
Entangled With An Alien Prince

"You're at my mercy now little human" What happens when a human girl who never believed in intergalactic extraterrestrial life gets left behind on a planet full of them. She has to do whatever she can to get back to Earth but what will she do when the Runadan Prince stands in her way and is all but merciful and kind to her. Follow Kathleen on her journey with Dandelion

EmpireQuinn · Fantasy
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5 Chs


A few days had passed, the girls seemed to be preparing to leave. Tilly hadn't bothered them in a while. They were actually very happy, something that hadn't happened to them in a long while.

Omar had decided to return to Mexico after the visit he paid to the girls. He was currently in his office going through some pictures of Jane and Kathleen. There was a projector in front of him which displayed these pictures.

His personal assistant and bodyguard were standing to his sides respectively. Omar looked at every feature of the girls until he finally spoke to his men.

"Don't you think they look a little malnourished? This is definitely not how they looked before handing them over to Tilly".

"Sir, it might not be my place to say this but it's very obvious that Mrs Tilly does not take good care of them. She's just after the benefits attached to caring for them.", His assistant answered.

Omar rubbed his chin, his handsome face deep in thought.

"You're right Zammy, Tilly was probably a wrong choice. She always had that greedy look in her eyes since the day I met her but I didn't think much of it. Well, the girls will be staying in the dormitories. I want you to use that time to find a suitable apartment for them. Seeing as they will be adults soon and will spend most of their time in school, I don't think there is a need to provide a caretaker for them."

"Sir if they won't need a caretaker, why not throw Tilly out of the house so the girls can still occupy their current home?", Zammy asked.

"I guess that's true. I don't need Tilly anymore. When the girls move to school, hand over an evacuation note to Tilly two weeks before the day she is supposed to leave the house.", Omar instructed.

"That will not be a problem Sir."


The day had finally arrived for Kathleen and Jane to move to Oxford University. Men dressed in black outfits were all over the house helping the girls with whatever they needed to take with them. Black cars were parked outside the house that one would think the Queen's daughter was about to receive a send-off.

Tilly had been parading a scrunched up face all day but this didn't sour Jane's and Kathleen's mood. They were finally set to go and Tilly didn't even appear to send them off. She simply locked herself in her room so they left.

The black cars were leaving Yorkshire for Oxford University and Kathleen was so excited, little did she know that that was the beginning of her new life, a life she never imagined, a life she never knew she would live.

It took a while to get to their destination that Kathleen had fallen asleep so many times and Jane was not an exception, but finally they had arrived. For before their very eyes was a building as majestic as the castles they had seen in ancient royal movies. The entrance building alone was quite menacing and imposing with its sheer size.

They passed many buildings on the way until they finally got to the administrative building. There, Zammy ordered the men to get their luggages while he headed to the Dean's office with the girls trailing behind him.

As they walked through the hallways, the girls were really excited but scared at the same time due to the number of new faces, especially Kathleen.

They finally reached the Dean's office and Zammy didn't have to knock because the Dean was already standing there with the door wide open. He ushered them in and told them to make themselves comfortable.

"Mr Bellingham, I believe you got a letter from my boss' company a while back. We are looking to enroll Kathleen and Jane over here into this College.", Zammy started the conversation without beating around the bush.

"Yes Personal Assistant Zammy, I got the letter and everything has been arranged and prepared for them. All they have to do is fill in these forms concerning their personal information and course", Mr Bellingham said.

"About their personal information, they're orphans, so there isn't much that they can fill in that form. I know that it is a compulsory thing to fill in the form but I ask that you make this case an exception. For now, any issue pertaining to their parents and personal information, you can send a message to Mr Duran through me."

Bellingham agreed and handed over an educational form to the girls and Zammy watched them while they looked at it.

The form required them to write their major and minor courses and electives. It had lots of information which needed to be filled and the girls filled them.

Finally, it was time for Zammy to leave.

"Miss Jane, Miss Kathleen, I have to go now as my work here is done. Mr Bellingham here will see to it that you get to your rooms and know your way around the school. If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask Mr Duran through the contact number with the Dean. Have a nice Stay at Oxford University."

The girls thanked him and he was on his way. A few minutes later, a lady appeared. She seemed to be the one to lead them to their dorm rooms. Kathleen and Jane followed after her and tried to make small talk with her but she didn't seem like the chatty type.

Turned out, Kathleen and Jane were in different dorm rooms, much to their dismay. They tried complaining to the lady but only received scolding.

"You don't own this academy to decide which rooms you will stay in. You don't seem to be conjoined so don't act like you are. Kathleen will stay in Room 25 and Jane in Room 3 as per instructions. As we are at Room 25, this is your stop Kathleen until it's time for your tour. Also note that because you're in different rooms does not mean you can't visit each other. You can visit each other but by 10pm everyone is expected to be in their respective dorm rooms or serious punishment awaits."

After her long scolding, she moved on to show Jane to her room leaving Kathleen standing in front of her room alone.

She took a deep breath and rolled her luggage in after opening the door.