
Entangled With An Alien Prince

"You're at my mercy now little human" What happens when a human girl who never believed in intergalactic extraterrestrial life gets left behind on a planet full of them. She has to do whatever she can to get back to Earth but what will she do when the Runadan Prince stands in her way and is all but merciful and kind to her. Follow Kathleen on her journey with Dandelion

EmpireQuinn · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Tilly was so annoyed because she couldn't find the 'good for nothing children'. She suddenly remembered that she sent them to prepare lunch. She slapped her forehead and headed to the kitchen. When she got there, she saw that the lunch was already prepared and thought about serving it to Mr Duran while taking credit for it.

Then she thought against it as she didn't want her terrifying boss to stay for a long time. She was scared that he would find out how she treated them.

"Listen up, my boss is in the house right now. He wants to see the both of you. Now, you better not say anything bad about me in his presence. I don't know how you're going to pretend to love me but you are going to do exactly that. Double cross me and you know what will happen.", Tilly threatened them and left.

"That old hag, she thinks that I'll be quiet in front of Sir, I'll expose her for who she is". Jane made to move but Kathleen caught her arm immediately.

"Jane, don't be irrational. She will make our lives hell if we double cross her. Behave yourself or you're going to make me really sad. Do you want me to be sad?"

Jane sighed, "Fine. Whatever...let's go".

Few minutes later, they arrived in the living room where Mr Duran and his bodyguards along with Tilly were sitting. Immediately they entered, Mr Duran raised his head to look at them.

He knew that Tilly was a shrude woman. He was trying to dig up some dirt on her by looking for anything out of place like scars on the girls, but he couldn't find any. 'Tilly is safe for now I guess', he thought.

"Kathleen and Jane...", Omar started.

"Hello sir"

"Hi sir"

"Have a seat. I'm not a man to beat around the bush so let me go straight to the point and do away with pleasantries. You girls are due for College already. You were about a year ago, so I apologize for the delay, but I've been quite busy with some work."

"No...It's no problem Sir", Kathleen said respectfully.

"I have already selected a private university which I think will be suitable for both of you. I just need you to select the courses you want to study."

He stretched his hand towards one of the bouncers and got a brochure from him and handed it over to Jane.

When Jane saw the name of the college, her eyes almost popped out of their sockets. "Oh My Gosh. Oxford University...Sir, isn't this university too expensive?", she asked.

"I don't believe I am short of money. I knew what responsibilities I would have to undertake when I started this foster system, so you don't have to bother your little selves about the money."

'This man. He is so young, barely 23 years of age. I wonder where he gets his money from.', Tilly thought.

"So go ahead and pick a course. Think carefully about it because this will shape your lives.", Omar told them.

Jane and Kathleen started looking through the brochure. The first thing they saw was the name of the university, OXFORD UNIVERSITY. The next things they saw were the buildings in the college. Every department had a different building. The school was so grand and magnificent that they couldn't help but wonder how it would look in reality.

When they flipped over to the next page, they saw all the different courses with their buildings and added benefits. They scanned through everything and Omar sat watching them. Tilly was itching to peep into the brochure but she behaved herself.

After a while, Jane and Kathleen finally decided what they would like to study.

Jane spoke first, "Sir, I think I would like to study Forensic Science."

"Hmm...That's quite a demanding course. You will spend most of your time studying. So tell me why you picked this one.", Omar asked.

"Sir, I've always loved to experiment on things. I think that the job of a forensic scientist will be quite interesting, getting DNA samples, carrying out Autopsy tests and more. It just calls out to me."

"What have you decided to study Kathleen?", he asked.

Kathleen was quiet for a while before she smiled and answered, "Astronomy sir."

Tilly and Jane snapped their heads to look at Kathleen, as if she just said the sky was green in color.

Kathleen didn't come off as someone that was fascinated with the stars and planetary bodies, this was what surprised them.

"I must say Kathleen, that was an answer I didn't expect. Tell me why you picked this one.", Omar asked again.

"I just want to study other planets and galaxies, study the stars, the moon. It's really fascinating actually. I want to know what it's like to be on the moon and many other things."

"Jane, a piece of advice, If you really want to be a Forensic scientist, you will have to study Chemistry, Physics and Biology very well.", Omar said, before he turned to Kathleen.

"Kathleen, you will have to be very good in Astrology and Astrophysics."

"Don't worry Sir, we won't let you down", Kathleen said while flashing her brightest smile which caused two little dimples to appear on her beautiful face.

"By Monday next week, you will start College. You have to pack whatever things you wish to take with you as soon as possible. You will be staying in the dormitories. I'll take my leave now. By Saturday, one of my men will be here to take you away."

With that Omar and his bodyguards left. Kathleen and Jane only had one thought on their minds, that they could finally escape this hell hole. Tilly was fuming and stormed out of the room leaving the girls to their own devices.