
Chapter 4 What's Going on with Grayson?

The sunlight streaming through the window awakened Lena. She gently opened her eyes, only to find herself in an unfamiliar environment, with unfamiliar bedsheets, unfamiliar covers, and aching all over. The scattered clothes on the floor reminded her of what had happened last night.

The sound of water gushing in the bathroom, the blurry figure reflected on the door glass, made Lena feel confused and uneasy. Even though she was a mother of a three-year-old child, she had only experienced such a thing once four years ago. When it came to matters between men and women, Lena felt a wave of shame.

Who was the other person? Were they handsome or unsightly? How did she end up in this room? Lena didn't have time to think about these now; she just wanted to leave as soon as possible. Quietly tiptoeing downstairs, bending her back, she picked up her clothes one by one. However, the clothes were torn and unwearable.

Looking at a men's shirt on the bedside table, Lena didn't think much and put it on, revealing her white thighs, grabbing her shoes, and heading out.

"You took advantage of me and want to slip away?" A cold voice came, making Lena stop in her tracks.

This voice was all too familiar to Lena. She stood helplessly at the door, afraid to turn around or open it. She would rather never see him again in her life because she hated him, hated his heartless abandonment of her and their child, hated his indifference and neglect over the past four years.

"Why am I here? Can you explain to me what's going on?" Lena's voice was filled with despair and tears as she faced away from Grayson.

"You were drugged last night?" Grayson's icy voice startled Lena.

Recalling last night at the party, Lena had been very low-key and had only drunk a glass of wine handed to her by Eva. There was nothing suspicious about anything else. The problem must have been in that glass of wine. She didn't know what she had done to offend Eva so much, making her hate Lena so intensely that she didn't hesitate to ruin Lena's reputation.

"Weren't you enthusiastic last night? Why are you shy now?" Grayson wanted to hug Lena, but his words turned sour, dripping with sarcasm.

"Ah, please don't say anymore," Lena squatted on the ground, burying her head in agony. She didn't want any more involvement with Grayson.

Grayson directly picked Lena up and gently placed her on the bed.

At this moment, Grayson wished this room could be infinitely large so he could keep holding Lena like this forever.

Lena nestled in Grayson's arms, feeling the warmth and familiar scent she had once known, but this warmth no longer belonged to her. The distance between them had long been established. He was the lofty CEO, and she was just one of the many struggling individuals in this city.

Just like what his mother had told her four years ago, "The heir of the Gray family needs a wife from a matching background, not a fairy tale story of a prince charming." At that time, naive Lena realized that Grayson was actually the sole heir of the prestigious Gray family, renowned across the country and even worldwide. She, like a clown, had been dating Grayson for four years without even knowing about his family background.

What was even more absurd was that she had been working for three years at the Cyberspace Group, which was also owned by the Situ family.