
Chapter 26 Company Gossip Abounds

Lena shook her head, trying to clear her mind. Ever since Grayson returned, the impact on her had been immense. After breakfast, Lena and Alice went their separate ways.

As soon as Lena entered the company, she noticed two girls at the front desk whispering about something. Inside the office, colleagues were grouped together gossiping about something. When Lena entered, they dispersed consciously, which instinctively made Lena feel it was related to her.

Eva approached, sarcastically saying, "I wonder, someone's got quite the nerve, using a bit of charm to seduce the CEO. How does it feel now to be dumped?"

"You!" Before Lena could retort, Eva swayed away with her cat-like steps towards the pantry.

Lena's face flushed red with anger. She sat at her desk, feeling frustrated and not knowing how to vent.

"What's wrong, Lena?" Lucy looked at Lena's flushed face.

"What could be wrong? I'm fine, nothing's wrong!"

"I wanted to ask, what's everyone gossiping about? Is it about me?" Lena turned to Lucy.

"Lena, don't listen to their nonsense. I believe you're not that kind of person!"

"What are they saying?" Lena was confused.

"Promise not to get angry," Lucy insisted.

"Fine, I promise!" Lena raised her hand in resignation.

"Lena, I heard that the CEO's trip to France was supposedly for business, but he actually went to see his fiancée. They're saying you tried to seduce him in his office and got ruthlessly dumped!"

A wry smile formed on Lena's lips. Various versions of gossip became fodder for tea breaks and post-meal conversations. Lena couldn't be bothered with such trivialities. She thought, "Maybe it's time for a new job!"

"If I resign now, it'll only confirm their rumors. Failed seduction, no face to stay in this company!" "I should change jobs, get away from Grayson!"

Internally conflicted, Lena struggled with her decision.

Forget these trivial matters, focus on finishing work quickly. Tomorrow is Helen's day at the amusement park. Can't disappoint Helen. With Helen, everything else is secondary.

Weekend arrived, Alice called Lena to pick up some documents from the office. They planned to meet at the amusement park entrance.

Lena, having breakfast and tidying up, drove her Audi to pick up Helen from her mother's.

Helen wore the princess dress Lena bought, a bow on her waist, white pants, pink shoes, and a sparkling hair clip, resembling a little angel.

"Let's go, my beautiful princess!" Lena lifted Helen.

"Mom, I'm taking Helen out. You rest well at home! I'll handle any chores when I come back tonight. You're always tired taking care of Helen!" Lena kept talking to her mom.