
Entertainment: Start By Dominating Hollywood

What do most Otaku dream of before their encounter with Truck Kun? Nothing more than playing a true virtual reality game — the kind of game where they can be a mage casting 9th circle magic, a knight fighting a dragon, driving a spaceship and fighting aliens, and, of course, meeting their cute waifus. The same is true for Viktor. Unfortunately, he was dead before his wish. He reincarnated into a world where the entertainment industry is much more primitive compared to his original world. He was born into a wealthy family, and thanks to his past life's memories, he quickly outsmarted his peers and earned a PhD in Business Management. Just when he was about to inherit the family business, he activated a system that allowed him to spend reputation points. These points could be obtained every time someone praised him directly or indirectly. With these points, he could exchange for almost anything, including the virtual reality technology of his dreams.

Al_Azzidine_Barka · Urban
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25 Chs

Chapter 3: Hooked Girl

"Well, the movie is more of a thriller, prison escape, redemption, about a man who found himself imprisoned wrongly and sentenced to life."

"It will talk more about his struggle in prison, how he planned to escape, and many more; the details will be finalized later with the help of a more professional writer."

Emma nodded upon hearing; it didn't seem that bad; as long as an experienced writer polished the idea, it could be turned into a good movie, and even if it didn't work, it didn't matter; who didn't have a failure in his life?"

And with their discussion about daily life, like if Viktor has a girlfriend when he plans to find and other, Viktor finished eating.

As the saying goes, "After dinner, sleep a while; after supper, walk a mile." This suggests that after eating a larger meal, it's good to get some rest or a walk rather than going straight to sleep.

Viktor decidess to take a walk for better digestion before sleeping. Anyway, just a little tour of the manor is enough.

Viktor took his phone, wanting to watch to some funny videos; he opened MyTube, an application where people can post videos.

When he was scrolling, he didn't notice how much time had passed until he returned to his room; seeing it was already late, he decided to watch one last video before sleeping.

After watching five videos in a row, when he was still hypnotizing himself that it would be the last one, he scrolled across a video of a song; it was a cover for a song that was popular some time ago.

He commented:<Well, your song isn't bad compared to the original, but I think you should make cover of 'Metalica' by Nora, it suits style more.>

He just scrolled to the next video when he received a notification; looking at it, it was an x-mail; Viktor usually didn't use it much; most of his contacts didn't have his account, so he was curious about what it could be.

Then he saw <Thank you for your kind suggestions, seem to be a professional, are scout?>

Viktor raised his eyebrows like a certain football coach and replied <Yeah, I work for Starlight Entertainment, you know, the one in France, how did guess?>

On the other side of the globe, in a university girl dormitory.

A certain bad girl couldn't help but smirk upon seeing the reply from Viktor.

She was just a student filming some cover and posting it on the internet; unexpectedly, her video caugh fire, so she was a little excited seeing people commenting while she responded.

Then she saw someone saying it was not bad but should have done the cover of 'Metalica' instead, she was a little angry, but after clicking his account to reply and seeing the handsome face in the profile, she thought he was right.

Thinking of the millions of books about how to pick a boy and the so many novels she has read about love, she picked up her courage and contacted him privately.

As for whether it was a fake picture or not, she doesn't care; the big deal is to block him; if she touches the jackpot, then be it; she will reluctantly accept it.

She replied <Really? I just have that intuition. Unfortunately, I'm in the United States, or you could helped me.>

'hmm, little girl', Viktor had already analyzed the situation, it must be that the girl took a fancy to his handsomeness and her first message was just so that they could have a ground conversation because she didn't even doubt his identity as a scout but just want to skip that part and even found an excuse for her being in the USA and him in France.

He directly goes to the gallery, chooses a picture he took just today at the company gate with his father as a souvenir and directly sends her.

He added<You can search in Zoogle and see who is the photo with me>

After that, he directly turn off the phone because right now, he really needs to sleep; the rest can be discussed later.


Viktor had a beautiful dream that day; he dreamed he invented an advanced virtual reality technology, then aliens suddenly invaded, led by a purple sweet potato, but he managed to defeat them with the ultra spaceship he had invented.

When he was enjoying the glory, he saw the sky shining a little brighter than usual; the real him opened his eyes, and he murmured: "I know it, I know it was a dream; how could everything seem so easy?"

He picked up his telephone and saw the girl of yesterday replied to him,<wow, you know the president of Starlight?>

Then a second message,<Are you still here?>

Viktor smiled, the little girl was hooked, he stretched and rubbed the sleep from his eyes before typing back

he replied,<hi, good morning.>

<Sorry, the USA is GMT-8 while France GMT+1. It was night, and I a little tired from work.>

<I did have some connections with the president of company.>

<Speaking of it, you can call me Viktor, have considered becoming a full-time artist?>

Since it was late morning, it should probably be midnight in the USA, she was probably sleeping now.

Viktor was a little relaxed today as he wasn't ready for a morning run; he took a bath and as it was a little earlier, his mother probably didn't have breakfast, so why not prepare it?

When he came to the kitchen, his mother was already here before him, she was surprised.

"Oh, Viktor, you are already up? Go watch TV, the breakfast is almost ready."

Emma didn't expect Viktor to be up so early; as a woman who is at home most of the time, she's used to waking up earlier to prepare breakfast; it has become some kind of hobby.

Viktor, who was used to preparing his breakfast in London, responded: "I might as well help you prepare the table."

He asked curiously: "Is Dad here?"

She responded: "No, he has already left as they have a monthly meeting today; he said you could send him the idea of your script, and he will look for writers based on the genre and the tone."

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