
Chapter 16 Lena Unconsciously Touches Her Nose, Thankfully No Nosebleed

Lena opened her groggy eyes, and what she saw was the man's chest, realizing she was hanging on Grayson like a koala. Although they had already slept on the same bed before, she didn't make a fuss about it. However, why was she holding onto Grayson's waist this time, and why was her whole body pressed against him? What was terrifying was that she was actually enjoying it, feeling like it was the most peaceful sleep she had in these four years.

Lena felt like her soul had been sucked out, staring blankly at Grayson. After reacting, Lena was startled like a spring, suddenly letting go of Grayson's waist, her face full of shock.

"Uh... I... I caused you trouble last night..." Lena's tongue felt tied in knots.

"Lena, I didn't know you stuttered too!" Seeing Lena's fear of him, Grayson reverted to his cold self.

Grayson's robe was loosely tied, revealing his sturdy and muscular chest slightly. His movements getting out of bed were elegant and lazy, like an aristocrat just waking up. Lena looked at him, swallowing saliva involuntarily, completely mesmerized by him. She unconsciously touched her nose, thankfully no nosebleed.

"I... I..." Lena really didn't know what to say.

"Go freshen up. I'll take you downstairs to the restaurant later." Lena quickly grabbed her clothes from the bedside and rushed to the bathroom. She was afraid that if she stayed another minute, she would impulsively throw herself at Grayson, just like before. Grayson's lips curled up, reminiscent of the past.

After Lena finished getting ready and came out, she saw that Grayson was also ready. He was dressed in an expensive tailored suit, the fitted cut making him look exceptionally handsome and upright. The difference this time was that he wore a three-piece suit, a deep black color that gave off an aura of mystery, yet couldn't conceal the elegance and luxury emanating from him.

Lena was wearing the latest Chanel outfit, a pink dress that perfectly showcased her body's curves, making her look even more attractive. She wore a small suit jacket over it, exuding a tasteful and elegant charm.

"Let's go!" Grayson's throat tightened; he couldn't stay in this room any longer.

After a simple breakfast, the two went to work. Lena didn't want to take Grayson's car, saying, "I'll just take a taxi myself!"

"It's rush hour now. Do you want to lose part of your bonus?" When Lena heard about the bonus, she felt like her wallet had suddenly become lighter. She felt like the money she planned to buy Helen's beautiful clothes with was about to fly away. She had no choice but to take Grayson's car.

When they were ten minutes away from the company, Lena suddenly shouted to stop.

Grayson looked at Lena puzzled.

"I don't want my colleagues to see me getting out of your car and become the enemy of all female colleagues in the company!"

Is it so painful to be with me?

Situ Chen's hand on the steering wheel tightened, and you could hear the joints creaking.

"Bang!" An emergency brake, and Lena, caught off guard, almost hit the windshield in front.

"Get out!" Grayson's cold voice rang in Lena's ears.

Lena pushed open the car door, grabbed her bag, and walked away without looking back.

Crazy! Jerk! Bastard!

Lena cursed Grayson silently in her heart. William honked from behind. He rolled down the window, leaned his arm on it, and casually said, "Lena, come up! I'll give you a ride."