


Just a guy who's writing for fun. I've had these stories in my head for a few years now and I suddenly have the urge to write them down. I welcome any and all feedback, I just want to improve.

2021-01-15 JoinedGlobal



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  • Lukas_Ruston_2524
    Replied to JustS0me0neFrench

    Unfortunately I don't know who that is, not as into the Undertale fandom as I was years ago when I first wrote this stuff. All I can say is that I wish I never followed Michael's story at all, this story was always meant for Lukas.

    Michael's main missions now that he is a protector are simple, these are: To protect The Sanctuary which is in the very centre of The Multiverse and is known as a safe place for all and the second mission is to stop The Destroyers from causing chaos throughout The Multiverse. He is currently on his way to a fellow protector known as Dream who had said that he saw Error (A well known Destroyer) causing mayhem, Michael had run into Error quite a few times throughout his life and he gets really annoyed when Error starts rambling on about how everyone else is a "Dirty glitch in The Multiverse." As Michael was getting closer to his destination, Dream used his staff to shoot a beam of light so Michael wouldn't accidentally fly past him, Error however noticed the beam of light as well and it almost immediately got his attention. As Michael flew towards Dream, Error was not too far away from taking Dream's life without him noticing... thankfully however, Michael managed to get Dream to notice Error by pointing towards him in time for him to avoid the attack. "You idiot!" Michael shouted. "Did it ever cross your mind that Error can see things as well?" Dream knew that when Michael was like this, there was no point arguing and so he just returned to The Sanctuary without saying a word. "We-ell I didn't expe-ect to see you-ou around he-ere... I had barely-y just started-ted having fun." Error spoke with his glitching voice. "I'm not here to make you talk Error... I'm here to make you go back into the Anti Void and sit there for the rest of eternity...or you could just not try to kill everyone you see and then I'd be fine with you wandering The Multiverse!" Michael replied. "Wow-ow how RUDE! Glitches like you don't-t deserve all the gifts that the-e gods-s-s have given you... all that pow-ower... that s-safe h-h-haven." By this point, Michael was tired of listening to Error babble on so he shot a laser blast in Error's direction and it hit. Error paused for a moment before continuing. "Fine I get-et it... LET'S GET STRAIGHT TO THE FUN PART THEN!" Error then started preparing his attacks... but Michael was tired of having to deal with Error day after day... so he just shot a sleep blast at Error's soul to make him fall asleep... thankfully Michael had done this before and it seems to be one of the only things that affects Error. Michael then grabbed Error's hand and moved it around in a weird motion... Michael had observed Error before and had seen him do this to summon a portal that led straight into the Anti Void he then pulled Error through the portal and closed it behind before returning to The Sanctuary... yet another crisis averted.
    Enter The Multiverse
    Others · Lukas_Ruston_2524
  • Lukas_Ruston_2524
    Replied to GztalePony

    Thank you so much. It's really nice to see people supporting my story ideas.

    Enter The Multiverse
    Others · Lukas_Ruston_2524
  • Lukas_Ruston_2524
    Replied to strawaa

    Sorry, that seemed like less of an invitation to join the contest and more like self-advertisement to me. I'm not exactly trying to earn any rewards but I'd be interested in joining this competition nonetheless,

    ETM: His Life
    Fantasy · Lukas_Ruston_2524
  • Lukas_Ruston_2524
    Replied to HeavenlyMarks

    I mean... that's the wrong Dream but okay. This was written before Dream started getting super popular.

    Michael's main missions now that he is a protector are simple, these are: To protect The Sanctuary which is in the very centre of The Multiverse and is known as a safe place for all and the second mission is to stop The Destroyers from causing chaos throughout The Multiverse. He is currently on his way to a fellow protector known as Dream who had said that he saw Error (A well known Destroyer) causing mayhem, Michael had run into Error quite a few times throughout his life and he gets really annoyed when Error starts rambling on about how everyone else is a "Dirty glitch in The Multiverse." As Michael was getting closer to his destination, Dream used his staff to shoot a beam of light so Michael wouldn't accidentally fly past him, Error however noticed the beam of light as well and it almost immediately got his attention. As Michael flew towards Dream, Error was not too far away from taking Dream's life without him noticing... thankfully however, Michael managed to get Dream to notice Error by pointing towards him in time for him to avoid the attack. "You idiot!" Michael shouted. "Did it ever cross your mind that Error can see things as well?" Dream knew that when Michael was like this, there was no point arguing and so he just returned to The Sanctuary without saying a word. "We-ell I didn't expe-ect to see you-ou around he-ere... I had barely-y just started-ted having fun." Error spoke with his glitching voice. "I'm not here to make you talk Error... I'm here to make you go back into the Anti Void and sit there for the rest of eternity...or you could just not try to kill everyone you see and then I'd be fine with you wandering The Multiverse!" Michael replied. "Wow-ow how RUDE! Glitches like you don't-t deserve all the gifts that the-e gods-s-s have given you... all that pow-ower... that s-safe h-h-haven." By this point, Michael was tired of listening to Error babble on so he shot a laser blast in Error's direction and it hit. Error paused for a moment before continuing. "Fine I get-et it... LET'S GET STRAIGHT TO THE FUN PART THEN!" Error then started preparing his attacks... but Michael was tired of having to deal with Error day after day... so he just shot a sleep blast at Error's soul to make him fall asleep... thankfully Michael had done this before and it seems to be one of the only things that affects Error. Michael then grabbed Error's hand and moved it around in a weird motion... Michael had observed Error before and had seen him do this to summon a portal that led straight into the Anti Void he then pulled Error through the portal and closed it behind before returning to The Sanctuary... yet another crisis averted.
    Enter The Multiverse
    Others · Lukas_Ruston_2524
  • Lukas_Ruston_2524
    Replied to Sleepy_art

    Thanks for the feedback.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Enter The Multiverse
    Others · Lukas_Ruston_2524
  • Lukas_Ruston_2524
    Replied to N0_Hope

    Completely understandable. I'll admit that I overcomplicate things a bit to the point where I doubt everybody will be able to rap their heads around it. I'll also admit that the quality of the early chapters feels lacking even for me but I did write those a few years ago and I've improved since then. Your feedback is greatly appreciated as I only wish to improve and any criticism and critiques are immensely appreciated.

    Enter The Multiverse
    Others · Lukas_Ruston_2524