
Ensnaring Darkness (BL)

When desires are kept bottled up, they become fiercer, longing to be fulfilled. Julien, a closeted gay fantasized of a romantic affair with his CEO, the ice-cold, domineering, and devilishly handsome Knox Von Dietrich. But that's all there is to it -a fantasy. Knox wouldn't want him. Heartbroken, Julien turns to an unlikely help and found his beliefs spiraling out of control as an odd app issued tasks for him to complete, all the while unraveling secrets and desire so dark that threatens to consume him. Julien is about to discover a whole new world filled with danger and excitement. Will he survive?

MsTabbyCat · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Donovan's Wish

The glass table in the living room was brimming with food. Aside from miraculously getting a gold bar, a passerby had given him a basket of fruits and a neighbor on each floor gave him a dish to take.

Julien glanced at the cause of it all. The round creature was curiously looking around the room. The soft jingle of bells drifted with the breeze from the open window as it's two gauzy tails swung from side to side.

"Mumu, come here." He decided to name the little creature similar to the sound it makes.

Mumu quickly jumped to his lap with a toothy grin. He poked the side of its mouth.

"This is all because of you right? The app said you'll bring good luck between me and Sir Knox. Instead all you did is give me food and that gold bar."

"Mu? Mu! Mu!" It sounded as if it was explaining itself and Julien sighed, rubbing its soft fur. At least, it was obedient and cute.

"But still. Thanks. I should probably learn more about you from that demon encyclopedia."

Julien spent the rest of the night reading on how to take care of a demon furball. He wondered if it will also give good karma between him and Knox. The answer was seen immediately the next day. When the demon furball saw Knox, it started trembling again and won't even step inside the office.

Julien could only sigh. There goes his near-death experience. He got a demon pet that gives luck to other things aside from his love life. He cursed the app once more in his heart.

That day, all the pre-scheduled meetings were cancelled to accommodate an abrupt meeting request from a man named Donovan Laroue. Riley called him and sounded ecstatic, claiming it was a miracle that Donovan agreed to meet. He was the only land-owner who refuses to sell a lot that was part of a development project.

As to why, only Donovan knows.

When Julien got on the car, a sweet and delectable fragrance tickled his nose. He spied a paper bag on his seat and carefully lifted it so he could sit down. Knox glanced at him casually.

"It will take us more than an hour to reach the meeting place. Eat up."

Julien glanced down at the still warm paper bag and peeked inside. It was filled with cupcakes and they all look appetizing.

He blushed and a warm feeling spread in his heart.

"Thank you sir! Please eat some too!"

But Knox only hummed in response. His focus entirely on his tablet. Julien admired his handsome and elegant look silently before turning back to the delectable cupcakes.

He loved sweet things and seeing the eagerness of the little furball snuggled on his side, it looks like it wanted a bite too.

Not a minute later after taking a bite, an inexplicable feeling of weightlessness spread from his head to his toes. He sluggishly leaned back on his seat with a blank stare. Julien wasn't aware of this or rather his mind had become blank. He could see and hear things but they won't register in his brain. At this moment, the creature on his side whined pitifully knowing the unusual state of its owner.

When Julien finally snapped out of the trance-like state, he was standing in front of a gloomy-looking mansion with gargoyle statues everywhere he looked. Tall trees with spindly branches loomed over and casted shadows all over the place. Turning back, he spied an intricately-designed black gate over ten meters high. The ground was paved and the lawn was maintained well. There was even a magnificent fountain at the center and yet the feeling it imparted was melancholy and grief.

A strange sense of oppression weighed heavily in the air. Goosebumps pebbled his arms the more he took the place in.

"Mu! Mu!Mu!" Mumu kept whining and shivering on his shoulder.

"Let's go, Mr. Alderean" Knox started to walk to the double doors that had opened with an eerie moan. He was surprised and realize that his boss was standing beside him all this time.

The phone in his pocket vibrated. Julien's stomach churned in distress. It looks like he received a new mission.

As soon as they stepped inside, the double doors closed. The spacious hall was dimly lit with scented candles and a lone, antique-looking chandelier overhead a marbled staircase.

Julien didn't know which made him reel back - the heavy smell of sandalwood permeating in the air or the skinny man dressed in a black suit approaching them with a cold smile.

The smile on his pale, thin lips looked like it was carved and didn't reach his eyes. A pair of obsidian black eyes stared unblinkingly at them. Julien unconciously inched closer to Knox.

"Welcome Mr. Von Dietrich, Mr. Alderean. My master is waiting for you in the tea room. Follow me."

They followed behind silently. Julien realized that the man's footsteps were too silent, he could hardly hear it.

Like the hallway, the tea room was dimly lit. There were scented candles everywhere and a weak fire was burning by the hearth. An old man with hair as white as snow was sitting in a wheel chair by the fire.

"Come in." A raspy voice ordered and the man from before ushered them inside before closing the door. Julien heard a sharp click and had an uncanny suspicion that they were locked inside.

'But that's probably my silly imagination right?'

He glanced at Knox and seeing his calm expression, he relaxed a bit.

"Mr. Von Dietrich, thank you for coming after a short notice. Please sit down and help yourself with a cup of tea."

Knox didnt reply and merely sat down. Julien followed suite, looking around the room.

This looked to be a tea and study room combined as there was a table, desk and bookshelf on the other leftmost side and on the right side, taking more space were couches and a corner to read books. Julien's attention was pulled back to Donovan when he spoke.

"You must be wondering why now?"

The man in the wheelchair, Donovan finally turned around. Deep lines from old age was etched in his face. His blue eyes looked cloudy but his smile was warm and kind.

"You did well." was Knox's cyrptic reply.

Donovan nodded slowly and finally turned his eyes to him. Julien sat straighter. "G-good day Mr. Lauroe."

"Thank you for coming. You must be Mr. Alderean."

"Yes, I am. It's nice meeting you!"

"It took a long time to gather the information you see. I sacrificed a lot just to make sure that Mr. Von Dietrich will be able to give me what I want."

"What you want?" Julien murmured softly. He was getting more confused and curious.

Donovan wheeled himself closer to the fireplace and reached towards a picture frame displayed on the ledge.

He showed it to them. A picture of a happy family of three. It was Donovan, although he looked to be years younger, a beautiful blonde woman and a dark-haired boy that wore a striking resemblance to Donovan.

"I want you to take revenge for me."