
Chapter 3 Why Are We Sleeping Together?

"Lena, Vienna, this is a five-star hotel! It's said that the expenses here range from thousands to tens of thousands! A meal here could cover our hard work for months. The new CEO is really something!" Lucy admired with a starry-eyed expression, almost drooling at the thought.

Lena handed a tissue to Lucy and said, "Wipe your drool quickly. When we're outside, don't mention that you're my apprentice. Don't embarrass me!" As a recent graduate without work experience, Lucy had learned a lot under Lena's guidance. Although Lena was a leader, she never acted high and mighty and was very approachable with Lucy.

Looking at Lucy, Lena saw a reflection of her own self when she had just graduated. She didn't know anything back then and faced many challenges. That's why she poured all her knowledge into teaching Lucy. Lucy chattered beside Lena, and Lena didn't know how to handle it.

"Alright, stop chattering. Get back to work quickly! Otherwise, there will be no bonus this month!" Lena sensed Lucy's unease but didn't know what to do. Since welcoming the CEO in the morning, Lena had noticed Lucy's bad mood but didn't dare to say much, quietly getting busy.

As the day passed, Lena couldn't focus on work. Images from four years ago kept flashing in her mind, Grayson and Bella leaving the hotel together, Bella occupying a painful corner in Lena's heart. Bella was her college roommate, so why Grayson? Whenever she thought of these things, Lena felt like needles piercing her heart, unable to breathe.

Finally, it was time to get off work. Lucy naturally linked arms with Lena. "Lena, let's go! Let's dress up and pick out evening gowns. You're the talented one in our design department!" "Little Lucy, you want to dress up, why do you have to drag me along! I don't know you well yet, so save the compliments for later!" Lena knocked Lucy's head lightly. "Yes, sir!" Lucy saluted in a serious manner, amusing Lena.

This playful scene happened to be caught by Grayson from afar. He had suffered for four years, yearning for four years. Why should she be so carefree? Why did she disappear into thin air when he was about to propose, without leaving a word? He had been like a fool, drinking until he had gastric bleeding for her sake.

Lena had an oval face with delicate features, flushed cheeks, and a head of smooth and silky reddish-brown hair cascading down her neck. Her white evening gown accentuated her smooth and tender skin, the slender waistline perfectly outlining a mature and graceful figure, the ample bosom modestly concealed beneath the gown, the simple design of the skirt highlighting her long and slender legs and waist.

"Lena, you're as beautiful as an elf!" Lucy chose a light yellow evening gown that complemented her lively and playful nature.

The two walked into the hotel, causing a small stir. Lena's beauty and demeanor made other women jealous, especially when she wore the white gown, she looked like an angel.

Fortunately, Grayson hadn't arrived yet. Lena nervously found a less conspicuous spot, trying to lower her presence as much as possible.

Grayson's arrival attracted the attention of all the girls present. He had changed into a black suit, exuding more mystery and seriousness.

The person before her was no longer the boy who indulged her whims and pranks. Four years had made him more mature, more manly.

No matter how good the delicacies were, they had no taste for Lena now. She just wanted to end this boring dinner as soon as possible.

Eva brought over two glasses of red wine and handed one to Lena.

"I toast to you." Eva raised her glass, watching Lena finish it all, a hint of cunning in her eyes, as if she had succeeded in some conspiracy.

After a while, Lena felt uncomfortable and decided to step outside for some fresh air.

"Ah ah ah ah!" A roar disrupted the morning's dream.