
Entangled Fate : The Novelity of Sweet Love

*Kindly Ignore grammatical errors* Shi Ning a ordinary girl who seduced bigshots with her beauty is nothing in the eyes of others is actually turned out to be phoenix.. Others envied her charms and intelligence... Little by Little they got to know her identity. .. .. .. .. She is a top student , daughter of a mysterious family, pampered Little princess, top pianist and violinist, a ninth class perfume maker and there are many hidden identities that can't be put on light. But when she was asked why is so capable.. She answered "I was just playing when I was young" others were awestruck by her blunt but bold reply.." Hey little ancestor please bless us" T_T .. T_T .. But Shi Ning was most interested in AI technology and advance intelligence... She kept programming day-night just to make an AI which could surpass the current technology by hundreds of years ahead.. **** **** **** **** **** Mu Jiaoh, the top ruler of entertainment industry, who owns severel media companies including entertainment companies has been seen in public with Shi Ning ... In others eyes Shi Ning was trying to please him ..But why should she please her employe .. Again Shi Ning was seen with Shi Jiechen , young master of the most famous Shi family and Ceo of Shi Group's , which is internationally stands as 2nd largest company..Now the netizens accused her saying she is seducing one of the most wanted bachelor... But soon they got face slapped.. Shi Jichen posted : Why do I need my most beautiful sister to seduce me ..If she asks for anything I'm willing to give it to her by hook and crook.. Again the spectators grasped –_— ... ... ... Soon the most wanted bachelor Bai Tian specially broadcasted live :- I'm courting My Ningning so stay far away from her ... Shi Jichen replied online :- Our Shi family or Baby Ning don't need wild boar's.. We brother's can look after her. . Several minutes later Bai Tian posted a photo of a beautiful young lady whose half face was hidden with a big banquet of colorful roses.. Captioning "She said Yes"..gloating emoticon .. love emoticon .. .. Please support the story ::- T_T ......../Hey readers English is my native language so Kindly Ignore My Grammatical Mistakes/..........

itzSahi_2716 · Teen
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11 Chs



Long Fuming then introduced a certain someone who was waiting for his turn. He couldn't rush because he didn't want to scare this little bunny away . He has to wait patiently and slowly trap her heart and make her willingly fall into this sweet love trap which she can't escape..

He shrugged off all his random thoughts as he looked aka drowned into her eyes while Long Fuming spoke " It's second young master of Bai family, Mr. Bai Tian , He is brother's  best friend since childhood . Maybe you know him"

Fuming said this as she felt the way they both looked into each others eyes as if they are the only one here so maybe they knew each other. Also she noticed their odd behavior. And specially they both are from mysterious family so they should  be familiar as the mysterious family is connected with each other as 5fingers in a hand.

There's even a phrase used to describe about the mysterious family that " It takes five fingers to make a fist, and top 5 families together  to make a country "

She let go of her thoughts as she watched her friend and her brothers friend shake hands with each other .

S. N. "Nice to meet you Mr. Bai." Although she didn't know why she felt as if he's her Brother 'An from childhood whom she misses a lot after leaving country but she didn't dare to be rash. As her upbringing didn't allow her to do so.

B. T. "Nice to meet you too Ningning, can I call you Ningning? You don't need to be so formal. I'm familiar with your family. You can call me Brother Tian or your Brother'An .Did you forget about your Brother'An ?"Saying that he made a pitiful face. Which Shi Ning felt too cute and adorable.

Shi Ning was shocked at the revelation actually Bai Tian was not ready too at first how he would feel and introduce himself to her after meeting her but it's just he followed his emotions and revealed his identity as her childhood sweetheart cum Brother'An .But he didn't regret it as he felt the sooner the better.

While Shi Ning didn't know what to say or do as for the first time in life after growing up she felt so many emotions at once. She missed her Brother'An too much specially after that incident. Actually he was also a victim of that incident ,he also needed therapy just like her and other victims stuck with them. But he healed up soon while she got a mental scar after that incident and had to leave the country , her Brother'An to recover .

Later after growing up a little she tried to find him from overseas but couldn't as she forgot his real name because she was used to calling him Brother'An .

<S. N. is Shi Ning3

<B. T. is Bai Tian3

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