with her just on first meeting ".My dad also chipped in saying" I think your mum is right, looking at you guys together from where we stood at the park when you went to appreciate her, your mum and I saw a beautiful couple with a happy daughter, it was perfect.I replied them"I know Mandy needs a mother like figure but i promised myself...They cut me off saying in unison"not to remarry ever again, we know ".Abigail continued, I know it might be hard but you have to try.Thomas concluded ," you know it will make Natalie up there very happy that you're genuinely happy again as well as your daughter Mandy cause that girl will make you happy, Think about it son, it could work out yunno...I stood up to make them stop that conversation but i gave a quick response "What if she dissapears just like Natalie did, i am not ready for that yet, i am still healing" and i walked to Mandy's room where i saw her sound asleep , so i crept in quietly and lifted her off the bed in bridal style, walking out of her room door i said to my parents i should take my leave, she's asleep already and i have work tomorrow. Goodnight, they responded in unison "Goodnight" but my mum walked towards me to give Mandy a forehead kiss which she always does, she looked into my eyes afterwards and whispered softly into my ears," think about it son".

And Maverick drove us home , on getting home, i called on her personal maid to come and carry her and tuck her in bed.I headed to my room as well after ordering to Butler to serve me a cup of water , I was dehydrated .I prepped for bed, took a warm shower, got into my Pj and laid on my bed with all the activities of today's occasion running through my mind most especially Joan, I couldn't stopped thinking about why she ran off, why she looks so much like Natalie, what my parents said about, Mandy's opinion about her.I just couldn't stopped thinking about her.I couldn't place how i felt about her , i kept drowning in my thoughts till i eventually dozed off.

Joan's Pov:

(In my one room self contained rented apartment on the third floor of a five storey building)

I barged into my apartment in pain and shut the door right behind me while falling on my knees and resting by my side on the door and crying out my eyes , i brought out the card Julius gave me and I took a closer look at it and pondering whether or not to call him, if not for anything but for the fact his daughter really wants be to be around her that i need a job.Reconsidering Julius, he obviously couldn't have known my parents are no more, that I am an orphan.I cleaned my tears and tried to calm myself telling myself he doesn't know i am an orphan so i have no right to blame him or be angry at him.The memories of my parents flashing back in my head but i told myself"I am strong, they loved me and they still do up there".So i stood up after bracing myself , took a warm shower , fed Mylo with some leftover chicken i brought home from my part time work at the restaurant down the street.I got dressed into my light pink silk spaghetti hand nightgown .

Then I ate a few slices of bread with a cup of warm tea, and i laid on my bed caling Mylo to hop on the bed with me, holding her close her to me in a warm hug and thinking about Mandy and fantasizing about handsome Julius, i fell asleep.

Julius Pov:

In his Mansion,

All dressed up and ready for work with a cup of coffee while picking up two pieces of cookies from the platter the Butler was holding right beside since i was in a bit of hurry to go to work.Then i called out to Maria;Mandy's personal maid whom she despised for no specific reason, i called her to hurry up in getting her prepped for school , so i quickly went to Mandy's room to wave her goodbye which she didn't reply happily to, and i remembered we had an unsettled issue from yesterday.Maverick was waiting to take her to school, he is her personal school driver.My official company driver; Zack was waiting already so i hopped into the car, and Zack drove me off to work .On getting to work , i had a lot of conferences to attend due to the fact i went off work yesterday but i should be able to get it all covered up with the help of Victoria, my secretary , she is very hard working and diligent at work .She has worked for me for over 5 years now.

The only fault i find in her, is that she always tries to make advances at me which i ignore all the time, and it pisses her off but she stopped about three years ago after Natalie died.

After about three sessions of conferences , i told Victoria to fix me a break and get me lunch at the company's cafeteria. I was waiting for my lunch when a random call came in, I picked it up just to hear "Good afternoon sir"she said with a stammering voice, this is Joan , Joan Brown from the fun park yesterday, I don't know if you remember me". I was so shocked that she called the first question that came to my mind to ask her was " Why did you run off yesterday"

She went mute on the call.