
Enter The Multiverse

A young boy awakens in an unnatural world known as The Multiverse that contains countless living beings within the universes that float around the endless white void. Now, he must harness a new power that he has been given in order to survive strange beings that attempt to destroy everything that this vast world has to offer. Along with a friend that only he can see, the brave child shall face the horrors of his world and possibly even more which lies beyond.

Lukas_Ruston_2524 · Others
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40 Chs

Core Corrections (L)

"I wanted you to join the protectors because Sapphire tasked me with observing you and making sure that you remembered eventually." Core stated before their colour changed from white to a deep blue. For a moment, Lukas stood with a look of surprise as he didn't expect Core to give him such a straightforward answer that he wanted to hear after all of the times that he had talked to them before. "Don't let your guard down; staying silent for too long will just allow the one you're questioning to ease up a bit and then you won't get as many answers!" Bethany exclaimed which immediately made Lukas respond to Core. "Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?" Lukas asked as he walked further into the room. "Because I knew that you would've joined out of pure curiosity of my knowledge about her. I needed your decision to be unaffected by her... but I suppose that option is off the table now that you remember her name." Core replied as the colour contained within them changed from being still to more of a foggy appearance as it spiralled within their spherical body. "I still don't get it, why was it so important for me to not know anything about her?" Lukas inquired as his frustration was becoming increasingly clear... although he himself could not tell whether that anger was meant to be directed at Core or Sapphire for being so secretive. "I'm as clueless about that part as you are. There must have been some reason as I remember her telling me and at the time it seemed completely logical... but I can't remember the details of our final conversation." Core explained as their colour yet again changed but this time into a sort of grey colour.

"Well, can you remember anything else about that last conversation? Like, did you talk about any other specific details or do you remember where or when it was?" Lukas continued his questions but Core didn't seem to mind. "Uh, should I just... stay here or...?" Dream asked as he had just been standing awkwardly to the side whilst the others conversed. "You may go, we'll continue our discussion tomorrow." Core spoke to which Dream nodded and waved to Lukas before quickly walking to the giant door behind them all. "To answer your question, Lukas; the last time I talked to her was on her death bed before this Multiverse was even created... but I somehow still managed to hear her words in my mind when I met you. She told me what to do when I first saw you." Core stated which shocked Lukas quite a bit. "She's been dead for that long? How is it possible for her to still communicate with you then?" Lukas questioned Core further in the hopes of at least solving one mystery before the day was over. "I feel like you should already know how it's possible considering your dearly beloved that has fused with your own soul." Core answered which also surprised Lukas and almost immediately caused him to summon forth his soul to look at it once again. As the red orb with a small fragment of purple appeared before him; the physical manifestation of his soul, he could only realise what Core was implying.

"How could your souls fuse just like that? With me and Chara, it took the power of the Eye to fuse our souls so what kind of power fused yours and her?" Lukas asked as he began going off track without realising it. "She did it, she was a lot more powerful than I ever was... but she ended up fighting an enemy that she couldn't defeat." Core explained as their voice gradually slowed down as if it pained them to remember such things. "She was powerful enough to the point where she could fuse your souls but she couldn't defeat one of her enemies? W-Where is that enemy of hers now?" Lukas inquired as he was clearly very concerned. "There isn't a place in all of reality where they can't see but I'm unaware of their current location." Core clarified which just made Lukas' heart drop. "W-What's their name?" Lukas questioned Core one final time. "I believe she said it was something like... Laroxiam." Core said. Lukas didn't even react. From what Al, the boy in his dreams, had told him, Lukas fully expected for Laroxiam to be some kind of incredibly powerful entity... but the knowledge that they could see everywhere chilled him so much to the point where his mind and body just froze in place.

"Is... Is there a way to beat them?" Lukas asked in an incredibly concerned voice. "Yes, in fact, that is specifically why Sapphire asked me to get you trained by other Protectors. She believes that you may actually hold the key to defeating them." Core replied which made Lukas' eyes widen. "O-oh..." Was the only word that Lukas was able to muster. What Core just told him... it made him realise that somebody had apparently left the protection of the entirety of reality on his shoulders which was frankly more weight than he was prepared to carry. "You won't travel this path alone as long as you join the Protectors. Once that is done, we will attempt to teach you new ways to fight and new abilities. I've also heard your concerns about Michael and I assure you that I, along with the other Protectors, will keep the information about your powers a secret from him." Core explained as they seemed increasingly insistent on having Lukas join them. Lukas thought for quite a while about the deal and just how good it sounded... Bethany had gone silent so she wouldn't be influencing his decision either.

In the end, Lukas decided that it was finally time... he decided that the journey that he was about to take would not be one that he would like to travel alone on. "I... I accept." Lukas stated as he took a deep breath. "Thank you, Lukas. Believe me; Sapphire is going to be so proud of you." Core responded with a slightly audible laugh.

"Laroxiam? This is the first time that I've ever heard of someone like that." "Also, this is the first time I've ever heard of Core... things are certainly getting interesting, dont you think, Astro?" "Yes, indeed, I'm actually beginning to believe that we may actually be nearing freedom soon. Maybe... we'll be able to see the death of the Tyrant and the birth of the omnipotent god?"

Sorry for not posting in a while... yeah that's all I've really got to say this time around. Also, if you've read ETM: His Life, then you'll know who Laroxiam is but you will be wondering what happened between that story and this one. That'll all be explained in due time, my friends. Also, if you haven't read ETM: His Life, please do, for your sake, it'll make this stuff easier to understand in the long run. We'll, it's 1am as I'm writing this so I'm gonna head to bed, goodnight and I hope you enjoy reading. (Oh, by the way, thanks for the INSANE amount of views and collections from between chapters, that's more than enough support to know that I should continue writing)

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