
Entertainment Circle: It’s Not Easy To Be the Wife of A Celebrity

The Su family has twin daughters. They were like the sun and the moon; one sister was bright and had a carefree disposition while the other one was demure and reserved. But it never occurred to anyone that when the twins grew up, the introverted sister would step into the entertainment circle and became a well-known flower! While the other one packed up her school bag, and aiming to become a doctor of Geology, sailed across the ocean! One day, while the other sister’s intoxicated face was exploring the wild, a manager with a group of bodyguards tied her up and brought her to a variety show! “What bedroom scene are you trying to make me do?! Let this old woman go!!!” “Su Jishi, your sister left a retirement letter and disappeared! All her endorsements, variety shows, and movie contracts add up to more than three billion dollars in liquidated damages! If she still won’t show up, then you have to take her place for the meantime! “What?!” “By the way, she’s currently dating the vice president of XX Group and you have an appointment with him tomorrow night.” Manager: “You are three centimeters taller than your sister, two degrees darker than her skin…your hair is fifty centimeters shorter, and a mole is missing from the corner of your eye. The most important thing is that you are ten pounds heavier than her! Starting today, you have to strictly follow a diet to lose weight! Are you allergic to anything or abstain from any food? Woman: “I’m not a vegetarian.” Manager: “…” The president held the woman’s face in his hands and affectionately said, “Dear, this mole on the corner of your eye was made to be kissed by me.” The woman raised her hand to wipe off the mole: “Sorry, this mole was only painted!” I love this novel because it is very relatable I do not own the image or the story all the credit goes to the real creator

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35 Chs

Chapter 26 – Who Is Dr. Su?

"Why?" Mu Xiulun interrogated in surprise.

There had been no problem in their cooperation of three years thus he expected that she would certainly sign the new mutually beneficial contract without fuss. "Aren't you satisfied with these terms?"

"If you want to change the terms, then you can let your manager contact my lawyer." He looked like he was in deep thoughts, deeming that the woman would ask him more and added, "I listed these resources that give you the most favorable conditions in your circle. You don't have much room for bargaining. "

"No." Su Jishi did not trust him so she couldn't spill to him her true identity.

"My contract with the entertainment company expires in more than a year, and I don't want too much exposure in the next few days or months. Mr. Mu, I want to leave the entertainment circle," she answered evasively.

Mu Xiulun was speechless. Her answer was too unexpected for him.

Which rising artists would turn down the chance of being given too much exposure? Is it because she was so young that she wanted to retire?

"You are a public figure, and you will be chased by cameras even after you retire."Mu Xiulun said bluntly.

Su Jishi raised her eyebrows: "It doesn't matter, I can study abroad."

Her tone was so solemn that it seemed that she had been planning it for a long time. Seeing that she had made up her mind, Mu Xiulun did not more and simply took the contract back.

Su Jin could no longer be his shield girlfriend so he had to find another one as soon as possible.

But where could he find a fake girlfriend like Su Jin who was quiet, clever and not bothering?

The meal was sloppy and neither of them moved the chopsticks very much.

However, Mu Xiulun had no appetite while Su Jishi wanted to eat from the bottom of her heart. Yet, she couldn't, thinking about the number of torturous hours Fang Xie would make her spend on the treadmill for her to lose calories from one bite of the juicy lobster in front of her.

Su Jishi watched the delicacies and mentally drooled. Delicacies that would never enter her stomach which made her feel quite miserable.

She now misses her life half a month ago, when no one cared about her walking, sitting, lying and grooming posture. She could have stayed on the sofa for a week without washing her hair and eat junk food without care.

Now she had to worry about calories!

According to the contract, each date between Su Jin and Mu Xiulun should last for more than two hours. This was for the sake of the outsiders to see that it was authentic. They would finish their date, not a minute or a second less.

Su Jishi was so bored that she took out her cell phone and began to poke it, slamming her fingers hard on it impatiently.

Every star has two mobile phones, and so does Su Jin, who was very popular. One of her phones housed her private number while she used the other for work and business purposes.

When Su Jin left, she only took her private mobile phone with her, leaving her phone for work. Which means that another mobile phone fell into Su Jishi's hands now.

Fortunately, the mobile phone had face recognition. If it could only be accessed through fingerprints and pupil recognition, it would be no use to Su Jishi. After all, even being twins, their fingerprints and pupils were unique.

Suddenly Mu Xiulun's deep voice broke the silence, "I have known Miss Su for so long, but I don't have any way to contact her."

After the words were spoken, he felt that he was possessed by a ghost.

What am I doing?

When he first signed the contract three years ago, he didn't want to have too much involvement with Su Jin. Moreover, he avoided giving his mobile number and other information leaked, so he didn't make an effort in communicating with his supposed girlfriend.

Before each "date", his secretary would inform Su Jin's manager in advance.

However, he didn't expect that on the last day of the contract, he would want to leave her name with him.

Su Jishi didn't care. She had a good impression of her sister's financial backer, and she believed that having more friends would give her more connections.

The thinking of a woman of modern society! She chanted in her head.

Without fuss, she told the man her mobile phone number for work and even initiated WeChat friend application

Mu Xiulun looked at his cell phone and said, "Why is your WeChat ID named 'Dr. Su?"