
Entertainment Circle: It’s Not Easy To Be the Wife of A Celebrity

The Su family has twin daughters. They were like the sun and the moon; one sister was bright and had a carefree disposition while the other one was demure and reserved. But it never occurred to anyone that when the twins grew up, the introverted sister would step into the entertainment circle and became a well-known flower! While the other one packed up her school bag, and aiming to become a doctor of Geology, sailed across the ocean! One day, while the other sister’s intoxicated face was exploring the wild, a manager with a group of bodyguards tied her up and brought her to a variety show! “What bedroom scene are you trying to make me do?! Let this old woman go!!!” “Su Jishi, your sister left a retirement letter and disappeared! All her endorsements, variety shows, and movie contracts add up to more than three billion dollars in liquidated damages! If she still won’t show up, then you have to take her place for the meantime! “What?!” “By the way, she’s currently dating the vice president of XX Group and you have an appointment with him tomorrow night.” Manager: “You are three centimeters taller than your sister, two degrees darker than her skin…your hair is fifty centimeters shorter, and a mole is missing from the corner of your eye. The most important thing is that you are ten pounds heavier than her! Starting today, you have to strictly follow a diet to lose weight! Are you allergic to anything or abstain from any food? Woman: “I’m not a vegetarian.” Manager: “…” The president held the woman’s face in his hands and affectionately said, “Dear, this mole on the corner of your eye was made to be kissed by me.” The woman raised her hand to wipe off the mole: “Sorry, this mole was only painted!” I love this novel because it is very relatable I do not own the image or the story all the credit goes to the real creator

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35 Chs

Chapter 25 – Humble Requests

Carefully cooked seafood was served on the table one by one, and red wine in the goblet gave off an attractive aroma. However, the people sitting on both sides of the fancy dishes did not have the desire to move their chopsticks.

Two people across the table, one was handsome and mature, the other, sweet and gentle. From the perspective of the servers, they were a beautiful pair of a young couple.

After the dishes were served, the waiter withdrew quietly, leaving room for them.

Half a minute passed in silence which was fine with Su Jishi as silence was her comfort. Mu Xiulun couldn't take it anymore and finally blurted out, "Miss Su, my time is very precious, so let's get straight to the point."

"Mr. Mu, my time is also very precious." Su Jishi smilingly said, "If Mr. Mu has anything to say, just say it."

Mu Xiulun: "…"

Mu Xiulun cleared his throat, a bit stunned by her change in the aura.

"Over the past three years, Miss Su and I have cooperated smoothly. Now that the contract expires, we should also consider renewing it."

Here we go, here we go! Indeed as expected!

Su Jishi secretly touched her weapon, her hand under the dining table hovered over geological hammer held by her leg garter.

This flat-mouthed geological hammer was her first-class good comrade-in-arms, accompanying her up the highest mountains and down the seas of fire She lost count of how many times she had been in the wild. Even igneous rocks would crack when she hit them down with one strike.

Mu Xiulun suddenly felt cold sweat run at his back, he inexplicably shuddering. But he didn't care and took out the contract from his briefcase then pushed it to Su Jishi calmly.

There are more than ten pages in the contract. Mu Xiulun has already signed the contract in the column of Party A, and the column of Party B was still empty, waiting for Su Jishi to put pen to paper.

It seems … quite normal?

Su Jishi was somewhat curious and involuntarily accepted the contract.

The first few pages are full of complicated cooperation clauses. Su Jishi looked at them roughly and quickly turned to the important parts — the rights and obligations of both parties.

-Clause 8.1.1 [Party A shall provide Party B with five or more film and television cooperation projects and one or more variety of cooperation projects each quarter, while other fashion resources and media shall be exposed. When Party B encounters public risks, Party A shall employ a professional team to safeguard Party B's image]

-Clause 8.1.2 [Party A and Party B have a mutually beneficial relationship and shall not disclose their relationship to the public (except relatives and friends)]

-Clause 8.1.3 [When Party A has social needs, Party B shall participate in Party A's social activities as a girlfriend and cooperate with Party A's acts of showing love, and shall not refuse]

-Clause 8.1.4 [Party B needs to date Party A three times a month] [Party B needs to date Party A once a month depending on Party A's work arrangement].

-Clause 8.1.5 [Appointment contents shall be stipulated by Party A, including but not limited to holding hands, hugging, kissing and staying overnight. Party B shall not raise any objection]

Su Jishi: "…."

Su Jishi: "..."

Su Jishi: "...…"

She looked suspiciously up from the contract and looked at Mu Xiulun sitting opposite her.

Is this a business contract?

Although Su Jishi had not seen any other "financial backers", she could also judge through common sense that normal financial backers would not give such excellent contracts. In this contract, Su Jin had a quite greater advantage, while Mu Xiulun paid and contributed and only got a vase girlfriend in return.

Other female stars found themselves abused by their financial backers by being forced to give sexual pleasures.

Yet, Mu Xiulun was different. He was simply like a father delivered to her sister's door—not that Su Jishi knew if her father was still alive at this time, she doubted if Mu Xiulun was the reincarnation of her father.

Su Jishi pointed to the lines crossed out and asked, "Are these …?"

Mu Xiulun intervened, "Those are my lawyers making their own decisions. They are not conducive to our cooperation, so I had the unnecessary terms erased."

The most important thing is that too much physical contact will make Su Jin have unrealistic fantasies about him, so he made sure to not give room to this possibility.

Su Jishi was completely unaware of his narcissistic thoughts, in her mind, she truly believed that he was just being a gentleman.

The woman's hands were hidden under the table relaxed and removed its grasp from the hammer. She pushed the contract back and said, "Thank you, Mr. Mu, for your respect, but I cannot accept this contract."