
Chapter 25 He's Helen's Dad, Isn't He?

"Lena, is it really over? I can see that Grayson still has feelings for you!" Alice asked persistently, unwilling to give up. Following the principle of not letting outsiders reap where they didn't sow, Alice still hoped they could be together. She had witnessed Lena's hardships and struggles over the years.

"He's Helen's dad, isn't he?"


Alice was Lena's close friend and Helen's godmother. When it came to Grayson, Lena didn't want to hide anything from Alice. She didn't want to bring up what happened four years ago, so she hadn't told Alice. But now she made it clear to Alice that they would have no future together.

"Grayson and us are just not from the same world," Lena said helplessly. From Lena's expression, Alice could tell that Lena had never forgotten Grayson.

However, since it was Lena's personal matter, Alice couldn't say much more. Matters of the heart had to be resolved by the parties involved; others couldn't intervene. Alice firmly believed that Grayson loved Lena and Lena still loved Grayson. There must have been some misunderstanding that led to their breakup.

"By the way, I don't want Grayson to know about Helen's existence. I'll need your help to cover for me when necessary!" Lena instructed Alice.

"Don't worry, I'll do anything for my goddaughter!" Alice assured, patting her chest.

"But, is it good to keep hiding like this? With Grayson's capabilities, he could quickly discover Helen's existence if he finds any clues!" Lena sighed. "Well, let's take it step by step."

"And keeping Helen a secret like this, isn't it unfair to her? She's growing up day by day, and those myths about her alien dad won't fool her forever," Alice pointed out.

"I don't know what to do. I'm torn," Lena said helplessly, burying her head in Alice's shoulder.

Seeing Lena like this, Alice felt sorry for her. She hugged Lena, patted her back, and comforted her, "It's okay, we'll face it together! We've been through four years, and we're not afraid of the next four years, or even the future!"

Lena was touched to have such a good friend as Alice. She smiled in Alice's embrace and jokingly said, "I should make a banner for you, saying 'Best Friends in the World'!"

"Haha," Lena laughed.

"You wish!" Alice picked up a pillow and tossed it at Lena.

The two laughed and joked, forgetting about the troublesome men for a while.

Later that night, as they lay in bed, Alice recounted the incident with Charles from that evening to Lena.

"Who would have thought! My Alice is so charming, she could send Charles, the rich young master, to the police station!" Lena teased, giving Alice a thumbs-up.

"Ah, their circle is so far from ours!"

"Let's just live our lives well!"

"Exactly, my expert friend!" They chatted idly.

"I'm free this weekend, let's take Helen to the amusement park! I haven't seen my goddaughter in ages!"

"Sure! Let's go to the biggest amusement park in the new capital! The little girl has been pestering me about it!"

Putting Grayson aside, life was still beautiful!

With smiles on their faces, the two drifted off to sleep.

The morning sunlight streamed through the windows, leaving warm traces everywhere. But Lena felt a chill creeping from deep within her bones, piercing her heart.