
Chapter 17 Can't Think About It Anymore, You and Grayson Are History!

Lena smiled and waved her hand dismissively, "Forget it! We'll be there in a few minutes. I'll walk by myself!"

Lena didn't want her colleagues to see her getting out of William's car and start gossiping. Although everyone has freedom of speech, public opinion can be dreadful!

As Lena smiled and sent William away, Grayson saw Lena's radiant smile towards William in the rearview mirror. He felt extremely frustrated.

Since seeing Lena again, she seemed never to have smiled at him so brightly, so happily. Grayson stepped on the gas pedal aggressively, spraying Lena with exhaust fumes as he sped away.

Left with an angry face, Lena muttered to herself all the way, silently cursing every word she could think of in her mind.

After tossing and turning all night, Lena sat at her desk listlessly! She couldn't calm her mind, and every time she picked up a paintbrush, all she could think about was Grayson, making her day pass by in a haze of confusion.

She was supposed to present the design draft to the client today, but due to Lena's lack of focus, she didn't follow the client's requirements. This led to the client's dissatisfaction and complaints. In multiple phone calls, Lena apologized profusely several times before calming the client down.


Lena stood up and washed her face in the bathroom, patting her face lightly to feel more refreshed.

Can't think about it anymore. You and Grayson are history; he has a fiancée!

Lena shook her head, reminding herself to drive away these unrealistic thoughts from her mind.

Returning to her seat, she started working on the design draft that wasn't completed during the day. Such a tough life! It's pitiful being a working person!

Muttering to herself, Lena couldn't produce any good work in her current state of mind. She threw away one sheet of paper after another, not satisfied with any of her pieces.

Restless and impatient accurately described Lena at that moment. After drawing one after another, she finally produced a relatively satisfactory piece that only needed a few finishing touches.

A long-lost smile appeared on her face.

Grayson, who was preparing to leave work, had initially planned to go straight to the underground parking lot and drive home. However, inexplicably, he uncontrollably stopped on the same floor as Lena's office and walked towards her office.

The whole floor was pitch black, with only a dim light coming from the desk lamp on Lena's desk.

Under the faint light, Lena's gentle facial features emitted a charming aura of a woman. Her brows were furrowed as if she had a problem. She held a stack of papers in her hand, throwing them into the wastebasket. The basket was full of discarded papers, showing that she had been working hard for a long time.

After tossing the nth piece of paper, a satisfied smile finally appeared on her face.

Seeing Lena's smile, Grayson felt his heart melting. After a busy day, looking at countless documents and signing countless names, the fatigue that came with it dissipated instantly. He wanted to hold her in his arms.

After finishing the last bit of work, Lena finally took a deep breath of fresh air, raised her arms, and rubbed her slightly sore arms. Just as she was about to stand up and stretch her waist, she suddenly saw Grayson staring at her outside the office.

She slowly retracted the half-stretched movement of her waist.